
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1893    Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory and Topography of Scotland, published: 1893,  original : Internet Archive      There are 498 records.

Keddie Mrs. Agnes, Myrtle Bank, E NLocation
Keenan Mr. Thomas, Mackie pl. W NLocation
Kellock George, Balmerino : Farmers.[not in Forgan parish]
Kemp Frederick G., clerk, inspector and collector, Forgan Parish, (Blyth Hall bldgs., Scott st., Newport) : Parochial Board & Rate Officers
Kemp Frederick G., Treasurer and Collector : Commissioners' Office, Blyth Hall Buildings, Scott Street, Newport.
Kennedy Mr. David, Woodriffe terLocation
Kerr Mr. Henry, Ellenmount Villa, W NLocation
Kidd Mr. David, Thymbra Lodge, E NLocation
Kidd Mr. Jonas, Castle Cottage, W NLocation
Kidd Mr. William, Margaret Bank WormitLocation
Kidd Mrs. Grace, Wellpark ter. W NLocation
King Mr. Alexander S., Ravenscraig Villa, WormitLocation
Kinley James, Newton, Balmerino : Blacksmiths.Location
Kinnear Mr. Henry, Tay ter. E NLocation
Kinnear Mr. John T., Wellpark ter. W NLocation
Kinnes Mr. Robert, Kincraig, WormitLocation
Kinnison Miss Agnes, Beechwood, W NLocation
Laing Thomas William [sic] : Joiners.Location
Latto Agnes, greengrocer, East Newport : Miscellaneous.Location
Latto David, Union st : Joiners.Location
Lawson Henry G., Causewayhead : Farmers.Location
Lawson Mr. Archibald, Youngsdale pl. E NLocation
Lawson Mr. Daniel, 5 St. Phillan's pl. E NLocation
Lawson Mr. James, 20 Kilnburn plLocation
Lawson Mr. John, River view, WormitLocation
Learmonth John & Son, High st : Boot And Shoe Makers.Location
Leitch Mr. Robert T., Hill crest, W NLocation
Leng John, Esq. M.P., J.P., KinbraeLocation
Leng Mr. John A., Seymour, E NLocation
Leng Mr. William, Lydbrook, E NLocation
Leslie Miss Barbara, Hermonhill, E NLocation
Lindberg Mr. Otto M., Fern Brae, W NLocation
Lindsay Mr. David, Norbay, E NLocation
Low Mr. John C., Sunnybank Cottage, E NLocation
Low Mrs. Ann, Scott's Cottages, WormitLocation
Low Mrs. Eliza, Woodriffe terLocation
Low Mrs. Martha, Myrtle ter. E NLocation
Lowdon William, East Newport : Blacksmiths.Location
Lowson David, The Terrace, West Newport : Ship Masters.Location[Val. Roll has Mrs Lowson consistently at Well Cottage]
Lowson Miss Marjory, Belle Vue ter. E NLocation
Lowson Mrs. Helen, 6 Alma ter. W NLocation
Lowson Mrs. Margaret, Kilnburn terLocation
Luke Mr. James, Elm House, W NLocation
Lumsden Peter, Balmerino : Spirit Dealers And Public Houses.[not in Forgan parish]
M'Farland Mr. William, Tay View ter. E NLocation
M'Gregor David, Tay st : Spirit Dealers And Public Houses.Location
M'Kenzie Mr. Lewis, Beverley House, E NLocation
M'Lagan Mr. James, 14 Kilnburn plLocation
M'Laggan Mr. John, Craignish, W NLocation
M'Leod Neil, M.A., Rev., Newport Free Church : Places Of Worship And Their Ministers.Location

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