
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 11  Union Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing


Part of a previously single property. Other parts: store for shop     

Using the information here, it is impossible to be certain who lived in each property or part of the building between 1908 and 1912. Other properties involved : 13 Union Street      One possible interpretation is given below.



A simple set of properties which has been complicated by internal divisions and multiple letting. Originally 3 properties: the shop (9) on south; cottage (11) - Smith then McNaughton - in middle; cottage (15) - Gibb - on north. (15) was sometimes let as 2 properties, but from 1896 on it has always been 2. (11) was split into 2 c.1897, initially as 2 houses, but then one of them was used as a store for the shop. All properties were bought by Mackay c.1912 since when it has been impossible to sort out the internal divisions of properties. (13) has been created out of varying parts of (11) and (15). The part used as a store for the shop has reverted to being part of either (11) or (13).


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.441223,-2.939857

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   30 Tay Street   1 Union Street   2 Union Street   3 Union Street   4 Union Street   5 Union Street   (formerly 6, Union Street)   7 Union Street   8 Union Street   9 Union Street   10 Union Street   12 Union Street   13 Union Street   14 Union Street   15 Union Street   16 Union Street   17 Union Street   18 Union Street   19 Union Street   20 Union Street   21 Union Street   23 Union Street   store for shop, Union Street   (hut addition for telephone exchange, Union Street)   (former slater's yard, Union Street)   (store, formerly 1, William Street)   2 William Street   St Fillans Church Hall, William Street   St Fillans Church Hall (pt), William Street   4 William Street   (Matthewson's Land [1], William Street)   (Matthewson's Land [2], William Street)   (Matthewson's Land [3], William Street)   (Matthewson's Land [4], William Street)   (Matthewson's Land [5], William Street)   (Matthewson's Land [6], William Street)   (Matthewson's Land [7], William Street)   (Matthewson's Land [8], William Street)   outbuilding behind 12 Tay Street, William Street  


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      135


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

6 Union Street1961



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 59 entries

1962 dirLister, Mrs M. 6 Union street
1961 dirLister, Mrs M., 6 Union street
1960 dirLister, Mrs M., 6 Union street
1958-59 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1957-58 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1956-57 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1955-56 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street, East Newport
1954-55 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street, East Newport
1953-54 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street, East Newport
1952-53 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street, East Newport
1951-52 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street, East Newport
1950-51 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street, East Newport
1949-50 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street, East Newport
1948-49 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1947-48 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1946-47 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1942-43 dirLister, John M., electrician. 6 Union street
1941-42 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1940-41 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1939-40 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1938-39 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1937-38 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1936-37 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1935-36 dirLister, John M., electrician, 6 Union street
1934-35 dirWallace, James, of Wallace Brothers, Union street, East Newport.
1933-34 dirWallace, James, of Wallace Brothers, Union street, East Newport
1932-33 dirWallace, James, of Wallace Brothers, Union street, East Newport
1931-32 dirWallace, James, of Wallace Brothers, Union street, East Newport
1909-10 dirWishart, A. (joiner, Dundee), 6 Union street. East Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualM'Naughton, Euphemia, M., Union Street.
1908 Tayside AnnualWishart, Alex., joiner, Union Street.
1907 Tayside AnnualWishart, Alex., joiner, Union Street.
1907 Tayside AnnualM'Naughton, Euphemia M., Union Street.
1900-01 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1899-00 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1898-99 dirYoung, John T., cycle agent, Pierhead ; h. Union streetlocation 2
1897-98 dirYoung, John T., cycle agent, Pierhead ; h. Union streetlocation 2
1895-96 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1895-96 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1894-95 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1894-95 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1893-94 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1893-94 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1892-93 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1892-93 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1891-92 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1891-92 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1890-91 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1890-91 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1889-90 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1889-90 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1888-89 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1888-89 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1887-88 dirM'Naughton, John S. (cashier, Dundee), Union street
1887-88 dirM'Naughton, Miss Catherine, Union street
1886 Slater dirMcNaughton Rev. James H, Union St
1885-86 dirM'Naughton, Rev. James H., Union street, East Newport
1882-83 dirM'Naughton, Miss C, grocer, Robert street ; h. Union st., E. Newportlocation 2
1862 Fife dirSmith, John, china merchant (Dundee), Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Female Voters McNaughton, Euphemia M. Union Street, Newport Proprietor of House Union Street
1874 Voters Keay, Andrew G grocer
1864-1865 Voters 6 September 1862 Smith, John china merchant, Dundee proprietor house Easter Newport
1862-1863 Voters 6 September 1862 Smith, John china merchant, Dundee proprietor house Easter Newport
1857 Registration Smith, John china merchant Dundee
1846-1862 Voters addition Smith, John china merchant Dundee proprietor house in Easter Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 6 Union Street Wallace John L 2
1911 Union Street Walker John 4
1891 6 Union Street McNaughton Catherine H 6View household
1881 Union Street Uninhabited View household
1871 Union Street Miln Jessie 1View household
1871 Union Street McNaughton Helen 3View household
1861 6 Union Street Unoccupied View household
1851 Wilson Isabella View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 52 entries

1974-75174000House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Elizabeth Halliday 33View details
1973-74174000House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Elizabeth Halliday 33View details
1972-73174000House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Elizabeth Halliday 33View details
1971-72174000House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Elizabeth Halliday 33View details
1969-701740House Agnes Mackay per Lickley Proctor & Burnett, 23 South Tay St, Dundee Elizabeth Halliday 28View details
1968-691740House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay Street Elizabeth Halliday 28View details
1967-68601House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay St Elizabeth Halliday 28View details
1966-67601House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay St Elizabeth Halliday 28View details
1964-65601House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, 18 Tay St Mrs Helen K Croll 23View details
1961-621903House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport Mrs Helen Lister 23View details
1958-59818House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport John Lister, electrician 14-5-10View details
1957-58795House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport John Lister, electrician 14-5-10View details
1952-53770House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport John Lister, electrician 14-5-10View details
1947-48744House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport John Lister, electrician 14-5-6View details
1942-43729House Agnes Mackay, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport John Lister, electrician 14-5-6View details
1940-41729House William Mackay, painter, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport John Lister, electrician 14-5-6View details
1937-38732House William Mackay, painter, Lorneville, Tay St, Newport John Lister, electrician 14-5-6View details
1935-36703House William Mackay, painter, 21 South Tay St, Dundee John Lister, electrician 14-5-6View details
1932-33679House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee James M Wallace, electrician 14-5-6View details
1930-31674House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee James M Wallace, electrician 14-5-6View details
1927-28665House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee James M Wallace, electrician 14-5-6View details
1925-26649House William Mackay, 21 South Tay St, Dundee John L Wallace, bootmaker same 14-5-6View details
1922-23621House William Mackay, 67 Nethergate, Dundee John L Wallace, bootmaker same 14-5-6View details
1920-21599House William Mackay, Lorneville, E Newport John L Wallace, bootmaker same 10View details
1917-18598House William Mackay, Lorneville John L Wallace, bootmaker same 7-10-0View details
1915-16593House William Mackay, Lorneville, East Newport John L Wallace, bootmaker same 7-10-0View details
1912-13288House William Mackay, Lorneville John L Walker, joiner same 8View details
1907-08365House Euphemia M McNaughton per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Alexander Wishart, joiner same 7-10-0View details
1905-06352House Euphemia M McNaughton per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Alexander Wishart, joiner same 7-10-0View details
1903-04349House Euphemia M McNaughton per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Alexander Wishart, joiner same 7-10-0View details
1901-02939House Euphemia M McNaughton per P F & J Husband, solicitors, Dundee Alexander Wishart, joiner proprietor 7View details
1900-01923House Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1899-00889House Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1897-98842House Misses Catherine H & Euphemia M McNaughton John Young, blacksmith same 8View details
1896-97814House Misses Catherine H & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1895-96780House Misses Catherine H & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1894-95736House Misses Catherine I & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1893-94713House Misses Catherine I & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1892-93699House Misses Catherine I & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1891-92683House Misses Catherine I & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1890-91649House Misses Catherine I & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1889-90623House Misses Catherine I & Euphemia M McNaughton proprietor 12View details
1885-86588House Miss Cath. I. M'Naughton & Miss Euph. M. M'Naughton Rev James H McNaughton same 12View details
1881-82480House Miss Cath. M'Naughton & Miss Euph. M. M'Naughton same Said Miss C McNaughton 12View details
1878-79455House Miss Cath. M'Naughton & Miss Euph. M. M'Naughton same Andrew Cameron 12View details
1875-76353House Miss Cath. M'Naughton & Miss Euph. M. M'Naughton same Andrew George Keay 13-10-0View details
1871-72315House Miss Catherine McNaughton, 113 Nethergate, Dundee Miss Catherine McNaughton 15View details
1867-68306House John Smith, china merchant Said John Smith 15View details
1865-66282House John Smith, china merchant Said John Smith 13View details
1864-65263House John Smith, china merchant Said John Smith 13View details
1860-61221House John Smith, china merchant, Dundee John Smith 13View details
1855-56123House John Smith, china merchant, Dundee said John Smith 10View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 58  view details Maryton lot 1 (part) middle of 3 cottages (Wilson) 11 Union St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1891.01122Catherine McNaughton's half back to herDisp by Peter Husband solicitor Dundee to Catherine McNaughton sometime dealer, 129 Nethergate Dundee thereafter 75 Perth Road Dundee & now resid Newport of 1/2 pro indiviso of middle cottage of 3 cottages in Marytown : S road running E – W through the village part of Seacraig3 Sept 189158
1885.06509Catherine McNaughton's half to Peter F HusbandDisp by Catherine McNaughton to Peter Fair Husband, solicitor Dundee of half pro indiviso of middle of 3 cottages in Marytown ... : S by road running E - W14 Nov 188558
1885.06168Elizabeth Wilson / Smith to Catherine McNaughton & Euphemia Mitchell McNaughtonDisp by Elizabeth Wilson / Smith, 2 Panmure Terrace Dundee, widow, (Isabella Ritchie / Wilson, Dundee, now being deceased) to Catherine McNaughton … Dundee & Euphemia Mitchell McNaughton, … Newport, … of the middle of 3 cottages in Marytown : S by road running E - W29 Jul 188558
1849.02492Trs John Croom to Isabella Ritchie / Wilson & Elizabeth Wilson / SmithIsabella Ritchie, relict of James Wilson, & Elizabeth Wilson, spouse of John Smith china merchant, seised liferent & fee middle of 3 cottages in Maryton on disp by Tr John Croom, consent of John Smith29 Dec 184958, 160

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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