
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Which Cemetery? - Forgan, Viacarsford, Dundee Howff or Dundee Western?

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Searching for B :     There are 684 records.

NameDiedCemeteryStone / Details
Borthwick, Annie Campbell (Nancy)1980VicarsfordK48
Borthwick, Christina S1993VicarsfordK180
Borthwick, Henry Houston1939VicarsfordK48
Borthwick, Janet Cameron1939VicarsfordK48
Borthwick, John1918VicarsfordB92
Borthwick, Sophia Wright1939VicarsfordB92
Borthwick, Walter1993VicarsfordK180
Bousie (Adamson), Janet1833Forgan153
Bousie, JohnForgan153
Bousie, William1813Forgan153
Bowick: Mrs Bowick & others & their heirs1870Dundee WesternLair Purchases
Bowman, ChristinaVicarsfordC1
Bowman, Jemima1979VicarsfordC3
Bowman, John C1951VicarsfordC3
Bowman, John S1929VicarsfordC1
Bowman, NanVicarsfordC1
Bowman, William White1969VicarsfordC3
Boyd, Jane S1953VicarsfordN94
Boyd: Mr Robert Boyd & his heirs1877Dundee WesternLair Purchases
Boyle, Eleanor1979VicarsfordB186
Brace, Elizabeth2012VicarsfordL98
Brace, Isabella1997VicarsfordL98
Brace, Rosemary1969Forgan103
Braid (More), Jane1894Forgan47
Braid (Wilson), Margaret1862Forgan168
Braid, Catherine1936Forgan47
Braid, David1916Forgan - Gravedigger Book onlyF24
Braid, David1860Forgan168
Braid, GeorgeForgan168
Braid, George1887Forgan47
Braid, Jane Ann1944Forgan - Gravedigger Book onlyF
Braid, Jane Ann1944Forgan47
Braid, Margaret1860Forgan168
Braid, Mary1877Forgan168
Brakenridge, Agnes Smith1936VicarsfordG9
Brakenridge, David Hamilton1939VicarsfordG9
Brand (Hill), Janet Hallyburton1855Forgan34
Brand (Wilson), Elspeth1940Forgan33
Brand, Agnes1906Forgan - Gravedigger Book onlyF2
Brand, Ann1944VicarsfordC33
Brand, Ann Margaret2006VicarsfordM39
Brand, David1925Forgan - Gravedigger Book onlyC42
Brand, DavidForgan40

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