
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : Causewayhead Farmhouse

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.438073,-2.919001

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
CausewayheadCausewayheadCausewayhead; Causewayhead; CausewayheadMr. Frall, Tenant; Mr. J. Black Farmer, Roseberry; Johnston's Co. Map.About 3/4 of a mile S.W. by W. of the Mansion House of Scotscraig. A good dwelling house two stories high and slated with offices and a large arable farm attached. The farm steading is in good repair and slated and is the property of John Berry Esq. of Tayfield.OS1/13/32/63


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

Causewayhead Farmhouse     source: Canmore
Causewayhead     source: Listed Building - Historic Environment Scotland
Causewayhead     source: The Place-Names of Fife, by Simon Taylor with Gilbert Markus, University of Glasgow     (see a map of all the placenames in Forgan parish.)


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Causewayhead Farmhouse



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 125 entries

1974 dirDew, Duncan M., insurance manager, Causewayhead
1973 dirDew, Duncan M. insurance manager, Causewayhead
1972 dirDew, Duncan M., insurance manager, Causewayhead
1971 dirDew, Duncan M., insurance manager, Causewayhead
1970 dirDew, Duncan M., insurance manager, Causewayhead
1969 dirDew, Duncan M., insurance manager, Causewayhead
1968 dirDew, Duncan M., insurance manager, Causewayhead
1967 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant branch manager, Royal/Globe Insurance Group, 59 Meadowside, Dundee, Tel. Dundee 21306 ; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1966 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant branch manager, Royal / Globe Insurance Group, 59 Meadowside, Dundee, Tel. Dundee 21306; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1965 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant branch manager, Royal/Globe Insurance Group, 59 Meadowside, Dundee, Tel. Dundee 21306; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1964 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant branch manager, Royal / Globe Insurance Group, 59 Meadowside, Dundee, Tel. Dundee 21306; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1963 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant local manager, Royal/Globe Insurance Group, 59 Meadowside, Dundee, Tel. Dundee 21306; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1962 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant local manager, Royal/Globe Insurance Group, 59 Meadowside, Dundee, Tel. Dundee 21306; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1961 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant local manager, Royal/Globe Insurance Group, 59 Meadowside, Dundee, Tel. Dundee 21306; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1960 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant local manager, Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., Tels. Dundee 2106/7; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1958-59 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant local manager, Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., Tel. Dundee 2106/7 ; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1957-58 dirDew, Duncan M., assistant local manager, Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., Tels. Dundee 2106/7 ; h. Causewayhead, Tel. N. 2150
1940-41 MacDonald dirBirrell, A., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1939-40 MacDonald dirBirrell, A., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1939-40 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1938-39 MacDonald dirBirrell, A., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1938-39 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1937-38 MacDonald dirBirrell, A., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1937-38 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1936-37 MacDonald dirBirrell, A., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1936-37 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1935-36 MacDonald dirBirrell, A., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1935-36 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1934-35 MacDonald dirSmith, John M., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1934-35 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1933-34 MacDonald dirSmith, John M., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1933-34 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1932-33 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1931-32 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1931-32 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1930-31 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1930-31 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1929-30 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1929-30 dirBirrel, Alexander, grieve, Causewayhead
1928-29 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1928-29 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead, Newport
1928 Kelly dirArthur Mrs. Robert, Causewayhead (>150 acres) [under Farmers]
1927-28 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1927-28 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead, Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1926-27 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead, Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1925-26 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead, Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1923-24 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1923-24 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead, Newport
1922-23 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead, Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirArthur, Robt., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1921 Slater dirArthur Mrs. Robert, Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1920-21 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead
1919-20 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1918-19 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1918-19 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead
1917-18 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1916-17 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1915-16 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1915-16 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1915 Slater dirArthur Mrs. Robert, Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1914-15 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1914-15 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1913-14 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1913-14 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1912-13 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Farmers, Forgan parish]
1912-13 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1911-12 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1911-12 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1911 Slater dirArthur Robert, Causewayhead [under Forgan Farmers]
1910-11 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1910-11 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1909-10 MacDonald dirArthur, Robert, Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1909-10 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1908-09 MacDonald dirArthur, Robert, Causewayhead [under Agricultural]
1908-09 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1908 Tayside AnnualArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead.
1908 Tayside AnnualArthur, R., Causewayhead. : Dairy Keepers.
1907-08 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1907 Tayside AnnualArthur, Robert, farmer, Causewayhead.
1907 Slater dirArthur Robert, Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1906-07 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1905-06 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1904-05 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1903-04 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1903 Slater dirArthur Robert, Causewayhead : Farmers, Forgan
1902-03 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1901-02 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1900-01 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1899-00 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1899 Slater dirArthur Robert, Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1898-99 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1897-98 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1896-97 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1896 Slater dirArthur Robert, Causewayhead [under Farmers]
1895-96 dirArthur, Robert, farmer and dairyman, Causewayhead
1894-95 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1893-94 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1893 Slater dirLawson Henry G., Causewayhead : Farmers.
1892-93 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1891-92 Lamburn dirLawson, Hy. G., Causeway head : Farmers
1891-92 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1890-91 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1889-90 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer. Causeway head
1888-89 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer. Cause way head
1887-88 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1886-87 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1886 Slater dirLawson Henry G., Causeway head, farmer Forgan parish
1885 Clark dirLawson, H. G., Causewayhead : Farmers, Forgan Parish.
1884-85 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1882-83 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causeway head
1882 Slater dirLawson Henry G., Causeway head : Farmers In Forgan Parish.
1880-81 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1878-79 dirLawson, Henry G., farmer, Causewayhead
1878 Slater dirSmith Robert, Inverdovat & Causeway head : Farmers - Forgan Parish.location 2
1877 Worrall dirLawson Henry C., Causewayhead : Farmers In Forgan Parish.
1873 Slater dirBuddo Robert, Causewayhead : Farmers In Forgan Parish
1867 Slater dirBuddo Robert, Causewayhead : Farmers
1866 Fife dirBuddo, Robert, farmer, Causeyhead
1862 Fife dirFell, David, farmer, Causeyhead
1860 Slater dirFell David, Causeway head : Farmers.
1852 Slater dirFell, David, farmer, Causeway
1834 dirChristie, John, farmer, Causeyhead



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Female Voters Arthur, Mrs Esther C. Farmer Causewayhead, Newport Tenant of Part of Farm Craighead
1879-1880 Voters Lawson, Henry G farmer Causewayhead
1878-1879 Voters Lawson, Henry Graham farmer Causewayhead
1874 Voters Buddo, Robert farmer
1873 Voters Buddo, Robert farmer
1864-1865 Voters 20 August 1851 Fell, David farmer, Causewayhead tenant farm and lands of Causewayhead
1862-1863 Voters 20 August 1851 Fell, David farmer, Causewayhead tenant farm and lands of Causewayhead
1859 Election for Fife MP Fell, David Lord Loughborough (Conservative)
1846-1862 Voters 20 August 1851 Fell, David farmer, Causewayhead tenant farm and lands of Causewayhead
1844-1861 Voters 20 August 1851 Fell, David farmer, Causewayhead tenant farm and lands of Causewayhead
1833-1840 Voters 22 September 1832 Christie, John Farmer tenant lands Cawseyhead [entry deleted] Dead
1832 Voters 22 September 1832 Christie, John Farmer tenant lands of Cawseyhead


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Causewayhead Arthur Robert 9
1911 Causewayhead Arthur Esther C 8
1901 Causeyhead Farmhouse Arthur Ester 6View household
1891 Causewayhead Lawson Henry G 8View household
1881 CausewayheadFarm House Lawson Henry G 7View household
1871 Causewayhead Buddo Robert 8View household
1861 CausewayheadFarm House Fell David 7View household
1851 Causewayhead Farm Fell David View household
1841 Causewayhead Christie Mary View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 56 entries

1958-59568Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh D M Blair (Farmers) Ltd 43View details
1958-5988Farm House John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh 3 D M Blair (Farmers) Ltd; Duncan Dew, IO View details
1957-5888Farm House John Berry PhD per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh 3 D M Blair (Farmers) Ltd; Duncan Dew, IO View details
1957-58569Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh D M Blair (Farmers) Ltd 34View details
1952-53540Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 20-14-0View details
1952-5397Farm House John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith; John Paul, grieve, IO View details
1947-48516Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 15-13-2View details
1947-4892Farm & Lands (part of) John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith, farmer 142-17-3View details
1947-4893Farm House John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith; John Paul, IO View details
1942-43514Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 15-13-2View details
1942-4398Farm & Lands (part of) John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith, farmer 142-17-3View details
1942-4399Farm House John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith; John Paul, IO View details
1940-4197Farm & Lands (part of) John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith, farmer 142-17-3View details
1940-41512Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 15-13-2View details
1940-4198Farm House John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith; John Paul, IO View details
1937-38101Farm House John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith; Alexander Birrell, IO View details
1937-38517Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 15-13-2View details
1937-38100Farm & Lands John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith, farmer 141-19-11View details
1935-36502Part of Lands of Causewayhead John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 15-13-2View details
1935-36100Farm, Lands & House John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh James M Smith; Alexander Birrell, IO 141-19-11View details
1932-3398Farm, Lands & House William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh John M Smith, farmer; Alexander Birrell, IO 141-9-11View details
1932-33474Part of Lands of Causewayhead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 15-13-2View details
1930-3199Farm & Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh John M Smith, farmer; Alexander Birrell, IO 141-9-11View details
1930-31467Part of Lands of Causewayhead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh J Meldrum Smith 15-13-2View details
1927-28135Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C, Marion G & Esther C & Robert Arthur 276-16-8View details
1925-26125Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C, Marion G & Esther C & Robert Arthur same 276-16-8View details a
1922-23116Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C, Marion G & Esther C & Robert Arthur same 275-3-0View details a
1920-21108Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 230-3-0View details a
1917-18107Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 230-3-0View details a
1915-16106Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 230-3-0View details a
1912-13104Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 230-3-0View details a
1907-0899Farm & Lands of Causewayhead and Part of Craighead Lands William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 239-10-9View details a
1905-0691Farm and Lands of Causewayhead & Part of Craighead Lands William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 239-10-9View details a
1903-0493Farm and Lands of Causewayhead & Part of Craighead Lands William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 239-10-9View details a
1901-02116Farm and Lands of Causewayhead & Part of Craighead Lands William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 239-10-9View details a
1900-01116Farm and Lands of Causewayhead & Part of Craighead Lands William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 239-10-9View details a
1899-00109Farm and Lands of Causewayhead & Part of Craighead Lands William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 239-10-9View details a
1897-9898Farm and Lands of Causewayhead & Part of Craighead Lands William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 239-10-0View details
1896-9798Farm and Lands of Causewayhead & Part of Craighead Lands William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 238-4-9View details
1895-9697Farm and Lands of Causewayhead and part of Craighead Lan William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Robert Arthur, farmer same 230-18-0View details
1894-95107Farm and house William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Henry Graham Lawson, farmer same 216View details
1893-94100Farm and house William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Henry Graham Lawson, farmer same 216View details
1892-93104Farm and house William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Henry Graham Lawson, farmer same 236View details
1891-92103Farm and house William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Henry Graham Lawson, farmer same 236View details
1890-9198Farm and house William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Henry Graham Lawson, farmer same 236View details
1889-9094Farm and house William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Henry Graham Lawson, farmer same 236View details
1885-8686Farm and house William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, Edinburgh Henry Graham Lawson, farmer same 236View details
1881-8237Farm of Causewayhead William Berry Esq. (a minor), per J D Hannan, factor same Henry Graham Lawson, farmer 290-16-7View details lease: 19-56 yrs
1878-7939Farm of Causewayhead William Berry Esq. (a minor) same Henry Graham Lawson, farmer 282-14-1View details lease: 19-56 yrs
1875-7640Farm of Causewayhead John Berry Esq. same Robert Buddo, farmer 455-6-3View details lease: 19-56 yrs
1871-7244Farm of Causewayhead John Berry Robert Buddo, farmer 463-3-9View details
1867-6843Farm of Causewayhead John Berry Robert Buddo, farmer 483-5-0View details lease 19 yrs; 277 acres
1865-6643Farm of Causewayhead John Berry of Tayfield said Robert Buddo Robert Buddo, farmer 381-14-4View details lease 19 - 57 years
1864-6539Farm of Causewayhead John Berry of Tayfield David Fell, farmer 358-7-8View details lease 19 years
1860-6148Causewayhead Farm John Berry of Tayfield David Fell, farmer 402-2-0View details
1855-5640Farm of Causewayhead John Berry of Tayfield David Fell, farmer, Causewayhead said David Fell 457-9-0View details



Early taxation records (either at this exact location or an earlier one)

DateTaxpayerTaxable itemsDuty paidTaxSource refNote
18 Nov 1798John Christie, CasawayheadDuties on houses2s. 6d.Consolidated schedulesE326/15/11/18
18 Nov 1798John Christie, CasawayheadDuty on 6 horses used in husbandry or trade, or mules£1 16s.Consolidated schedulesE326/15/11/18
18 Nov 1798John Christie, CasawayheadTotal£1 18s. 6d.Consolidated schedulesE326/15/11/18
2 Oct 1797John Christie, Causiehead6 horses, 6 liable for duty13s. 6d. + 2s. 8.4d.Farm Horse TaxE326/10/9/31
8 Oct 1797John Christie Causwayead1 horse10s. + 1s. + 10s.Horse TaxE326/9/29/123
2 Oct 1797John Christie, Cawsie head6 horses, 6 liable for duty at 2 shillings each12s. 0d.Farm Horse TaxE326/10/2/303
4 Aug 1794John Chrystie Causwayhead1 horse10s. + 1s.Horse TaxE326/9/26/123
4 Aug 1794John Christie Causeyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house) + 2.6d. (10%)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/119
18 Jul 1793John Chrystie Causeyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house) + 2.6d. (10%)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/99
25 Jul 1792Thos Meldrum Causewayhead1 horse10s. + 1s.Horse TaxE326/9/23/117
25 Jul 1792Thos. Meldrum Causewayhd.1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house) + 2.6d. (10%)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/82
1 Jul 1791Thomas Meldrum in Causyhead1 horse10s. + 1s.Horse TaxE326/9/20/105
1 Jul 1791Thos. Meldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house) + 2.6d. (10%)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/60
27 Jul 1790Thomas Meldrum Causyhead1 horse10s.Horse TaxE326/9/17/104
27 Jul 1790Thomas Meldrum Causyhd.1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/35
24 Jul 1789Thomas Meldrum Causyhed1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/49/10
2 Aug 1788Thomas Meldrum Causyhed1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/99
10 Aug 1787Thomas Meldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/78
28 Jul 1786Thomas Meldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/55
19 Sep 1785Thomas Melldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/32
4 Aug 1784Thomas Meldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/48/10
22 Jul 1783Thomas Melldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/124
24 Jul 1782Thomas Melldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/102
23 Jul 1781Thomas Melldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/78
9 Aug 1780Thomas Melldrum Causyford1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/56[Causewayhead]
24 Aug 1779Thomas Meldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/32
19 Aug 1778Thomas Meldrum Causyhead1 house, 7 windows1s. 2d. (windows) + 1s. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/47/9
8 Feb 1763John Duncan Cassowayhead1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/44/46
15 Jun 1762John Duncan Cassowayhead1 house, 8 windows0 + 0 + 4s. 0d. (windows) + 6d. (house)House & Window TaxE326/1/44/13
- Feb 1762John Duncan in Casowahead1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/222
26 Jun 1761John Duncan in Casuayhead1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/190
early 1761John Duncan in Causeyhead1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/154
2 Aug 1760John Duncan Causeyhead1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/115
2 May 1760John Duncan Causeyhead1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/80
21 Jul 1759John Duncan Causeyhead1 house6d.House & Window TaxE326/1/43/43


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