
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Forgan Kirkyard - The Gravestones

These inscriptions were recorded between 1992 and 1997. Some of the photos were taken at that time but most have been taken within the past 10 years. Since I did the original surveys, weather and time have taken their toll - some of the inscriptions are no longer visible and some stones have fallen face down.

Quite a few photos have still to be taken.


Other pages:       Notes on Kirkyard       Plan of the kirkyard       Gravedigger's Book from 1899       Mortcloth records 1695 - 1835       Vicarsford Cemetery     Which Cemetery?

The Gravestones:

The stone numbers only refer to this website. They are not used anywhere else.

Indistinct characters have been inserted in (round brackets); missing characters are shown by a single dot; longer gaps by a series of 3 dots; editorial additions are inserted in [square brackets]. Most of the inscriptions are on the east side of the stones. Where there are inscriptions on more than 1 side, this is indicated.

All stones are listed below, or you can search them for any word or part of a word:

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and   or  

54 PlanErected by William Lawson and his wife Helen Thomson in loving memory of their daughter Helen Thomson who died at Woodhaven 14 February 1901 aged 23 years 7 months. Also Helen Thomson mother of the above who died at Newport 19 May 1872 aged 63 years; and James Lawson his father who died at Newport 25 June 1890 aged 67 years; also May Cheape wife of the above James Lawson who died at Tayport 30 May 1907 aged 84 years. The above ... [rest below ground level]


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