
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Inventory of David Brown, farmer & innkeeper, died 1825

David Brown was the farmer and innkeeper at Woodhaven when he died in May 1825,

After his death an inventory of his belongings, including crops and animals on the farm, was drawn up.

The original can be purchased & viewed at the ScotlandsPeople website, Wills and Testaments, SC20/50/2, David Brown 1826.

Cupar 31 January 1826 … appeared John Shaw writer Cupar as procurator for Catherine Brown …

Inventory of the personal estate of the deceased David Brown farmer and innkeeper at Woodhaven who died upon the [blank] day of May 1825.

1Amount of valuation of crop and stocking upon the farm of Woodhaven and likewise of the whole household furniture, stock in trade, horses & carriages etc per inventory and appraisement by James Scott licensed auctioneer & appraiser in Lochie dated 19 July last£1238-11-7
2The sum of £500 stg contained in a decreet of the Hon Sheriff Depute of Fifeshire in an action raised at the instance of the defunct and Alexander Merchant innkeeper in Dundee against the Trustees under the Act of parliament for improving the ferries and passages across the river Tay and to which the said deceased has a legal right500-0-0
3Amount of debt supposed due to the said defunct : [by] Alexander Merchant innkeeper Dundee85-8-3½
Note: there are sundry small debts due to the deceased which cannot at present be accurately ascertained from the indistinct manner in which his books were kept but which will be particularly enumerated in an additional inventory … the small debts may be supposed to amount to about £100.
The defunct was also a partner in the Fife Union Coach and a considerable sum may be due to him from that quarter but it will require some time before the accounts can be properly adjusted.

At Woodhaven 1 August 1825 … appeared Mrs Catherine Ross or Brown relict of said deceased David Brown who … depones that the said Deceased David Brown died upon the [blank] day of May last and the deponent has entered upon the possession and management of the deceased's personal estate as executrix qua relict … that she does not know of any settlement or writing relative to the disposal of the deceased's personal estate or effects or any part thereof and that the said inventory … is a full and complete inventory of the personal estate of the said David Brown … at the time of his death so far as it has come to the deponent's knowledge …

Inventory and valuation of the stocking etc belonging to the late David Brown tenant at Woodhaven 18 July 1825

Farm stocking, carriages, etc:
Black mare named Jess£30-0-0
Gray mare named Jean8-0-0
Brown mare named Saly10-0-0
Brown horse named Dobin5-0-0
Brown mare & foal named Maysie15-0-0
4 coach horses50-0-0
Brown horse22-0-0
Star horse10-0-0
Charlie horse27-10-0
Gray shalt [Shetland pony]10-0-0
1 chaise with harness15-0-0
1 old chaise with harness5-0-0
1 gig with harness10-0-0
1 gig with harness5-0-0
3 old saddles, 3 old bridles & several old harness10/-
Corn chest lippie and weight2/6
Set long harness3/-
2 water pails2/-
4 cart saddles and britching1-10-0
8 pair plough traces1-0-0
8 pair cart traces10/-
8 cart brechams & brods1-5-0
8 cart bridles1-1-0
3 grapes, old shovel & spade9/-
2 wheel barrows10/-
A roller15/-
1 plough1-10-0
2 ploughs with swingle trees3-0-0
Double moulded plough1-1-0
Hake and railing in corn yard10/-
Strip plough1-1-0
2 drill harrows2-10-0
Cart no. 16-0-0
Cart no. 23-3-0
2 bodies of carts for driving corn8-8-0
Cart axle, old cart and old wheels1-1-0
15 stathels with 9 bosses in corn yard8-0-0
Quantity of ash, beech & fir wood1-0-0
Part of a stack of barley5-0-0
Turnip barrow12/-
7 riddles and 2 seives13/-
4 weights3/-
Barn fanners1-10-0
3 ladders and 2 traps1-0-0
25 sacks1-13-0
7 bolls wheat in Granary11-4-0
3 bolls beans in Granary2-8-0
3 firlots and pan15/-
6 rakes & 4 forks10/6
Thrashing mill80-0-0
8 bolls barley12-0-0
5 bolls barley (inferior)6-5-0
Black short horned cow}
Black dodded cow}
Black horned cow} 33-0-0
Din dodded cow}
7 calves15-0-0
8 one year olds27-0-0
1 yellow stot7-7-0
1 goat & kidd1-10-0
A sow & ten piggs3-0-0
A sow & 5 piggs2-10-0
A sow1-0-0
Sow & 8 pigs4-0-0
8 cattle bands12/-
Old corn chest & barrel0/9
Straw corn basket1/-
Corn chest (old)1/-
Old scyth2/-
Barrel & old iron2/6
Hand barrow1/-
Boat with masts & sails5-0-0500-17-3
Dairy utensils etc in Milk house:
Cheese press10/-
2 milk lugies3/-
4 handed tubs10/-
8 milk coags12/-
6 plates2/6
3 butter kitts7/6
6 barrels6/-
Cream can1/6
2 chessards2/-
Beam scales, seive & 3 baskets6/-
Bottle press5/-
Barrow & 2 washing stools2/-
2 screens4/-
12 dozen porter with bottles2-8-0
1 barrel strong ale2-12-6
Barrels & gauntress etc in Cellar7/69-9-6
Baking and brewing utensils:
Baking utensils including table & drawers1-10-0
Copper & furnace15-0-0
2 coolers & spouts8-8-0
6 half barrels at 7/-2-2-0
4 half barrels at 8/-1-12-0
11 half barrels at 4/-2-4-0
4 20-pint barrels at 3/-12/-
4 10-pint barrels at 2/610/-
4 small barrels at 1/14/4
14 old casks14/-
6 skeels13/-
2 buckets 3/-, tun 1/6, barrel etc 1/45/6
Measure 2/-, 2 stone tubs 3/-, theremometer 2/-7/-
2 tuns3-10-0
2 skeels rubbers and stand6/-
Clips & besom2/6
4 gauntresses and 3 hoops1-6-0
24 dozen common ale bottles at 2/63-0-0
5 dozen mutchkin bottles10/-
Stone trough1-0-0
6 old barrels3/646-9-10
Household Furniture. No 1
22 blue edged ashets of different sizes2-5-0
5 white ashets of different sizes4/-
34 broth plates8/6
33 flat plates8/6
Turreen & 3 pudding dishes4/6
7 hard wood chairs1-5-0
Square table10/-
Old Carron grate & tongs7/-
Square fir table with drawer3/6
Folding up bed & front curtains15/-6-11-0
No 2
12 hard wood chairs2-8-0
Square hard wood table12/-
Square fir wood table1/6
Grate fender & fire irons14/-
Fir cup board & crockery7/64-3-0
Bedroom No 3
Bed stead & curtains1-10-0
Feather bed bolster & pillows5-10-0
2 straw matresses1-0-0
2 pair blankets & binding blanket1-10-0
2 bed covers16/-
Small curtain bed1-10-0
Bed tyke bolster & pillows17/6
2 pair blankets & bed rug1-3-0
2 stuff bottomed chairs12/-
2 small tables5/6
Cup board with glass door15/-
Small mirror7/-
Bason stand, bason & ewer7/-
Carron grate & Carron fender13/-
2 bell hangers2/-
Foot stool and tray4/-17-16-0
Bedroom No 4
2 bed steads with curtains9-0-0
Feather bed bolster pillows & 2 straw mattresses6-0-0
3 pair blankets & binder2-10-0
1 bed cover10/-
Feather bed bolster pillows & 1 straw mattress6-6-0
2 pair blankets binder & 2 bed covers2-2-0
4 stuff bottomed chairs1-5-0
Chest of wainscot drawers2-0-0
Small table3/6
2 basin stands with basins & ewers1-5-0
Carron grate & fender13/-
4 prints3/6
1 bell pull2/-
4 white water pots4/-33-17-0
No 5
12 stuff bottomed chairs & 2 elbows8-8-0
Square folding table1-10-0
Grate Rumfoording fender & fire irons1-10-0
Carpet & cloth1-12-0
Part of 2 sett tea dishes, 3 toddy bowls & 3 large decanters1-12-0
3 chrystal salts, 3chrystal pepper boxes & 2 chrystal mustard pots15/-
3 chrystal decanters10/6
2 dozen glasses12/-
14 tumblers1-1-0
Silver ring2-10-0
1 large silver toddy laddle & 6 small toddy laddles2-2-0
9 silver tea spoons2-0-0
18 plated table spoons, 18 forks & knives, carving knife & fork1-10-025-12-6
No 6
4 pair blankets & 2 binders2-12-0
10 bolster slips15/-
9 pair pillow slips10/6
20 table towls1-10-0
4 large table cloths (fine)1-15-0
4 small table cloths (fine)1-1-0
5 large table cloths (coarse)1-10-0
3 pair sheets (fine)2-14-0
4 old bed covers5/-
2 stuff bottomed chairs12/-
Folding table1-5-0
Square table4/6
Carron grate10/-
Large chest10/-15-14-0
No 7, Dining Room
10 stuff bottomed chairs & 2 elbows9-8-0
Mahogany dining table7-7-0
Mahogany square table1-10-0
2 trays, 2 servers & bread basket15/-
3 prints7/6
Mirror and 2 images2-10-0
Carron grate fender & fire irons1-3-0
Carpet and rug1-15-024-15-6
11 mugs and decanters18/-
8 servers7/6
1 pint stoup & mutchkin stoup}
3 half mutchkin stoups}
3 gill stoups} 15/-
3 half gill stoups}
3 chrystal measures}2-0-6
4 pots, 2 goblets & 2 tin pans1-15-0
1 water pail1/6
Metal boiler, tea kettle & 3 small pans15/-
Fish pan, coffee pot and brass mortar5/-
Kitchen grate, 3 crans, fire irons, oven spit and raxes1-15-0
3 branders, bellows, frying pan, flesh fork, copper and tin ladle9/1
4 dish covers, 2 lanterns, a grater, fish spoon, cheese pan, stake tongs and chopping knife19/-
Table form and 2 chairs5/-6-4-6
Bed closet of the kitchen
2 pair blankets chaff bed bolster with carpet cover and a pair of sheets1-17-0
2 pair blankets chaff bed bolster with carpet cover and a pair of sheets1-17-03-14-0
Copper ½ gallon measure & 6 large bottles13/-
7 brass candlesticks1-0-0
A dividing spoon, cheese board, sugar box, knife box, trays and sundry other articles15/-
Cup board with glass door & crockery17/6
A quantity of books15/-
Bed stead and check curtains4-0-0
2 bed tykes, 2 pair blankets, binder, a pair sheets, bolster & 2 bed covers3-3-0
3 chairs10/-
Desk of drawers2-10-0
Square hard wood table15/-
Eight day clock mahogany case6-6-0
Saw plane & womble2/6
Carron grate & fender8/-23-5-0
West garret
3 chaff beds & 4 bolsters1-15-0
4 pair blankets1-12-0
2 sheets & 2 bed covers15/-
3 old chairs1/-
East garret
Chaff bed & bolster12/-
2 pair blankets & binding blanket1-0-0
1 bed cover & a pair sheets10/-
2 chairs6/-
Bason stand 2 ewrs & 1 bason5/-
Chest of drawers5/-
9 bells1-0-09-12-0
Growing crop
Wheat Hailysheilds Park about 5 A[cres] 2 R[oods]60-0-0
Hay & 2nd growth grass 6 Acres30-0-0
Oats Little Acre & Broom Park 5 Acres 3 Roods52-10-0
Potatoes from East 22 drills Mrs Brown’s own
and let to the following persons at 1/1½ per fall lineal measure viz:
2 drills William Raitt
3 drills David Sandeman
3 drills David Gibb
2 drills Alexander Mill
4 drills Robert Mackie
1 drill John Elder
2 drills Alexander Allan
2 drills James Hutton
4 drills Henry Moyes
2 drills Margaret Meldrum
1 drill Andrew Brown
1 drill Robert Foreman
4 drills William Patrick
1 drill James Martin
1 drill John Kidd
3 drills Arthur Band
4 drills Andrew Kilgour
1 drill Oliver Mathieson
4 drills David Just
3 drills Donald Cruickshanks
4 drills James Johnstone
1 drill Janet Henderson
3 drills George Greig
1 drill Thomas Henderson
2 drills Andrew Kilgour jun
3 drills Thomas Ritchie
1 drill Ann Lowrie
1 drill David Brand
2 drills Alex Tosh
3 drills George Fotheringham
1 drill Mrs Ferrier
1 drill Thomas Welsh
2 drills George Honeyman
1 drill Susan Brown
1 drill Margaret Mitchell
2 drills Mr Waghton
1 drill George Brown
2 drills Elisabeth Crichton
2 drills Ann Peattie
1 drill James Duncan
2 drills Henry Baxter
2 drills Robert Williamson
2 drills James Mackie
3 drills James Meffan
Remainder Mrs Brown’s own
In all about 6 acres60-0-0
Barley Southbank about 4 Acres 2 Roods36-0-0
Wheat above Hedge about 7 Acres84-0-0
Barley Hill about 4 Acres 2 Roods30-0-0
Oats Mutton Hole about 3 Acres 2 Roods21-0-0
Barley Cow Hole about 7 Acres52-10-0
Oats Woodmuir Park about 4 Acres 2 Roods34-0-0
Turnips Woodmuir Park about 4 Acres 2 Roods36-0-0
Hay Mackie Park12-10-0508-10-0
Amount of Stocking & Growing Crop£1238-11-7

The foregoing amount of £730-1-7 sterling of stocking, household furniture, carriages, etc with £508-10-0 of growing crop as contained on the 9 preceding pages amounting in whole to £1238-11-7 is a just and true valuation of the late David Brown at Woodhaven's effects as valued by me upon the 18th and deponed upon the 19th day July both in the year 1825 before James Smith Esq one of the magistrates of Dundee (signed) James Scott Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser, James Smith Magistrate.


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