
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1915-16    The Dundee Directory, pub. Mathew, published: Jun 1914 [sic],  original : Internet Archive      There are 1084 records.

Langlands, William, clerk, The Terrace, Woodhaven rd., W. NewportLocation
Latto, Arthur, Brier cottage, King street, East NewportLocation
Latto, James M., joiner and funeral undertaker, Union street; h. Cragganmhor, East NewportLocationLocation (2)
Latto, James M.; Second Ward [under Newport Burgh Parish Council]
Lawrence, Geo. A., teacher, Mackie house, Woodhaven rd., W. NewportLocation
Lawson, Archibald (warehouseman, Dundee), Brockville, Cupar road, East NewportLocation
Lawson, Daniel, Kilnburn house ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]Location
Lawson, Daniel, Kilnburn house, East NewportLocation
Lawson, Daniel; Vice-Presi?dent [under Newport Liberal Club]
Lawson, John L., stationmaster, Wormit Station ; h. StationhouseLocationLocation (2)
Lawson, John S. (ropemaker, Dundee), Carseview, WormitLocation
Lawson, Robert (ropemaker, Dundee), Helen villa, WormitLocation
Lawson, William, plasterer, WoodhavenLocation
Lees, H. (oil merchant and electrician, Dundee), 4 Hill crescent, WormitLocation
Leitch, Andrew (shipowner, Dundee), Netherlea, Woodhaven road, West NewportLocation
Leitch, Andrew, Netherlea ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]Location
Leitch, R. T. (shipowner, Dundee), Fernbrae, West NewportLocation
Leith, Mrs, Figtree terrace, Woodhaven road, West NewportLocation
Leng, John A. (newspaper proprietor, Dundee), Seymour, Tayport road, East NewportLocation
Leng, John A.; Commodore, [under Newport Boating Club]Location
Leng, Lady, Kinbrae (Telephone No. N. 33)Location
Leng, W. C., Highfield ; [under Justices Of The Peace Resident At Newport]Location
Leng, William C. (of John Leng & Co., Ltd., Dundee), Highfield, West Newport (Telephone No. N. 35)Location
Lennox, John, furnishing ironmonger, 4 and 5 Robertson pl., E. NewportLocation
Leslie, David, tailor, 'Mars' ; h. Woodhaven terrace, WormitLocationLocation (2)
Leslie, John (insur. secretary, Dundee), 6 Youngsdale pl., E. NewportLocation
Lillie, James, postman, The Castle, Woodhaven road, West NewportLocation
Lindberg, Fred M. (motor lorry contractor, Dundee), Woodriffe terrace, East NewportLocation
Lindsay, Alexander (flaxspinner, Dundee), Seaton brae, WormitLocation
Lindsay, Alexander, Chairman; [under School Board Of Forgan]
Lindsay, Alexander; President, [under Wormit Bowling Club] Location (2)
Lindsay, Mrs David, Woodhaven, WormitLocation
Logie, Elizabeth K., 11 Norwood, East NewportLocation
Love, Mrs Henry, Union street, East NewportLocation
Low, Andrew, shipmaster, Sunnybank, East NewportLocation
Low, David (shipyard manager, Dundee), Rockcliffe, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
Low, J. Campbell (merchant, Dundee), Brooklyn, Tayport road, East NewportLocation
Low, James S. (manufacturer, Dundee), Ardoch, Norwood, E. NewportLocation
Low, John C. (merchant, Dundee), Westwood, West NewportLocation
Lowson, J. J., 4 Norwood, East NewportLocation
Lowson, Miss, 4 Norwood, East NewportLocation
Lowson, Peter (clothier, Dundee), Ardlui, East NewportLocation
Lowson, Peter, teacher, Ledaig, Bay road, WormitLocation
M'Andrew, William J., traveller, Derby house, Tay ter., East NewportLocation
M'Donald, D. (surveyor of taxes, Dundee), Myrtlebank, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
M'Donald, Mrs James, Anchorage, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
M'Dougall, Alex., carpenter, 'Mars' ; h. Yewtree cottage, WoodhavenLocationLocation (2)
M'Garry, David, bathman, St Clair cottage, WormitLocation
M'Gavin, Robert E. (merchant, Dundee), Benruaig, 13 Linden avenue, East NewportLocation
M'Glashan, David, fish and poultry dealer, PierheadLocation

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