
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : part of 5,  Boat Brae

Street View Image

= Property still standing

Notes:      part of 5 Boat Brae

Part of a combination of previously separate properties. Other parts: 5 Boat Brae     


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.437333,-2.944476

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   1 Boat Brae   2 Boat Brae   4 Boat Brae   5 Boat Brae   8 Boat Brae   10 Boat Brae   12 Boat Brae   14 Boat Brae   (16 Boat Brae)   6 Boat Brae   part of 1, Boat Brae   3 Boat Brae   (house and shop on site of 1, Boat Brae)   (Boatshed, Boat Brae)   (Waiting Room & Bothy, Boat Brae)   (shop, Boat Brae)   (later Boatshed, Boat Brae)   formerly Ferry Terminal, 1-3, Boat Road   4 Boat Road   (former public lavatories, 5, Boat Road)   6 Boat Road   former Post Office, 8, Boat Road   (formerly workshop, 10, Boat Road)   (former shop at pier, Boat Road)   house above former post office, Boat Road   shop, part of 6, Boat Road   (former store near Post Office, Boat Road)   Seamills Cottage [west half], High Road  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

Boat Road1932



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 55 entries

1916-17 MacDonald dirMasarella, G., Pierhead : Confectioners
1915-16 MacDonald dirMasarella, G., Pierhead : Confectioners
1914-15 MacDonald dirMasarella, G., Pierhead : Confectioners
1914-15 dirMassarella, G., confectioner, Pierhead
1913-14 MacDonald dirMasarella, G., Pierhead : Confectioners
1913-14 dirMassarella, G., confectioner, Pierhead
1912-13 dirMassarella, G., confectioner, Pierhead
1911-12 MacDonald dirMassarella, G., Pierhead : Confectioners
1911-12 dirMassarella, G., confectioner, Pierhead
1911 Slater dirMassarella Girardo, confectr. Pierhead, E [under Commercial]
1910-11 dirMassarella, G., confectioner, Pierhead
1903-04 MacDonald dirFenton, W., Pierhead : Painters And Paper-Hangerslocation 2
1903-04 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger, Pierhead; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1902-03 MacDonald dirFenton, W., Pierhead : Painters And Paperhangerslocation 2
1902-03 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1901-02 MacDonald dirFenton, W., Pierhead : Painters And Paper-Hangerslocation 2
1901-02 dirFenton, Wm.,painter & paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1900-01 MacDonald dirFenton, W., Pierhead : Painters And Paper-Hangerslocation 2
1900-01 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger , Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1899-00 MacDonald dirFenton, W., Pierhead : Painters And Paper-Hangerslocation 2
1899-00 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1899 Slater dirFenton William, painter & paperhanger, Pierhead. E [under Commercial]location 2
1898-99 dirFenton, Wm.,painter & paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot., Newportlocation 2
1897-98 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paper hanger , Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1896-97 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1896 Slater dirFenton William, painter & paperhanger, Pierhead, E [under Commercial]location 2
1895-96 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger, Pierhead; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1895 Clarke dirFenton, Wm., Newport : Painters & Decoratorslocation 2
1894-95 dirFenton, Wm.,painter & paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot.,W. Newportlocation 2
1893-94 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paper hanger, Pierhead; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1893 Slater dirFenton William, Pierhead : Painters And Paperhangers.location 2
1892-93 dirFenton, Wm., painter& paperhanger, Pierhead; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1891-92 MacDonald dirFenton, Wm., Pierhead : Painters And Paperhangerslocation 2
1891-92 Lamburn dirFenton, Wm., Pierhead : Painters And Paperhangers.location 2
1891-92 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger. Pierhead; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1890-91 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paperhanger, Pierhead; h. Fisher's cot., W. Newportlocation 2
1889-90 dirFenton, Wm., painter & paper hanger, Pierhead ; h. Fisher's cot.,W. Newportlocation 2
1889 Slater dirFenton William, Pierhead : Painters And Paperhangers.location 2
1888-89 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierheadlocation 2
1887-88 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierheadlocation 2
1886-87 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierheadlocation 2
1886 Slater dirFenton William, painter & decorator, Pierheadlocation 2
1885-86 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger. Pierheadlocation 2
1885 MacDonald dirFenton, William, Pierhead : Painters & Paperhangerslocation 2
1885 Clark dirFenton, Wm., Pierhead : Painters And Paperhangers.location 2
1884-85 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead
1884 MacDonald dirFenton, William, Pierhead : Painters And Paperhangers.
1882 Slater dirFenton William, Pierhead : Painters & Paperhangers.
1880-81 dirFenton, William, painter, Pierhead
1878-79 dirFenton, William, painter. Pierhead
1878 Slater dirFenton William, painter and paper hanger Pier head : Miscellaneous.
1877 Worrall dirFenton Wm., Pierhead : Painters.
1876-77 dirFenton, William, painter. Pierhead, West Newport
1874-75 dirFenton, William, painter, Pierhead
1871-72 dirFenton, William, painter, Pierhead[?]



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1873 Voters Fenton, William painter


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1911 Pierhead Massarella Geo. 2
1881 Pier Head Fenton William 3View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 24 entries

1922-23723Shop Mrs Isabella F Cunningham, Kunnelstone [sic, should be Runnelstone] proprietor 10View details
1920-21702Shop Mrs Isabella F Cunningham, Seggieden empty 10View details
1917-18700Shop Trs of late James Morty per James Allison, 61 Reform St, Dundee G Massarella, confectioner same 12View details
1915-16696Shop Trs of late James Morty per James Allison, 61 Reform St, Dundee G Massarella, confectioner same 12View details
1912-13924Shop Trs of late James Morty per James Allison, 61 Reform St, Dundee G Massarella, confectioner same 12View details
1907-08901Shop Trs of late James Morty per James Allison, 61 Reform St, Dundee Mortali Giovanni, confectioner same 12View details
1905-06881Shop and House Trs of late James Morty per James Allison, 61 Reform St, Dundee empty 13View details
1903-04870Shop and House James Morty, 'The Sidlaws', 10 The Avenue, Eastbourne William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1901-02682Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Fernleigh, Anerley Park, Anerley, London SE William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1900-01670Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Fernleigh, Anerley Park, Anerley, London SE William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1899-00640Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1897-98591Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1896-97568Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1895-96530Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1894-95488Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1893-94467Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1892-93456Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1891-92443Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1890-91415Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1889-90394Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1885-86365Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire William Fenton, painter same 13View details
1881-82260Shop and House James Morty, wholesale wine merchant, Wallingford, Berkshire same William Fenton, painter 13View details
1878-79256Shop and House James Morty, grocer, Murraygate, Dundee same William Fenton, painter 13View details
1875-76229Shop and House James Morty, grocer, Murraygate, Dundee same William Fenton, painter 13View details



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