
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1939-40    The Dundee Directory, pub. Burns & Harris, published: 1939,  original : Internet Archive      There are 1180 records.

M'Inroy, Aikman, enginedriver, Union terrace, East NewportLocation
M'Intosh, Alexander, clerk, Ardlea, Scotswood crescent, WormitLocation
M'Intosh, Andrew (headmaster, Dundee), 7 Alma terrace, W. NewportLocation
M'Intosh, Miss Lisbeth, Kindowrie, Hay road, WormitLocation
M'Intosh, Mrs, Osborne place, King streetLocation
M'Intyre, J. C. F., organiser, Wormit house, Bay road, WormitLocation
M'Kay, William, plumber, Kentallen, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
M'Kean, Miss, Beechwood terrace, West NewportLocation
M'Kenzie, Mrs F. J., Sylvan house, Woodside, Queen streetLocation
M'Kerron, Jas., police constable, Police Station, King st., E. NewportLocation
M'Kerrow, Miss Jean, High street : Booksellers, And Newsagents,Location
M'Kerrow, Miss Jean, stationer and tobacconist, High street ; h. The Terrace, West NewportLocationLocation (2)
M'Kinnon, Mrs D. J., Southfield, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
M'Laggan, Miss, Fern cottage, Newburgh road, West NewportLocation
M'Laren, David G., chauffeur, 19 Mars gardens, Woodhaven, WormitLocation
M'Laren, William, forester, Tayfield cottages, High roadLocation
M'Leod, Mrs Catherine J., The Castle, Newburgh road, West NewportLocation
M'Millan, 12 Robert streetLocation
M'Millan, Miss Margaret, Poplar house, Robert streetLocation
M'Millan, Mrs William C., of William C. M'Millan, 12 Robert streetLocation
M'Millan, William C., 10 High street : Booksellers, And Newsagents,Location
M'Millan, William C., bookseller and stationer, 10 High street (Tel. No. N. 3210)Location
M'Pherson, Mrs Marion L., Abkari, 1 Tayview terrace, East NewportLocation
M'Walter, Miss, Olivet villa, Bay road, WormitLocation
M'Walter, William, postman, 10 Union streetLocation
Macdonald, Alexander, Cliffside, WormitLocation
Macdonald, James C., Norbay, Tayport roadLocation
Macdonald, Miss M. Y., 3 Thornbank, Cupar roadLocation
Macdonald, Mrs Collina, The Castle, Newburgh road, West NewportLocation
Macdonald, Peter R., traveller, Woodhaven avenue, Woodhaven, WormitLocation
MacDougald, Miss Rosa (teacher of singing, Dundee), Lorne, Viewmount road, WormitLocation
MacGregor, John P., motor mechanic, Osborne place, King streetLocation
MacGregor, Miss Anna, Alpine cottage, Beechwood terrace, W. NewportLocation
Macgregor, Misses, Whinfell, Hillpark road, WormitLocation
Macintyre, F. S., High street; Newport S. Mary's Epis., Rev. [under Places Of Worship]Location
Macintyre, Rev. F. S., S. Mary's Episcopal Church ; h. The Rectory, High street, East NewportLocationLocation (2)
Mackay, Miss J., Rosebank, Shepherd's road, West NewportLocation
Mackay, Miss, Bay house, Tayport road, East NewportLocation
Mackay, W. (painter, Dundee), Lorneville, Tayport roadLocation
Mackenzie, Mrs F. T., Riverview, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
Mackie, D., & Son, builders, Victoria street, East NewportLocation
Mackie, D., & Son, Victoria street : Builders.Location
Mackie, John, 9 Hill crescent, WormitLocation
Mackie, Miss, Broomlea, Victoria street, East NewportLocation
Mackie, Robert L., M.A., B.Litt. (lecturer, Dundee), Abercraig, Newburgh road, West NewportLocation
Mackie, William I., builder, Ingleton, Victoria street, East NewportLocation
Mackintosh, Dr W. J., Craigroy, East Newport : Medical Practitioners.Location
Mackintosh, Dr W. J., Craigroy, East Newport; and 66 William st., TayportLocation
Maclachlan, Mrs William, Rockville, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
MacLeod, Miss, Braemore, 3 Norwood, East NewportLocation

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