
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Which Cemetery? - Forgan, Viacarsford, Dundee Howff or Dundee Western?

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Searching for S :     There are 737 records.

NameDiedCemeteryStone / Details
Scott (Millar), Isabella1880Forgan167
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC115
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC116
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC117
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC118
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC119
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC120
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC121
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC122
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC123
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC124
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC125
Scott - Mars BoyspurchaserVicarsfordC126
Scott [Coupar], Ann1841Dundee HowffBurials Index
Scott, Adam C1991VicarsfordG7
Scott, Agnes1998VicarsfordK285
Scott, Alexander Burnett1956VicarsfordB301
Scott, Alfred1956VicarsfordK92
Scott, Andrew1895Forgan216
Scott, AndrewVicarsfordB473
Scott, AndrewVicarsfordB473
Scott, Augustus Lennox1928VicarsfordC139
Scott, Barbara F1980VicarsfordJ105
Scott, Catherine1917VicarsfordE56
Scott, Catherine (Kate)1979VicarsfordM106
Scott, Charles1966VicarsfordK260
Scott, Christopher Hugh2005VicarsfordD85
Scott, David1836Dundee HowffBurials Index
Scott, David1926VicarsfordJ179
Scott, David1931VicarsfordJ179
Scott, David Jeffrey1947VicarsfordG35
Scott, David Lumsden2009VicarsfordK228
Scott, Elizabeth1929VicarsfordB205
Scott, Elizabeth Muir1995VicarsfordK91
Scott, Ellen Jane1907VicarsfordB321
Scott, GeorgeForgan167
Scott, GeorgeForgan161
Scott, Grace Ann1962VicarsfordK92
Scott, Henry1830Forgan62
Scott, Isabella1954VicarsfordB203
Scott, JanetVicarsfordK92
Scott, Janet G1955VicarsfordM121
Scott, Jean R1937VicarsfordJ179
Scott, Jeannie1965VicarsfordB301
Scott, Jessie1912VicarsfordB301
Scott, Jessie1927VicarsfordC159
Scott, John1851Forgan172
Scott, John1823Forgan172
Scott, John1806Forgan161
Scott, JohnForgan62

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