
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Notes from Newport Town Council Minutes

These are not full transcripts of the Minutes. They are my own notes.

1907-08       (November 1907 - November 1908)       Source: Newport-on-Tay Council Minutes, B79-1-7

Parish Council election: Ward 1: William Gilchrist Fairweather, St Phillans Place; Simon Forrest, Craig-Ard; James Husband, Lyndhurst. Ward 2: William Peebles, High Street; David H Robertson, 17 Kilnburn Place; James Young, High Street. Ward 3: James G Belford, Tayside, Wormit; David Hunter Gowans, Gowanlea; Alexander Johnston, Rowanbank.
Municipal election: elected James Young, High Street; Daniel Lawson, Kilnburn House; James Coutts, Clifton, Wormit, no polls.
Council: Ward 1: Simon Forrest, elected 1905, Senior Bailie; George Rollo, elected 1906; James Young, elected 1907. Ward 2: William Carswell, Ascot, elected 1903, Provost; Robert Thomson Leitch, elected 1906; Daniel Lawson, elected 1907. Ward 3: William Robertson, elected 1905; James Strachan, elected 1906, Junior Bailie; James Coutts, elected 1907.
Mr David Donald, burgh surveyor resigned.
Old well at Bay Road near Mr Chapman's house.
Suction gas engine at Wormit - complaint.
Mr Walker - burgh foreman for 20 years.
Mortuary - delay at present.
Acquire ashpit ground at Varna Cottage (site needed for footpath).
Traffic - carts and animals at pier entrance.
John Mathers appointed burgh surveyor.
Manse Road - [now Gowrie Street].
Viewmount Road - Birkhill estate has just feued ground 110 feet south of Mr Robbie's feu.
Old sandhole site (corner of Cupar Road and Inverdovat Road) - ? for garden rubbish?
Edinburgh Foresters etc. sold 'Ballochmyle' at public roup 22 January 1908 to John Justice Batchelor, Rossie Cottage.
?Mainline station at Wormit? - railway company says no.
Application for gas supply to Mr W A Mitchell's house at St Fort Road [sic: this is now Kilmany Road] 719 yards beyond the end of the 4-inch main - extend the main.
Convenience at Braes - completed. Need for one in Wormit.
Footpath from Hillpark Terrace on west of The Tower - some owners want it taken over, but not all. No action meantime.
Need for recreation ground at Wormit.
Rowdyism at Waterston Park.
Matthew Morrison - slaughter house at old pier - re-licensed.
Westfield Terrace - plans by Mr Robert Chalmers, West Newport, to erect a villa and turn it into a cul-de-sac - could not be prevented.
Inadequate water supply - one main supplying Newport & Tayport is no good.
June 1908. Complaint from Mr D Mackenzie, Wormit of noise from engine and machinery of Tayside Electric Co. - many times before, have tried to obviate the cause of the noise - copy letter to N B Railway Co (on whose ground the engine is) to ask Mr Stewart to obviate all cause for complaint, the Council's efforts having failed.
Letter from Mr Stewart - he is preparing plans for the extension of the electric light eastwards to include Newport & Tayport; more details of complaint, please. Council do not wish the introduction of electric light in the Burgh.
Refusal of planning consent for shops etc. proposed at corner of Newburgh Road and Hillpark Road by Mr Alex. Stewart - less than 25' from centre of roadway.
September 1908. Speed limits - 10 m.p.h. - apply to Secretary of State for: Cupar Road (High Street to burgh boundary); High Street; Boat Road; Boat Brae; High Road; Newburgh Road (High Street to burgh boundary [near Wormit Farm steading]); Tay Street (High Street to burgh boundary).
Mention of Castle Road [presumably Castle Brae].
Plans approved: reconstruction of shop & premises, Newburgh Road - Peter D Wighton, grocer.
Complaint - Mr S J Marquis - noise of suction gas engine at Wormit.
Retiring: Simon Forrest, William Carswell, William Robertson.

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