
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1907    Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory and Topography of Scotland, published: Jul 1907,  original : Internet Archive      There are 720 records.

Tayside (The) Electric Gas Light Co. Ltd. [under Wormit Commercial]Location
Tayside (The) Laundry Co. Ltd. Northfield [under Commercial]Location
Thain Miss, 4 Alma terrace, WLocation
Thom George, 9 Linden avenue, E Location
Thomas Richard Felix, Gowan bank, W Location
Thompson Thomas Hill, Tay terrace, E Location
Thomson Alexander, Norwood terrace, E Location
Thomson David, Danellvid, WLocation
Thomson James, Woodmuir, WLocation
Thomson John M. Houlland [under Wormit]Location
Thomson John, Broadhaugh, WLocation
Thomson Mrs. Dunearn. ELocation
Thomson Wm. Doncrageen, Tay View ter. E Location
Tosh Alexander, Woodmuir, WLocation
Tudhope George, Holmbrae [under Wormit]Location
Turnbull John, The Terrace, WLocation
Turnbull Thomas, inspector, Tay bridge [under Wormit Commercial]Location
Tweedie Rev. John A., M.A. (United Free Church) [under Wormit] Location (2)
Tweedie, John A., M.A; United Free Church, Wormit, Rev. [under Places Of Worship] Location (2)
Unionist Club (Norman C. Walker, hon., sec.), Robertson place [under Commercial]Location
Valentine Easton S., M.A. Ashcliff [under Wormit]Location
Vanderyett Christian, 3 Youngsdale pl. E Location
Vickery Rev. Joseph. Avondale, W Location
Walker Mrs. D. M. Woodriffe, Woodriffe terrace, ELocation
Walker Mrs. Westwood, WLocation
Walker Robert C. Wingate place. E Location
Wallace John, 2 Youngsdale Place, E Location
Wallace Miss, 4 St. Phillan's place, E Location
Wallace Thomas L. boot & shoe maker, St. Phillan's place, E [under Commercial]Location
Water Works (Alex. G. Strachan, inspector) [under Wormit Commercial]Location
Watson Edwin A. Wellpark terrace, W Location
Watson Henry S. Ashford [under Woodhaven]Location
Watt William H. Homeleigh, WLocation
Wayman Christina & Mary (The Misses), private school, 8 St. Phillan's place, E [under Commercial]Location
Wayman The Misses, St. Phillan's house, ELocation
Webster David. Woodriffe terrace, E Location
Webster Mrs. Fairview, ELocation
Wedderspoon George, Ashlea [under Woodhaven]Location
Wedderspoon James, Auchendoune [under Wormit]Location
Wedderspoon Miss, Anchorage [under Woodhaven]Location
Wedderspoon William B. Culloden [under Woodhaven]Location
Welch John. Westfield, WLocation
West George, Burnside [under Woodhaven]Location
White George D. Kilrenny, ELocation
White James, Hazelwood [under Wormit]Location
Whyte David T. Norwood terrace, E Location
Wighton Peter D. grocer & ale & spirit dealer, Newburgh road, W [under Commercial]Location
Will Capt. Peter, Victoria street, E Location
Will Robina (Mrs.), householder, Maryfield terrace, E [under Commercial]Location
Williamson William, gardener, Pierhead [under Commercial]Location

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