Names Recorded on War Memorials
The Newport History Group's Poppy Project was a major community remembrance project which commemorated many of the people named on the War Memorials. It contains a lot of information about the casualties and is highly recommended.
Click the pictures for larger images.
World War 1, Newport War Memorial:
John Aitken |  |
John Millar Allison |
Donald Anderson |
John S Arnot |
Leonard Atkinson |
Ernest Reid Bell |
Peter Black |
Andrew Blyth |
D Halyburton Brand |
William Robert Brown |
Alexander Bruce |
Henry Douglas Buik |
William Buist |
James Hynd Chalmers |
David H Chapman |
Alfred W Davidson |
William Doig |
Charles Duffus |
Ernest W Fairweather |
George G Farquharson |
Robert Ernest Ferrier |
John A Gouick |
Robert John Gould |
Henry Charles Grant |
Alexander S L Gray |
John W Haggart |
Robert Haggart |
George Taylor Hastie |
James Johnston |  |
John Johnston |
George Kennedy |
W Wilson Key |
Robert T Lawson |
Thomas T Leitch |
John St Quentin Leng |
William K Leslie |
Robert E Lindsay |
Henry Love |
W D MacBeth |
Andrew MacDonald |
Angus MacDonald |
James MacDonald |
Frederick T MacKenzie |
John K MacKenzie |
Alexander Marshall |
Oliver Mathewson |
David K Maxwell |
Murdoch S McCaskill |
James McLaren |
Alexander J B Milnes |
James Minty |
Charles Douglas Mitchell |
Sidney Smith Mitchell |
John G Mowat |
Walter A Munn |
George Sidney Ness |
James Nichol |  |
George V Noakes |
George W Paisley |
David W Paton |
Robert Paul |
James Pearson |
Stewart W Peebles |
Andrew B Robertson |
James Ashley Robertson |
William M Robertson |
William T Ross |
J Sidney Scott |
Harold Henderson Smith |
William Smith |
Herbert Storrier |
Harry Sturrock |
Arthur Norman Swann |
James Gibson Swinton |
Norman Crawfurd Walker |
Norman Wallace |
Robert Wann |
Fred J Watson |
Stanley L Watson |
Thomas James White |
Alexander Wilson |
Gavin Arthur Wilson |
Walter James Wood |
Charles B Young |
World War 1, Wormit War Memorial:
Pte J Aitken, 5 R Scots |  |
Pte A Bruce, 8 R Hrs |
Pte W Buist, 9 R Hrs |
Pte G G Farquharson, 7 Seaforths |
Lt J A Gouick, 1 Can FA |
Pte G Kennedy, 2 HLI |
Cpl R T Lawson, RFA |
Sgt W K Leslie, 102 Can Inf |
Lt R E Lindsay, RAF |
2 Lt W D MacBeth, 5 R Hrs |
Lt F T Mackenzie, RFA |
2 Lt J K Mackenzie, Border Reg |
L/Cpl D K Maxwell, 10 Seaforths |
Pte J C Mowat, Tank Corps |
Sgt G V Noakes, 2 R Hrs |
Capt. H D Sturrock MC, 1st HCB |
Cpl A N Swan, R E |
Pte R Wann, 3 R Hrs |
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