
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1911    Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory and Topography of Scotland, published: Jun 1911,  original : Internet Archive      There are 737 records.

French Wm. Forrest, Taycliffe, Tayport rd., ELocation
Froebel Fred, Daisvbank [under Wormit]Location
Geddes John Charles. Scotswood [under Wormit]Location
Geddes Miss, Rose villa, WLocation
Gerrie George Ross, 6 Kilnburn place, ELocation
Gibb Misses. Glenvale [under Wormit]Location
Gilchrist John Gilbert, Nithbank [under Wormit]Location
Gillespie, David, esq. of Montquhannie; [under Principal Landowners]Location
Gleig Stewart, Woodhaven (letters via Wormit, Fifeshire) [under Forgan Farmers]Location
Glenday Mrs. 7 Youngsdale place, ELocation
Goodie Mrs. Springbank, WLocation
Gordon Mrs. Hill Park terrace [under Wormit]Location
Gould Mrs. Japonica cottage, WLocation
Graham David, Rose cottage. WLocation
Graham Robert, Seafield cottage [under Wormit]Location
Grant Fredk. F. Taybank, Tayport rd., ELocation
Grant William G. L. Woodside, James st Location
Grant William, Bellevue cottage, W Location
Gray John, Struiebrae, Tayport road, E Location
Guy William [under Woodhaven]Location
Haggart Thos. tailor & clothier, King st. E [under Commercial]Location
Hain Miss, Ashbank, Tayport road, E Location
Hall David, Hill bank, Tayport road, E Location
Halley Mrs. Woodmuir villa, WLocation
Harris Mrs. 2 St. Phillan's place, E Location
Harrison Charles John, Sanford [under Wormit]Location
Hastie Mrs. 1 Clifton bank, ELocation
Hay Miss, Ira bank [under Wormit]Location
Hay William, Wormit, Fifeshire [under Forgan Farmers]Location
Heggie Henry, Woodburn, Victoria st. E Location
Henderson David, Westlea [under Wormit]Location
Henderson James, draper, High street, E [under Commercial]Location
Henderson Mrs. Rocklea, Prospect ter. E Location
Henderson Mrs. Sunnyside, WLocation
Henderson William, Ascot, WLocation
Hislop Miss, Daisy Bank cottage, Woodriffe terrace, ELocation
Hodson Rev. Samuel B. (Episcopal); The Parsonage, ELocationLocation (2)
Hodson, Samuel Baggaley, rector; Episcopal Church, St. Mary's, Newport, Rev. [under Places Of Worship. ]Location
Holden Miss, Woodmoor, WLocation
Home George, Elmslea [under Woodhaven]Location
Honeyman Wm. C., Cremona vil., Tayport rd. ELocation
Hood Miss, Roselea, ELocation
Hood William, 11 Norwood terrace, ELocation
Hopkins Mrs. Highfield west [under Wormit]Location
Horsburgh James, coal merchant [under Wormit Commercial]
Horsburgh James, coal merchant, Queen street & Railway station. E [under Commercial]LocationLocation (2)
Horsburgh Mrs. Roselea vil. Queen st, ELocation
Howden Walter C. Elmbank [under Wormit]Location
Howell Mrs. Seafield [under Woodhaven]Location
Howie James R. 5 Hill crescent [under Wormit]Location

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