Notes from Newport Town Council Minutes
These are not full transcripts of the Minutes. They are my own notes.
1945-46 (November 1945 - November 1946) Source: Newport-on-Tay Council Minutes, B79-1-45
Elected: Ward 1 - William Bowden Edward, 11 Norwood; Ronald D Morton, Darvel Lodge; Annie L Snodgrass, 13 Norwood; 3 candidates, no poll. Ward 2 - J Douglas Lawson, Balmore, 356 votes; John Dunn, Rowanbank, Wormit, 196 votes. Ward 3 - John D M Ross, 4 Hill Crescent, Hillpark Terrace, 419 votes; T J Wishart, Fernbrae, Newburgh Road, 416 votes; W B Hutton, Rosebank, Newburgh Road, 354 votes. |
Council: Ward 1: Mrs Annie L Snodgrass, elected 1945; William B Edward, elected 1945; Ronald D Morton, elected 1945. Ward 2: Kenneth C Hayens, elected 1937, Provost; John Dunn, elected 1945, senior bailie; J Douglas Lawson, elected 1945. Ward 3: William B Hutton, elected 1945; Thomas J Wishart, elected 1945; J D M Ross, elected 1945, junior bailie. |
Occupation of 8 Kilnburn by evacuee Mrs Olive Marjorie Brown. |
Temporary houses at Kerr Street: work commenced. |
? Inclusion of Newton Park in Wormit? |
Repairs to 3 Birkhill Avenue after occupation by Norwegian Government (Fl. Lt. J G Roy). |
Repairs to 7 Youngsdale Place (J A Kyd) - occupation by War Department. |
Havercroft, Wormit (Paterson): install electricity. |
Rosendaal, West Newport (Stott): convert to 2 flats. |
Rolleston no longer required by Dept. of Agriculture. Council to take over meantime. Proprietor (Mr Heath) desires to sell. |
Woodhaven housing: had taken over allotment ground. No other ground at Woodhaven Farm. |
Thornbank, Cupar Road: empty for some time. |
List of possible tenants for Kerr Street / King Street. Future lettings to be made by committee. |
Tennis courts at Wormit: unused for some time. Ground for sale. |
Old wardens' post at Old Tunnel, Wormit: Council not to let it. |
Building warrants: Stein, 1 Prospect Terrace - divide into 2 flats; Mrs D M Smith, Woodbine House - install electricity; A C Lambert, Tayview - division of Invertay, Tay Street into 2 houses. |
8 Kilnburn to be derequisitioned on Mrs Brown's return to London. |
Poor gas supply: old, corroded service pipes. |
Fire cover by Guardbridge Paper Co. to be withdrawn and replaced by cover from the National Fire Service. |
Application for use of Cramond House, High Street for public refreshment. |
Broadhaugh: request from Capt. Edgar Twidle, Falmouth - did Council want to buy the front garden for a building site? No. |
Poor electricity supply in West Newport. |
Craighead: Mr & Miss Arthur will terminate tenancy at Martinmas 1946. They don't want to vacate their house until they can go to one of the Council houses to be built on the site. |
Building warrants: Mr E D Fleming, Braeside, West Newport - provide back entrance; J M Bell, 21 Kilnburn - repairs after use by War Dept.; Mr Cowley, Waterside - repairs after use by Women's Land Army; A Edgar, Seacraig Cottages, King Street - install electricity. |
February 1946. Registration by Archibald McLean, Cramond House, High Street as place of public refreshment. Not to reside on premises. |
Water tank at Tay Terrace now dismantled. |
Rolleston: requisition of house to be given up on return of Mr Heath's son. |
Temporary housing, Kerr Street: slow progress being made. |
Mr Kelly (Burgh Surveyor) is preparing plans for Craighead (permanent) housing. |
Red Cross ambulance: thanks to Council, but Fife Branch of Red Cross have no use for it. |
Mr Mitchell appointed Gas Manager. |
Price of Craighead: £979. |
April 1946. Woodhaven pier & foreshore could be taken over by Council for recreational purposes. Proprietor willing to consider matter but needed concrete proposals. |
Gas office moved to shop in High Street to incorporate a showroom. |
[Gas ?] Nationalisation: how is a delegate to vote? |
Woodhaven: Air Force have removed from there but barricades at entrance to roadway to pier haven't been removed yet, therefore there is no public access. Write to proprietors. |
Craighead: arbitration price fixed at £1229. Layout: 7 blocks of 4 x 4-apartment, 3 sets of semi-detached 5-apartment blocks, 5 sets of semi-detached 4-apartment blocks = 44 cottage-type houses. Install gas cookers at £16-5/-, gas washing machines at £13, and gas fridges at £16-10/- in each house. Plans of houses from book of designs approved by Scottish Office. Cookers & washing machines also in new Flass Road [Woodhaven] houses. |
Temporary houses: might be ready in July. |
Miss Millar's ambulance to be sold. Proceeds to Thistle Foundation. |
Woodhaven pier: proprietors not to sell the ground but to lease it to Council. |
Gowrie Wood: has been gifted to the town by Dr Berry for recreation. |
Long-term problems with new gas plant. |
Bank Street: to be taken over by Council. |
Family of husband, wife & 7 children squatting in the military huts at Wormit station. |
September 1946. Alexander Gilruth appointed Depute Town Clerk. |
Some temporary houses are now occupied. |
Woodhaven pier: Council won't lease the ground, will only buy it. |
Council to put a copy of the Council minutes in the County Library, which is in Newport School, at the request of Newport Labour Party. |
Retiring: Snodgrass, Hayens, Hutton. |
Price of gas: 18.35d. per therm (6/6d. per 1000 cu.ft.). Problems with new gas plant installed by Balfour's of Leven which isn't working satisfactorily. |
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