
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1903    Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory and Topography of Scotland, published: Nov 1903,  original : Internet Archive      There are 722 records.

Nagel Mrs. 2 Alma terrace, W NewportLocation
Nairn William C. Argour, Albert crescent NewportLocation
Newport Gas Light Co. (Jn. Black, mgr) Newport (Commercial)Location
Newport Steam Laundry (D. W. Young, proprietor), King street Newport (Commercial)Location
Nicoll & Smibert Ltd. bakers & confectioners. Pierhead, E Newport (Commercial)Location
Nicoll Alexander, Leahurst, E NewportLocation
Nicoll Mrs. Vine bank, E NewportLocation
Nicoll William E. Rose cottage, W NewportLocation
Nimmo Miss, Thornbank, E NewportLocation
Niven Alex. (Mrs.) butcher, Pierhead, E Newport (Commercial)Location
Niven Alexander, Maybank, Tay terrace, E NewportLocation
Niven David, 1 Linden avenue, E NewportLocation
Niven John C. Justfield house, W NewportLocation
Niven Peter, Tay terrace, E NewportLocation
Noakes Mrs. St. Ians, WoodhavenLocation
Norman Alexander, Elmslea, WormitLocation
Norrie Miss, Norington, WormitLocation
Norrie Mrs. Thornbank, E NewportLocation
Norwell William, painter & decorator, 12 High street Newport (Commercial)Location
Oakley Frederick J. Ingleside, WormitLocation
Ogilvie Andrew G. 7 Hill crescent, WormitLocation
Ogilvie James, Union cottage, W NewportLocation
Packham Mrs. Ashcliff, WormitLocation
Pae Mrs., 7 Prospect terrace NewportLocation
Pae William James, 3 Struan place, E NewportLocation
Paisley Mrs. 1 Myrtle terrace, E NewportLocation
Parsons Thomas, 9 Hill crescent, WormitLocation
Paterson Alice (Miss), photographer, St. Phillan's place, E Newport (Commercial)Location
Paterson Richard, 4 Alma terrace, W NewportLocation
Patterson Alexander, tailor, Wormit (Commercial)Location
Patterson Alexander. Fernlea, WormitLocation
Pattullo Thomas, 3 Kilnburn place, E NewportLocation
Paul George, Waterston. W NewportLocation
Paulsen Max. Rockmount, WormitLocation
Pearson Ann (Mrs.), dairy keeper , Forgan (Commercial)LocationLocation (2)
Pearson David, boot maker, Newburgh rd Newport (Commercial)Location
Peattie George, Daisy bank, WormitLocation
Peattie John, householder. Maryfield ter. E Newport (Commercial)Location
Peebles John A. Rockcliff, WormitLocation
Peebles William, newsagent & bookseller, 10 High street Newport (Commercial)Location
Peters George, gardener, Wormit (Commercial)Location
Petrie Mrs. Sylverton, Victoria street, E NewportLocation
Philip James, 2 Tay terrace, E NewportLocation
Philip Robert, Glenorchy, WormitLocation
Philip Walter S. 8 Kilnburn place, E NewportLocation
Pirie David, 1 Norwood terrace NewportLocation
Plenderleath Mrs. 8 Hill crescent, WormitLocation
Porter Mrs. St. Leonard's, WormitLocation
Potter John. River view, WormitLocation
Potter William N. Ardlea, WormitLocation

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