
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : Knockhill House

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.417789,-2.930347

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
South FriartonSouth FriartonSouth Friarton; South Friarton; Little FriartonAndrew Knox, Tenant; Mr. McNab, St. Fort; Johnston's Co. Map.Upwards of 5/8 of a mile S.E. of St. Fort House.This is a large farm steading with dwelling house and garden occupied by Mr. Andrew Knox farmer, the proprietor is Henry Stewart Esq, St. Fort.OS1/13/34/16


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Little Friarton
South Friarton Farm before 1891
Upper Friarton Farm before 1891
Knockhill House from 1891



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 95 entries

1942-43 dirMylius, Victor, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1941-42 dirMylius, Victor, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1940-41 dirMylius, Victor, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1939-40 dirMylius, Victor, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1938-39 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1938-39 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1937-38 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1937-38 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1936-37 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1936-37 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1935-36 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1935-36 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1934-35 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1934-35 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1933-34 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1933-34 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1933-34 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry fanner, Knockhill house, Newport
1932-33 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1932-33 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1931-32 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1931-32 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1931-32 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1930-31 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1930-31 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1929-30 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1929-30 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1928-29 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1928-29 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1928-29 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1928 Kelly dirAnderson George Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill [under Forgan Commercial]
1928 Kelly dirAnderson G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill ho [under Commercial]
1927-28 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1927-28 dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill house, Newport : Gamedealers And Poulterers.
1927-28 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1926-27 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1925-26 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, by St Fort
1924-25 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1923-24 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O Knockhill
1923-24 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, by St Fort
1922-23 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, by St Fort
1921-22 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1921 Slater dirAnderson George Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill [under Forgan Commercial]
1920-21 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, by St Fort
1919-20 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1918-19 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1918-19 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, by St Fort
1917-18 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1916-17 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1915-16 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1915-16 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, by St Fort
1915 Slater dirAnderson George Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill [under Forgan Commercial]
1914-15 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1914-15 dirAnderson, G. Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill house, by St Fort
1913-14 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1912-13 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1911-12 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1911 Slater dirAnderson George Oliphant, poultry farmer, Knockhill [under Forgan Commercial]
1910-11 MacDonald dirAnderson, G. O., Knockhill
1908-09 dirMitchell, Charles, clerk, Knockhill, Newport
1907-08 MacDonald dirJustice, Thomas, Knockhill
1907-08 dirMitchell, Charles, clerk, Knockhill, Newport
1907 Slater dirMitchell Charles W. Knockhill [under Forgan]
1906-07 MacDonald dirJustice, Thomas, Knockhill
1906-07 dirJustice, Thomas (warehouseman, Dundee), Knockhill, Newport
1905-06 dirJustice, Thomas (warehouseman, Dundee), Knockhill, Newport
1904-05 dirJustice, Thomas (warehouseman, Dundee), Knockhill, Newport
1903 Slater dirJustice Thomas, Knockhill, Forgan
1901-02 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1900-01 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1899-00 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1899 Slater dirKerr James, Knockhill [under Forgan]
1899 Slater dirCurr James, land agent, Knockhill [under Forgan Commercial]
1898-99 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1897-98 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1896-97 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1895-96 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1894-95 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1893-94 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1892-93 dirCurr, James, land agent, Knockhill, St Fort
1884-85 dirHutton, James (architect, Dundee), Upper Friarton, Forgan
1882-83 dirHutton, James, architect, Friarton, Forgan
1880-81 dirStrachan, James, clerk, Friarton
1874-75 dirMitchell, J. D., clerk, South Friarton House
1867 Slater dirKnox Andrew, Upper Friartown : Farmers
1866 Fife dirKnox, Andrew, farmer, Upper Friarton
1862 Fife dirKnox, Andrew Jnr., farmer, Upper Friarton
1860 Slater dirKnox Andrew jun., Friartown : Farmers.
1852 Slater dirNicol, Andrew, farmer, Friartown



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1879-1880 Voters Strachan, James clerk Easter Newport [?]
1864-1865 Voters 3 September 1857 Knox, Andrew, junior farmer tenant farm of Upper Friarton
1862-1863 Voters 3 September 1857 Knox, Andrew, junior farmer, Upper Friarton tenant farm of Upper Friarton
1859 Election for Fife MP Knox, Andrew jun Lord Loughborough (Conservative)
1857 Registration Knox, Andrew jun farmer Upper Friarton
1846-1862 Voters 3 September 1857 Knox, Andrew, junior farmer, Upper Friarton tenant farm of Upper Friarton
1846-1862 Voters 1845 Nicoll, Andrew farmer tenant lands Upper Friarton [entry deleted] Disqualified
1844-1861 Voters 3 September 1857 Knox, Andrew, junior farmer, Upper Friarton tenant farm of Upper Friarton
1844-1861 Voters 22 September 1832 Nicoll, David Farmer tenant farm Upper Friarton [entry deleted] 1845 Expd.
1844-1861 Voters 1845 Nicoll, Andrew farmer tenant lands Upper Friarton
1833-1840 Voters 22 September 1832 Nicoll, David Farmer tenant farm Upper Friarton
1832 Voters 22 September 1832 Nicoll, David Farmer tenant farm of Upper Frierton


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Knockhill House Anderson George O 10
1911 Knockhill Cottage Anderson George A 9
1901 Knockhill Curr James 15View household
1881 South FriartonFarm House Strachan James 8View household
1871 Upper Friarton House Knox Andrew 9View household
1861 South Friarton Knox Andrew 11View household
1851 Upper Friarton Farm Nicoll Andrew View household
1841 Upper Friarton Nicoll David View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 35 entries

1958-5977House & Offices Lady Lambe per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh 2 proprietor 48View details
1957-5877House & Offices Lady Lambe per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh proprietor 48View details
1952-5385House & Offices Mrs Lesbia R Lambe per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh proprietor 38View details
1947-4879House & Offices Mrs Lesbia R Lambe per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh proprietor 38View details
1942-4384House & Offices Mrs Lesbia Lambe per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh proprietor; Victor G H Mylius, O 38View details
1940-4183House & Offices Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Lindsay Howe & Co, WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh proprietor 38View details
1937-3870House & Offices Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh George O Anderson, poultry farmer 38View details
1935-3671House & Offices Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh George O Anderson, poultry farmer 38View details
1932-3369House & Offices Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Lindsay, Howe & Co WS, 32 Charlotte Sq, Edinburgh George O Anderson, poultry farmer 38View details
1930-3170House & Offices Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Pagan & Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer 38View details
1927-28104House & Offices Mrs Lesbia Mylius per Pagan & Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer 38View details
1925-2697House, Offices & Paddocks Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer same 43View details
1922-2386House, Offices & Paddocks Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer same 43View details
1920-2179House, Offices & Paddocks Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer same 30View details
1917-1878House, Offices & Paddocks Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer same 30View details
1915-1677House, Offices & Paddocks Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer same 30View details
1912-1375House, Offices & Paddocks Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar George O Anderson, poultry farmer same 30View details
1907-0871House, Offices & Paddocks Trs of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart, per David Osborne, Cupar Charles W Mitchell, retired same 30View details
1905-0664House, Offices & Paddocks Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per David Osborne, Cupar Thomas Justice, Dundee same 35View details
1903-0465House, Offices and Paddocks Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per David Osborne, Cupar Thomas Justice, Dundee same 35View details
1901-0271House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1900-0171House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1899-0067House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1897-9862House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1896-9762House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1895-9661House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1894-9560House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1893-9458House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1892-9361House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1891-9261House and Offices Trs. of late Mrs Jane Fraser Stewart per James Curr, land agent, St Fort James Curr, land agent same 20View details
1867-6813Farm of Upper Friarton Henry Stewart Andrew Knox,farmer 346-16-0View details lease 19 yrs; 216 acres
1865-6612Farm of Upper Friarton Henry Stewart of St Fort said Andrew Knox Andrew Knox, farmer 256-11-0View details lease 19 - 57 years
1864-6512Farm of Upper Friarton Henry Stewart of St Fort Andrew Knox, jun., farmer 270-14-8View details lease 19 years
1860-617Upper Friarton Farm Henry Stewart of St Fort Andrew Knox jun. 313-12-0View details
1855-5612Upper Friarton Henry Stewart of St Fort Andrew Knox jun. said Andrew Knox jun. 368-15-0View details



Early taxation records (either at this exact location or an earlier one)

DateTaxpayerTaxable itemsDuty paidTaxSource refNote
18 Nov 1798Archd. Sime, Upr. FriertonDuties on houses2s. 6d.Consolidated schedulesE326/15/11/18
18 Nov 1798Archd. Sime, Upr. FriertonDuty on 1 horse (for riding or drawing 2- or 4-wheel carriages)£1 4s.Consolidated schedulesE326/15/11/18
18 Nov 1798Archd. Sime, Upr. FriertonTotal£2 10s. 6d.Consolidated schedulesE326/15/11/18
1 Jul 1791Robert Thom at Over [frierton]1 horse10s. + 1s.Horse TaxE326/9/20/105
1 Jul 1791Robt. Thom uperfrierton1 house, 8 windows4s. 0d. (windows) + 1s. (house) + 6d. (10%)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/60
27 Jul 1790Thomas Fleming uper frierton1 horse10s.Horse TaxE326/9/17/104
27 Jul 1790Robert Thom at [uper frierton]1 horse10s.Horse TaxE326/9/17/104
27 Jul 1790Robert Thom Uperfrierton1 house, 8 windows4s. 0d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/35
24 Jul 1789Robert Thom uper Frierton1 saddle horse10sHorse TaxE326/9/12/127
24 Jul 1789Robert Thom in Uper frierton1 house, 9 windows6s. 0d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/10
2 Aug 1788Robert Thom in Upper friertonn1 saddle horse10sHorse TaxE326/9/9/131
2 Aug 1788Robert Thom uper frierton1 house, 9 windows6s. 0d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/99
2 Aug 1788The sd. Robert Thom formerly Wm Chalmers has Shut up 1 W.House & Window TaxE326/1/48/99
10 Aug 1787William Chalmers at upper Frirton1 saddle horse10s.Horse TaxE326/9/6/115
10 Aug 1787William Chalmers Uper frierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/78
28 Jul 1786Wm Chalmers Uperfriertown1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/54
19 Sep1785William Challmers Uperfrierton1 carriage & saddle horse5s.Horse TaxE326/9/1/123
19 Sep 1785Wm Challmers uperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/32
4 Aug 1784Willm Chalmers Uperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/10
22 Jul 1783Mrs Sime Upperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/124
24 Jul 1782Robert Sime in Uperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/102
23 Jul 1781Robt Sime in Upperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/78
9 Aug 1780Robert Sime Uperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/56
24 Aug 1779Robert Sime Upperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/32
19 Aug 1778Mr Robert Sime Upperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/9
27 Jul 1777Mr Robert Sime Uperfrierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/46/101
- - 1776Mr Robert Sime in Uperfriertown1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/46/77
3 Aug 1775Mr Robert Sime Upper friertown1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/46/54
30 Jul 1774Robert Sime at Uper friertown1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/46/33
15 Jul 1773Robert Sime upper frierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/46/11
19 Jul 1772Robert Syme at upper frierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/45/161
31 Aug 1771Robert Syme Upper frierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/45/140
23 Aug 1770Robert Syme at upper Friartoun1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/45/121
18 Aug 1769Robert Syme at upper Frierton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/45/102
.. Sep 1768Robert Syme in Upper Friarton1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/45/82
20 Sep 1767Robert Sime in Upper Friartoun1 house, 10 windows8s. 4d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/45/58
25 May 1767Robert Sime in Upper Freartown1 house, 10 windows4s. 2d. (windows) + 6d. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/45/35
3 Dec 1765Robt Sime in upper frierton1 house, 9 windows0 + 0 + 4s. 6d. (windows) + 6d. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/44/224
9 Jul 1765Robt Sime in upper frierton1 house, 9 windows0 + 0 + 4s. 6d. (windows) + 6d. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/44/196
29 Mar 1765Robt Sime in upper frirton1 house, 8 windows0 + 0 + 4s. 0d. (windows) + 6d. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/44/166
11 Jun 1764Robt. Sime upper frierton1 house, 8 windows0 + 0 + 4s. 0d. (windows) + 6d. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/44/136
early 1761Geo Fleming in Litle Frierton1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/155
2 Aug 1760Geo Fleming in Little friarton1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/116
2 May 1760George Fleming Friarton1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/80[which Friarton not stated]


Early Sasines:



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