
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1882-83    The Dundee Directory, pub. Mathew, published: Jun 1882,  original : National Library of Scotland      There are 529 records.

Watson, Thos. (draper and clothier, Dundee), Varna cottage, W. NewportLocation
Watson, Wm. B. (manufacturer, Dundee), Woodriffe ter., E. NewportLocation
Webster, David, accountant, 4 Kilnburn place, East NewportLocation[VR lists him at (now 8) Kilnburn]
Webster, Mrs, lodgings, St Phillan's place, East NewportLocation
Webster, Thomas, farmer, Grange, Balmerino[not in Forgan parish]
Wedderburn, H. S., Chairman; [under Balmerino School Board][not in Forgan parish]
Welch, George (ship agent, Dundee), Ivybank, West NewportLocation
Welch, John (accountant, Royal Bank, Dundee), Struan pl. E. NewportLocation
Wells, Willard B. (U.S. consul, Dundee), 1 Wellgate park, West Newport [?]
Whitehurst, Francis, jun. (cabinet mkr., Dundee), Derby house, E. NewportLocation
Whittet, Helen P., Elmbank, West NewportLocation
Whyte, Alexander, jobbing gardener, Forgan cottagesLocation
Whyte, Mrs, 13 Kilnburn place, East NewportLocation
Whytock, Mrs, Union terrace, East NewportLocation
Williamson, W. H., house proprietor, King street, East NewportLocation
Willock, Thomas; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport Bowling Club] Location (2)
Willock, Thos. (teller, Bank of Scot., Dundee), Salem cot., W. NewportLocation
Wilson, John R. (mar. insur. broker, Dundee), Woodmuir park, W. NewportLocation
Wilson, Mrs E., 4 Youngsdale place, East NewportLocation
Wilson, Mrs, William street, East NewportLocation
Wilson, Thomas G., fleet surgeon, R.N., 1 Hillpark place, E. NewportLocation
Wilson, William, grocer, 3 St Phillan's place, East NewportLocation
Wybrants, Mrs H., Kilnburn terrace, East NewportLocation
Young, Andrew, baker and grocer, High streetLocation
Young, Charles (manufacturer, Dundee), Bellevue terrace, E. NewportLocation
Young, J. R., merchant, Youngsdale place, East Newport [?]
Young, Mrs A. D., St Phillan's place, East NewportLocation
Young, Mrs Elizabeth ( spirit merchant, Dundee), Garland villa, W. NewportLocation
Young, William, blacksmith, PierheadLocation

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