
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Which Cemetery? - Forgan, Viacarsford, Dundee Howff or Dundee Western?

People who:

Search for all names, or Howff entries, or Dundee Western entries, or year of death (type in the year), or surname beginning with:

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Alternatively, search for any name or part of a name (this will also find middle names):

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and   or  

Searching for A :     There are 218 records.

NameDiedCemeteryStone / Details
Arnot, Patrick1962VicarsfordJ191
Arthur, Esther1926VicarsfordF82
Arthur, Esther1968VicarsfordF82
Arthur, Janet1904Forgan - Gravedigger Book onlyG4
Arthur, John1895VicarsfordF82
Arthur, Margaret1907VicarsfordF82
Arthur, Marion1943VicarsfordF82
Arthur, Robert1948VicarsfordF82
Ascah, Margaret Douglas2012VicarsfordG137
Ashcroft, Joyce Evelyn2006VicarsfordG3
Ashworth, Helen ExleyVicarsfordE67
Atkinson, Phyllis I1999VicarsfordK90
Austin ?, Mary Letitia1975VicarsfordE260
Austin, Margaret1939VicarsfordK37

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A system error occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience.


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