
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Which Cemetery? - Forgan, Viacarsford, Dundee Howff or Dundee Western?

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Searching for R :     There are 391 records.

NameDiedCemeteryStone / Details
Robertson, Catherine Paton1999VicarsfordE230
Robertson, D Stewart2004VicarsfordD62
Robertson, David1960VicarsfordC177
Robertson, Edith June2008VicarsfordG47
Robertson, Elizabeth2012VicarsfordK113
Robertson, George1942VicarsfordE593
Robertson, GeorgeVicarsfordE71
Robertson, Grace2013VicarsfordM59
Robertson, Helen1904VicarsfordC177
Robertson, Helen1915VicarsfordE316
Robertson, Helen Nairn1942VicarsfordE316
Robertson, Hilda Mary1915VicarsfordE71
Robertson, Ian1995VicarsfordK113
Robertson, Ian F1984VicarsfordE232
Robertson, Ian H M1998VicarsfordL2
Robertson, James1935VicarsfordE316
Robertson, Jane Mary1946VicarsfordM1
Robertson, Janet H2003VicarsfordE232
Robertson, Jean Sim1927VicarsfordJ156
Robertson, Jessie Annetta Cormie2004VicarsfordG152
Robertson, Joanna Sellars1926VicarsfordE63
Robertson, John1967VicarsfordC177
Robertson, John1959VicarsfordE231
Robertson, MargaretVicarsfordB176
Robertson, Margaret1972VicarsfordM118
Robertson, Marion Masterton2002VicarsfordE829
Robertson, Marjory Dyce1970VicarsfordE231
Robertson, MaryVicarsfordE71
Robertson, Mary1935VicarsfordJ206
Robertson, Mary1832Dundee HowffBurials Index
Robertson, Mary Ann1939VicarsfordK28
Robertson, Mary H1914VicarsfordC14
Robertson, Mary McTaggart1977VicarsfordL2
Robertson, Mary Willock1984VicarsfordE593
Robertson, Nancy C2003VicarsfordE593
Robertson, StewartVicarsfordG152
Robertson, Terry1937VicarsfordE48
Robertson, William1822Dundee HowffBurials Index
Robertson: Mr John Petrie Robertson & his heirs1893Dundee WesternLair Purchases
Robertson: Mr William Robertson & his heirs1893Dundee WesternLair Purchases
Robertson: Mrs Ann Air or Robertson & her heirs1884Dundee WesternLair Purchases
Robinson, Ellison B1989VicarsfordE288
Robinson, Frederick Louis1991VicarsfordE595
Robinson, Helen McLeod1978VicarsfordB71
Robinson, Jessie M1991VicarsfordE288
Robinson, Margaret1961VicarsfordB71
Robinson, Mary Stewart2009VicarsfordE595
Robinson, Norman K1990VicarsfordE288

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