
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Notes from Newport Town Council Minutes

These are not full transcripts of the Minutes. They are my own notes.

1902-03       (November 1902 - November 1903)       Source: Newport-on-Tay Council Minutes, B79-1-2

Elected: Ward 1: James Young, baker, Newport 206 votes; Thomas Roger, grocer, Tay Terrace 205 votes; George Robertson Thom, merchant, Linden Avenue 203 votes; Ward 2: John Petrie Robertson, Eastbrook 155 votes; Robert T Leitch, Hill Crest 128 votes; William Carswell, grocer, Ascot 115 votes; Ward 3: William Robertson, provision dealer, Struan Bank House 123 votes; William Cowley, Riverside 109 votes; James Ogilvy Adams, calender, Wormit 99 votes. Fall in order of retiral in reverse order of number of votes polled. Thomas Roger - Provost; James Young - Senior Bailie; William Robertson - Junior Bailie.
Artesian well to be sunk in new gasworks.
Applications for overhead cables at Wormit - delayed.
Plans: John Sinclair, coal agent, Woodhaven - semi-detached cottages at Wormit.
1 December 1902. Necessity of main line platform at Wormit. North British Railway - 'this matter would have careful consideration'.
Wormit electric lighting report: Voltages taken on 5 December 1902:- extreme north, Mr Cowley's house 7 pm - 230/232 volts; ditto 8.35 pm - 230/240 v.; extreme east, Mr Wear's house 7.15 pm - 230/232 v.; ditto 8.35 pm - 226/233 v.; Mr Balls - 7.30 pm - 232/235 v.; extreme south, Mrs Armstrong 7.45 pm - 236 v.; Mrs Kidney 8 pm - 235/236 v.; extreme west, Mrs Scott 8.15 pm - 230 v.; ditto 9 pm - 232 v. This is within the statutory limits and, considering the method of distribution, is very good. Cables could sag after winds and should be tightened. [The report was delayed by the Town Council, but eventually part of it was sent to the Tayside Electric Co.]
Plans: E Collie, cab proprietor - stables, coach house and offices on ground abutting highway at Wormit.
North British Railway - not yet seen their way to incur the expense of main line station at Wormit.
Purchase of steam road roller (Aveling & Porter 12 ton with compound engines - £430) and a Morrisons scarifier (£95).
Mrs Peter Bisset one of the enteritic fever patients is wife of a joiner, Riverside, West Newport.
Old gasworks site: ? George R Thom, Clivemount - are Council prepared to sell / let the gasworks frontage to the High Street including the building known as the gas office and the ground between it and Mr Young's property (space below ground level in the High Street of the latter portion could be retained by the Town Council)? Don't sell.
Railway station at Wormit - delegation to meet railway company.
Flooding at Woodmuir Upper Terrace - John J H Henry & Mr Murdoch - road covered with gas refuse - has weathered to powder and rain washes black slime into their gardens. Proprietors haven't finished the road. Drain at Henry's gateway.
Proposed recreation field at back of Linden Avenue (13 or 14 acres): Berry - site of water reservoir and windpump must be excepted; path to give access from Causewayhead Road on north; £40 rent minimum; use of Waterstone Park to cease. [Waterstone Park is within the water supply level (therefore higher rental), this new park isn't.] Waterstone lease to lapse at Whitsunday 1905.
Plans: Newport Lawn Tennis Club - moveable wooden pavilion at Cupar Road.
Regulations for dairies and slaughterhouses.
New gas works: opening 27 May 1903.
Plans: Alexander Stewart - shops etc on ground at Wormit, including bakehouse (is it underground?); Alexander Stewart for Mr Collie - stables etc to be 22 feet not 14 feet.
Drainage system in Wormit - description.
Recreation ground at Wormit: a) south of Wormit farm steading, b) top of Wormit Hill or c) opposite Wormit school. Go for 4 or 5 acres at a) adjoining highway.
Insanitary state of Mr Stark's bakery premises, Robert Street.
Local hospital - go ahead at Fordelhill ground.
Plan: G C Mitchell, merchant, Wormit - bathing shelter on beach near Riverside, Wormit.
Ex-Provost Leitch has control of ground at West Newport braes - seat at edge of cliff - fence to be erected, stairs to beach.
June / July 1903. Naming of Wormit streets: 1. Bay Road - from highway at Mr Cowley's property below the Tay Bridge to the bay. 2. Birkhill Avenue - from highway at Scroggieside up under the railway line. 3. Hillpark Road - from highway east of post office up over the tunnel. 4. Hillpark Terrace - commencing at Mr Aitken's house and running westwards. 5. Crosshill Terrace - commencing at Mr Williamson's house and running eastwards over the hill. 6. Mount Stewart Road - leading from the highway at the post office up to Mr Stewart's house.
Wellgate Terrace West leads off Hillbrae.
Wedderburn - Wormit recreation ground - lease not satisfactory - either to be feued or purchased. Leave meantime.
Alexander Stewart's plans showing the oven for Thomas Millar - still subject to no declaration as to whether or not they meet the new regulations for no underground bakehouses.
? Monument for local volunteers in South African War? - a 'Newport' bed at the Queen Victoria School (which was proposed) and a plaque there with the names of the Newport lads who gave their lives in that war.
Proposed electric line at Wormit - from Mr Stewart's house across to Mr Macdougald's. (G Ireland Fairweather is secretary of the company).
Old gasworks site - dispose of part which lies between the cottage and Mr Young's property.
Retiring: George Thom, William Carswell, J O Adams.
Proposed electric line at Wormit - ask for plans. Now A K Maxwell is company secretary.
Plans: Henry D C Heggie, mason, Newport - 2 semi-detached cottages on south side of Victoria Street.
Alexander Stewart - plans for alterations / additions for transforming into a dwelling house a store and stables on ground at corner of Hillpark Terrace and Mount Stewart Road - unsatisfactory.

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