
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Which Cemetery? - Forgan, Viacarsford, Dundee Howff or Dundee Western?

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Searching for N :     There are 113 records.

NameDiedCemeteryStone / Details
Nicoll, Barbara1962VicarsfordB376
Nicoll, Catherine Elizabeth Grant (Kitty)1963VicarsfordE383
Nicoll, David1944VicarsfordB375
Nicoll, David2001VicarsfordB388
Nicoll, Dorothy1965VicarsfordG290
Nicoll, Edith Davidson1984VicarsfordJ149
Nicoll, Frank B1975VicarsfordB376
Nicoll, George1846Dundee HowffBurials Index
Nicoll, James1944VicarsfordE385
Nicoll, James T1918VicarsfordB375
Nicoll, Jane1961VicarsfordD12
Nicoll, Jean Duncan1978VicarsfordB375
Nicoll, Jessie Fenton1944VicarsfordE352
Nicoll, Joseph G1925VicarsfordJ146
Nicoll, Lizzie 'Tibby'2007VicarsfordB388
Nicoll, Margaret F1944VicarsfordJ146
Nicoll, Margaret Stewart1963VicarsfordE385
Nicoll, Mary1846Dundee HowffBurials Index
Nicoll, Mary1969VicarsfordB375
Nicoll, Mary Blyth1970VicarsfordG290
Nicoll, Peter1975VicarsfordB388
Nicoll, Robert1958VicarsfordJ149
Nicoll, Thomas1953VicarsfordG290
Nimmo, Margaret Craig1925VicarsfordB265
Nimmo, stillborn child1836Dundee HowffBurials Index
Nimmo: Mrs Margaret Duncan or Nimmo & her heirs1868Dundee WesternLair Purchases
Nisbet (Hislop), Isabella1874Forgan113
Nisbet, GeorgeForgan113
Nisbet, Margaret1865Forgan113
Nish, Murray, Isabella1978VicarsfordK75
Niven, Alexander KVicarsfordD45
Niven, Eric J MVicarsfordM163
Niven, Ida Rhine1954VicarsfordM163
Niven, Janet1968VicarsfordD45
Noakes, Ann1973VicarsfordC41
Noakes, Christina Cargill2014VicarsfordJ245
Noakes, Elizabeth Cecily1913Forgan162
Noakes, Elizabeth Cisely1913Forgan - Gravedigger Book onlyT22
Noakes, Elsie2000VicarsfordC208
Noakes, George V1917VicarsfordC41
Noakes, George Vincent1917Forgan162
Noakes, Henrietta1876Forgan162

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