
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 372:   Railway  -  all plots

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Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
372Railwayall plotscombined map showing all plots


Sub-plots created from this plot :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
83Wellgate0.680 acres(Wellgate)railway
84Woodmuir4.921 acres (less 0.151 acres sold back)land from St Fort estate, includes both Woodmuir and the area from Waterstone Crook to Birkhill Ave.(Railway)railway
380Wellgate47 polS of 20' street, E of Kirk Road(Crooks) / Railway9 Castle Brae
445Woodmuir0.151 acrestriangle(Railway)part of Beechwood Tce East
446Newport12.028 acres + 0.163 acres + 0.978 acresland from Tayfield estate (East & West Newport)(Railway)railway
447Birkhill18.567 acres + 5.699 acres + 3 roods 18 polland from Birkhill estate (various lots)(Railway)railway
625Wormit145 polback to railway co.(Wieland / North British Railway)at Goods Station Road
627Morton8.263 acres(Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway)


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1906.00862From North British Railway Co (1905) to Birkhill to George DuncanFeu disp by Birkhill to George Duncan, The Tower, Wormit of rocky bank / waste grnd on SE side of highway Newport - Cupar lying between the highway and a footpath running nearly parallel therewith & ex adverso of other grnd on S belonging to the grantee, which land was acquired by the grantor in disp 3 May 1905 [presumably returned by Railway Co]17 May 1906447, 372, 619
1906.00567North British Railway Co back to BirkhillDisp by North British Railway Co to Birkhill of strip of grnd 130.5 sq yd on SE of highway to Cupar (under exception)26 Apr 1906447, 372
1906.00566pce of grnd feued to D Duncan had already been feued to Railway. Railway Co return it to BirkhillDisp by North British Railway to Birkhill of 0.02 acres [80.9 sq m] grnd at Wormit, pt of the feu (46 pol of Wormit) originally granted by Birkhill per incuriam [through lack of care] to David Duncan by feu disp 20 May 1890 [1890.06657]26 Apr 1906544, 447, 372
1894.00753George B Wieland to North British RailwayDisp by George Bradley Wieland of Manor House, Shepparton, Middlesex to North British Railway Co of strip of grnd 145 pol lately formed into a roadway along NW side of railway line Edinburgh - Dundee & siding extending from road to the railway station at Wormit to the road to the farm steading of Wormit, pt of 30 acres 3 roods 13 pol of Wormit17 May 1894625, 372 (blue), 543
1890.07043Tayfield to Newport Railway CoDisp by William Berry Tayfield to Trs Newport Railway Co of 0.978 acres land at Newport East Railway Station on the S of the railway ... pt of Tayfield19 Sep 1890446, 372
1888.03015Tayfield to Newport Railway CoDisp by William Berry Tayfield to Newport Railway Co of 0.163 acres [659 sq metres - position unknown] of Tayfield & others, pt of lands in 16 Feb 1853 & 21 Mar 187914 Feb 1888446, 372
1886.00625Birkhill to North British RailwayWedderburn, Birkhill to North British Railway lots 10, 32, 34 - total 3 roods 18 pol - parts of Wormit (under North British Tay Bridge Act 1881)Jun 1886447, 372, 395
1882.01708Birkhill to North British RailwayDisp by Henry Scrymgeour Wedderburn to North British Railway Co of 4.5 pol of foreshore, lot 22 in book of plans for North British Railway (New Tay Viaduct) Act 1881, pt of lands of Wormit14 Apr 1882372 (red)
1882.01678Board of Trade to North British Railway Co (for new Tay Bridge)Feu disp by Board of Trade to North British Railway Co of right, title & interests of HM the Queen over 3 roods 11 pol pt of the foreshore & bed of the River Tay below High Water Mark between Buckingham Point & Long Craig which will be occupied by the 81 pillars & supports of the bridge to be constructed under 'N B Railway (New Tay Viaduct) Act 1881'3 Apr 1882372 (red)
1880.06414triangle of ground returned to St Fort; right of way given to [public] over roadway & bridgeDisp by & between Newport Railway Co & Trs late Jane Fraser / Stewart, St Fort, containing (1) disp by Newport Railway Co to said Trs of a triangular pce grnd 0.151 acres immediately on S side of fence erected by said Company between West Newport Railway Station on the E & the bridge ... over the railway on the W, being pt of Woodmuir Park, & pt of grnd in disp to Company (4 Jul 1877); (2) disp by Trs to Company of right of way along with said Trs & all others having / acquiring the right to use the same over the road passing through a portion of Woodmuir Park leading N from the old road called the Kirk Road to & across the before mentioned bridge over the railway, thence E on N side of the railway till it joins a road leading from Newport towards the West Newport Railway Station, & to the effect of securing to said Company & traders & public frequenting ... the railway or stations of the Company, the free use of said road17 Nov 1880445, 84, 372, 196, 385
1879.04322Birkhill to Newport Railway CoDisp by Wedderburn, Birkhill to Newport Railway Co of pts of the lands of Wormit after-mentioned - 5.699 acres - (pts of Wormit with mill, mill land & salmon fishing of Wormit called Longcraig & 7 acres of the arable lands lying contiguous about said mill of Wormit in Barony of Naughton)2 May 1879372, 447
1878.03767Board of Trade to Newport Railway Co (for connecting link to Tay Bridge)Feu disp by Board of Trade under 'Crown Lands Act 1866' to Newport Railway Co of right, title & interest of Her Majesty in, to & over pce land, pt of the foreshore & bed of the River Tay below the High Water Mark opposite to Longcraig & occupied by the supports of a viaduct, reserving minerals etc26 Nov 1878372 (purple)
1877.01967Tayfield to Newport Railway CoDisp by Berry, Tayfield to Newport Railway Co of 12.028 acres of Tayfield (see 16 Feb 1853)17 Jul 1877372, 446
1877.01926St Fort to Newport Railway CoDisp by Jane Fraser / Stewart, St Fort, widow to Newport Railway Co of 4.921 acres, pts of lands of St Fort (see 1 Oct 1872)4 Jul 1877372 (green), 84, 196, 385
1877.01744Birkhill to North British Railway CoDisp by Birkhill to North British Railway Co of portions of land etc, 18.567 acres, pt of Wormit as described in deed of entail to granter 22 Feb 1875 [This is the first mention in the sasine registers of a distinct part of Wormit, apart from its listing as a part of Birkhill estate.]17 May 1877395, 372 (yellow), 447
1876.00839Trs Rev T Just to North British Railway [? Newport Railway Co]Disp by Trs deceased Rev Thomas Just to North British Railway Co of 0.680 acres, pt of Wellgate Park [? Newport Railway Co]12 Sep 187683, 372 (blue), 161
1876.00159Robert Crooks to North British Railway [? Newport Railway Co]Disp by Robert Crooks ... to North British Railway Co of 47 pol grnd of Wellgate Park, : N by 20'road, : W by Kirk Road [? Newport Railway Co]28 Feb 1876159, 372 (red square)
1871.00227Board of Trade to North British Railway Co (for Tay Bridge)Feu disp by Board of Trade on behalf of Her Majesty to the North British Railway Co of the right, title & interest of HM in, to & over those pieces of land containing together 2 roods, which will be occupied by the 90 pillars of the bridge to be constructed under 'N B Railway Tay Bridge & Railways Act 1870' pt of the foreshore & bed of the River Tay below the HW mark between Buckingham Point & Long Craig13 Apr 1871372 (purple)
1855.03391John Hay to Edinburgh Perth & Dundee Railway CoEdinburgh Perth & Dundee Railway Co get disp by John Hay, Morton, to portions of ground extending to 8.263 acres, pt of lands of Morton12 Jun 1855627, 372 (black dashes), 220

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1890.07043Berry, Tayfield
1888.03015Berry, Tayfield
1877.01967Berry, Tayfield
1882.01678Board of Trade
1878.03767Board of Trade
1871.00227Board of Trade
1876.00159Crooks, Robert
1906.00566Duncan, David
1906.00862Duncan, George
1855.03391Edin, Perth Dundee Rly Co
1855.03391Hay, Morton
1876.00839Just, Rev Thomas
1890.07043Newport Railway Co
1888.03015Newport Railway Co
1880.06414Newport Railway Co
1879.04322Newport Railway Co
1878.03767Newport Railway Co
1877.01967Newport Railway Co
1877.01926Newport Railway Co
1906.00567North British Railway
1906.00566North British Railway
1894.00753North British Railway
1886.00625North British Railway
1882.01708North British Railway
1882.01678North British Railway
1877.01744North British Railway
1876.00839North British Railway
1876.00159North British Railway
1871.00227North British Railway Co
1880.06414Stewart, St Fort
1877.01926Stewart, St Fort
1906.00862Wedderburn, Birkhill
1906.00567Wedderburn, Birkhill
1906.00566Wedderburn, Birkhill
1886.00625Wedderburn, Birkhill
1882.01708Wedderburn, Birkhill
1879.04322Wedderburn, Birkhill
1877.01744Wedderburn, Birkhill
1894.00753Wieland, George Bradley


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