Notes from Newport Town Council Minutes
These are not full transcripts of the Minutes. They are my own notes.
1912-13 (November 1912 - November 1913) Source: Newport-on-Tay Council Minutes, B79-1-12
Elected: George Rollo, Woodbine Terrace; David Thomson, Danellvid; John G Gilchrist, 5 Hill Terrace; - no polls. |
Council: Ward 1: James Young, elected 1910; Simon Forrest, elected 1911, Junior Bailie; George Rollo, elected 1912. |
Ward 2: Robert T Leitch, elected 1910, Provost; Charles William Buick, elected 1911; David Thomson, elected 1912, Senior Bailie. |
Ward 3: James Coutts, elected 1910; James B Robb, elected 1911; John G Gilchrist, elected 1912. |
Recreation Ground 'was given up by Town Council in accordance with golf club's desire, so as to permit it being included in the golf course ground'. |
? new house for gas manager - on west - old one for the foreman? |
Death of John M'Laggan, Craignish, one of the first commissioners in 1887. |
Presentation to Mars Boy - Thomas Bee - heroic conduct at recent fire at Figtree Cottages. |
Tennis court - not to go ahead. |
Handrails - should Town Council do it? should proprietors do it? |
Alteration of gate at West Newport station. |
Death of Thomas Winton, wood merchant, Dundee - former Bailie. On Town Council 1895 - 1898. |
Robert Just - property doesn't abut onto this street - 'produce titles or pay up' - Town Council. |
Figtree Terrace property - request to construct a passageway through front property to the house behind. |
Robert Just - failed to pay - steps to be taken. |
Burning of rubbish on vacant ground at east end of Woodriffe Terrace - ask Berry if Kirk Road quarry could be used to dump inoffensive material? |
Figtree Terrace property - north wall of back building considered dangerous: restoration of property damaged by fire. |
New gas manager's house - £825. |
Old quarry site (Kirk Road) - as dump - yes - but compact the tin cans and bottles first to give more space - unlike what happened at the old sand hole in Cupar Road then that wouldn't have had to be closed. |
Notices about garden refuse - not to be put on vacant ground. |
[Manure etc. separated from paper, tins, bottles, etc. and sent to 3 tips outside Burgh. 'Non-digestible' items being put in quarry.] |
Figtree Terrace - widen footway (from Figtree ground). |
2 September 1913. Wormit Electric lighting discussed - set up a sub-committee. |
Retiring: Young, Buick & Coutts. |
? feuing at vacant ground - Wormit Bay - roads to be made up and drainage required. |
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