
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

About the Databases (Methodology)

Old Parish Records - Baptisms

The originals are held by the National Records of Scotland, OPR 431/1 and 431/2. They can be viewed at the ScotlandsPeople website.
Parish registers are Crown copyright, General Register Office for Scotland. Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

The originals were microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Copies of the microfilms were bought by local libraries and these films were used as the source for the records presented here. The LDS Church also produced an index and published it, first as the International Genealogical Index (IGI), then online at Family Search. (If searching for Forgan parish entries, search for Batch Numbers C11431-2 and C11431-4.)

The records in this database were produced by transcribing the IGI index. Then they were checked back against the original microfilms, places and other information added, and corrections made.

Some information contained in the originals has been omitted from these transcripts. In particular, if both birth and baptism dates were recorded in the original, only the birth date is included here. Unfortunately, the crucial words 'of', 'in' or 'at' were not transcribed in the address information. When I did the original transcription, I was unaware of the significance of this. Any errors are mine alone.

Old Parish Records - Marriages

The originals are held by the National Records of Scotland, OPR 431/1 and 431/2. They can be viewed at the ScotlandsPeople website.
Parish registers are Crown copyright, General Register Office for Scotland. Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

The originals were microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Copies of the microfilms were bought by local libraries and these films were used as the source for the records presented here. The LDS Church also produced an index and published it, first as the International Genealogical Index (IGI), then online at Family Search. (If searching for Forgan parish entries, search for Batch Numbers M11431-2 and M11431-4.)

The records in this database were produced by transcribing the IGI index. Then they were checked back against the original microfilms, parish of residence of both parties and other information added, and corrections made.

Some information contained in the originals has been omitted from these transcripts. In particular, if both proclamation and marriage dates were recorded in the original, only the marriage date is included here. Any errors are mine alone.


Many of the directories were copied many years ago. These copies have been scanned and processed through OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software. Other directories were downloaded from the Internet Archive. All OCR versions were corrected. For all directories, the A-Z listings for Forgan parish, Newport or Wormit were processed. Also included are the Professions sections and the 'Clubs, Societies and Public Bodies' sections. Entries in the Professions section are shown e.g. " : Joiners". Entries in the Clubs etc. section are shown e.g. "[under Wormit Tennis Club]", and will have had a re-arrangement of wording. The only omission will be information to be found in other sections of the original directories which is referred to in the Newport sections (e.g. to adverts).

Hearth Tax

This was transcribed from the original at the National Records of Scotland, E69/10/2. No information was omitted.

Shareholders of the Wormit Electric Light Company Ltd.

This was transcribed from the original at the National Records of Scotland, BT2/12878 (Dissolved Company Files). Only the shareholders and their shareholdings were transcribed. Financial information about the company is not included here.

Registers of Voters

These were transcribed from the originals listed on the Registers of Voters page. No information was omitted.

Valuation Rolls

The rolls were transcribed from the originals, either at the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh, or at local libraries. The only information omitted is for 1860 and 1871 where the full texts of the Proprietors of the large estates (St Fort, Tayfield, etc) have been omitted and the name of the estate inserted instead. (This was to save storage space at a time when computerised data had to be succinct.) The only additions have been to give reference numbers to the Totals to ensure they always appear in sequence.
In the Tenant column, 'same' means 'same as occupier'; in the Occupier column, 'same' means 'same as tenant'. 'IO' in the Occupier column indicates an Inhabitant Occupier (someone living in a tied house). They were not rated in terms of the Act 48 Vict. c.3 ss 3 & 9.

Mortcloth Payments

The surviving Kirk Session minutes were searched for any reference to mortcloth payment, deaths, burials, coffins, etc. The Minutes from 13 October 1717 to 19 January 1723 had been copied from one volume into another, with some differences. Entries from both versions have been recorded here. On the rare occasions when burial dates are given, those dates are also noted here. The entries have been sorted into chronological order. With many of the entries, it is only possible to give a broad covering date, since many entries were made together, some of them many years later.

Census: 1841 - 1901

The originals are held by the National Records of Scotland, District 431, Forgan, Fife. They can be viewed at the ScotlandsPeople website.
1841 - 1901 census enumeration books are Crown copyright, General Register Office for Scotland. Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of the HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

The originals were microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Copies of the microfilms were bought by local libraries and these films were used as the source for the records presented here.


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