
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Notes from Newport Town Council Minutes

These are not full transcripts of the Minutes. They are my own notes.

1900-01       (November 1900 - November 1901)       Source: Newport-on-Tay Council Minutes, B79-1-1C

Electric lighting: the two plans referred to are now withdrawn.
Gas Company: report prior to takeover - gasworks were far from 'up to date' - very cramped; coke and ashes heaps are outside the premises (lack of space); coal store also outside the retort house door; there is no gate; ... The management deserve great credit for the feat of manufacturing a sufficient quantity of gas in winter to keep the Burgh from being plunged into darkness. However, the Gas Company have feued a new site of 1.5 acres and have built thereon a gasholder and cottage. [Town Council wanted to buy the gasworks and run them, rather than contemplate electric light competition. The new works would enable the manufacture of cheaper, better gas.]

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