
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1936-37    Macdonald's Scottish Directory and Gazetteer, published: Jun 1936,  original : Internet Archive      There are 566 records.

Latto, James M., Union street; also funeral undertaker. Phone Nos. 12 and 19 : JoinersLocation
Latto, Jas., Tay st., E. N.Location
Lawson, Archibald, BrockvilleLocation
Lawson, Jas. D., Balmore, W. N. Location
Lawson, Mrs, St Margarets, E. N. Location
Lees, H., Tayside, Laurel ter., E. N. Location
Lees, Rev. J. A., Woodbine ter., E. N.Location
Leggatt, Rev. H., Corgarff, Wormit Location
Leitch, Mrs, Fernbrae, W. N.Location
Leng, J. St Quentin, Seymour, Tay st. Location
Leng, W. C., Waterstone Ho., W. N. Location
Leslie, J., Woodbank, W. N.Location
Leslie, John, Youngsdale place Location
Liberal Club, Queen st., East Newport : ClubsLocation
Lincoln, Col. J. W., Daylesford, W. N. Location
Lindsay, G., 12 Hill cres., Wormit Location
Lindsay, Mrs, Seaton Brae, Wormit Location
Little, G. B., Taybank, Wormit Location
Little, G. R.; Bailie [under Town Officials ]
Low, Andrew, Roselea, E. N.Location
Low, J. C., Craigard, E. N. Location
Low, John C., Westwood HouseLocation
Low, Miss, 2 Myrtle terrace, E. N. Location
Lowden, E. W., Westfield ter., W. N. Location
Lowson, Miss, 2 Struan place, E. N. Location
Lowson, Miss, 4 Norwood, E. N. Location
Lowson, Mrs, Rhufaada, W. N.Location
Lowson, P., teacher, Wormit Location
M'Donald, Miss, Thornbank, E. N. Location
M'Ewan, D., 3 Albert cres., E. N. Location
M'Gavin, D. B., 13 Linden avenue Location
M'Gregor, D., Union st. : PaintersLocation
M'Gregor, Miss, Alpine Cot., W. N. Location
M'Gregor, Misses, Whinfell, Wormit Location
M'Intosh, A., teacher, 7 Alma terrace, Wester NewportLocation
M'Kean, Miss, Rockville, W. N. Location
M'Kenzie, Mrs, Riverview, Wormit Location
M'Kenzie, Mrs, Sylvan HouseLocation
M'Kinnon, D. J., WormitLocation
M'Lachlan, Mrs, Rockville, ScroggiesideLocation
M'Laggan, Miss, Fern Cottage, W. N. Location
M'Laggan, Misses, 14 Kilnburn, E. N.Location
M'Millan, W., 10 High st. : Newsagents Location
M'Pherson, Mrs, Tayview ter., E. N. Location
M'Quoid, Jas., Lynedoch, Wormit Location
M'Walter, Miss, Olivet Villa, WormitLocation
Macdonald, A., Cliffside, Wormit Location
MacIntre, Rev. F. S., High st., E. N. Location
Mackay, Misses, Hermon Hill, Hillside placeLocation
Mackay, Wm., Lornville, Tay st. Location

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