
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : Craighead Farmhouse,  Craighead Road

No Historic Property ImageStreet View Image

= Property demolished or site redeveloped

Notes:      demolished

Other references can be found at : Craighead Farm Buildings     


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.443536,-2.935454

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   16 Craighead Road   18 Craighead Road   20 Craighead Road   22 Craighead Road   23 Craighead Road   24 Craighead Road   25 Craighead Road   26 Craighead Road   (Craighead Farm Buildings, Craighead Road)   2 East Queen Street   4 East Queen Street   6 East Queen Street   8 East Queen Street   10 East Queen Street   11 East Queen Street   12 East Queen Street   14 East Queen Street   16 East Queen Street   18 East Queen Street   20 East Queen Street   22 East Queen Street   24 East Queen Street   16 Tay Terrace   18 Tay Terrace  

Later use of the site :   20 Craighead Road     22 Craighead Road     6 East Queen Street     8 East Queen Street     


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
CraigheadCraigheadCraighead; Craighead; CraigheadJohn Scott Tenant; Mr. Rhind Newport; Johnston's Co. Map.About 6 or 7 chains E.N.E. of the Village of Easter Newport.A farm house with offices and a large arable farm attached. The farm steading is in good repair and slated and is the property of John Berry Esq. of Tayfield.OS1/13/32/65


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      1      2      Forgan 43 (no transcripts on this site)


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Craighead Farmhouse



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 125 entries

1947-48 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1946-47 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1942-43 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1941-42 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1940-41 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1939-40 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1938-39 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1937-38 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1936-37 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1935-36 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1934-35 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1933-34 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1932-33 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1931-32 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1930-31 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1929-30 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1929-30 dirArthur, Robert, farmer, Craighead, East Newport
1928-29 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1928-29 dirMurray, George, dairy farmer, Craighead farm, East Newport
1928 Kelly dirMurray George, Craighead [under Farmers]
1927-28 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1927-28 dirMurray, George, dairy farmer, Craighead farm, East Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1926-27 dirMurray, George, dairy farmer, Craighead farm, East Newport
1925-26 MacDonald dirMurray, George. Craighead House
1925-26 dirMurray, George, dairy farmer, Craighead farm, East Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1923-24 MacDonald dirMurray, George. Craighead House
1923-24 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High st. ; h. Craighead farm, East Newport location 2
1922-23 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High st. ; h. Craighead farm. East Newportlocation 2
1921-22 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1921 Slater dirMurray George, Craighead [under Farmers]
1921 Slater dirMurray George, Craighead, E
1920-21 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High st. ; h. Craighead farm, East Newportlocation 2
1919-20 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1918-19 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1918-19 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High st. ; h. Craighead farm, East Newportlocation 2
1917-18 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1916-17 MacDonald dirMurray, George, Craighead House
1915-16 MacDonald dirMurray, G., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1915-16 dirMurray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Craighead farm, East Newportlocation 2
1915 Slater dirMurray George. Craighead. E
1915 Slater dirMurray George, Craighead [under Farmers]
1914-15 MacDonald dirMurray, G., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1913-14 MacDonald dirStanford, J., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1913-14 dirStamford, James, dairyman, Newport Dairy, Robertson place ; h. Craighead Dairylocation 2
1912-13 MacDonald dirStamford, J., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1912-13 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Newport Dairy, Robertson place ; h. Craighead Dairylocation 2
1911-12 MacDonald dirStamford, J., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1911-12 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1911 Slater dirStanford James, dairyman, Craighead, E [under Commercial]
1910-11 MacDonald dirStamford, J., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1910-11 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1909-10 MacDonald dirStamford, J., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1909-10 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1908-09 MacDonald dirStamford, J., Craighead : Dairy-Keepers
1908-09 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1908 Tayside AnnualStanford, James, dairyman, Craighead.
1908 Tayside AnnualStanford, James, Craighead Dairy [advert p.59]
1908 Tayside AnnualStanford, Jas., Craighead. : Dairy Keepers.
1907-08 MacDonald dirStamford, J., Craighead : Dairykeepers
1907-08 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Craighead [under Agricultural]
1907-08 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1907 Tayside AnnualStanford, James, Craighead Dairy [advert p.57]
1907 Tayside AnnualStanford, James, dairyman, Craighead.
1907 Slater dirStanford James, dairyman, Craighead, E [under Commercial]
1906-07 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Craighead [under Agricultural]
1906-07 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1905-06 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Craighead [under Agricultural]
1905-06 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1904-05 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Craighead [under Agricultural]
1904-05 dirStamford, James, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1903-04 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Craighead [under Agricultural]
1903-04 MacDonald dirMatthewson, Oliver, Craighead; also farmer and contractor : Dairykeepers
1903-04 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1903 Slater dirMathewson Oliver, farmer & dairyman, Craighead, E Newport (Commercial)
1903 Slater dirMathewson Oliver, Craig Head : Farmers, Forgan
1902-03 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Craighead [under Agricultural]
1902-03 MacDonald dirMatthewson, Oliver, Craighead; also farmer and contractor : Dairykeepers
1902-03 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1901-02 MacDonald dirMatthewson, Oliver, Craighead; also farmer and contractor : Dairykeepers
1901-02 MacDonald dirArthur, Mrs E. C., Craighead [under Agricultural]
1901-02 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1900-01 MacDonald dirMatthewson, Oliver, Craighead; also farmer and contractor : Dairykeepers
1900-01 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1899-00 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1899 Slater dirMathewson Oliver, Craig Head [under Farmers]
1899 Slater dirMathewson Oliver, farmer & dairyman. Craighead, E [under Commercial]
1898-99 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1897-98 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1896-97 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1896 Slater dirMathewson Oliver, farmer & dairyman, Craighead, E [under Commercial]
1896 Slater dirMathewson Oliver, Craighead [under Farmers]
1895-96 dirMathewson, Oliver, dairyman and contractor, Craighead
1894-95 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead farm, East Newport
1893-94 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead farm, East Newport
1892-93 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead farm, Newport
1891-92 Lamburn dirArthur, J, Craighead and Tayfield : Farmerslocation 2
1891-92 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1890-91 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1889-90 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1888-89 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1887-88 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1886-87 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1885-86 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1885 Clark dirArthur, John, Craighead : Farmers, Forgan Parish.
1884-85 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1882-83 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead and Tayfieldlocation 2
1880-81 dirArthur, John, farmer, Tayfield, and Craighead, East Newportlocation 2
1878-79 dirArthur, John, farmer, Tayfield and Craighead, East Newportlocation 2
1877 Worrall dirArthur John, Craighead : Farmers In Forgan Parish.
1877 Worrall dirArthur John, Craighead, East : Farmers In Forgan Parish.
1876-77 dirArthur, John, farmer, Tayfield and Craighead, East Newportlocation 2
1874-75 dirArthur, John, farmer, Craighead, Newport
1873 Slater dirArthur William, Craighead : Farmers In Forgan Parish
1871-72 dirArthur, William, farmer, Craighead
1867 Slater dirScott James, Craighead : Farmers
1866 Fife dirScott, James, farmer, Craighead
1862 Fife dirScott, James, farmer, Craighead
1862 County dirScott, James, farmer, Craighead, Newport, Dundee
1860 Slater dirScott James, Craighead : Farmers.
1853-54 dirScott, James, farmer, Craighead.
1834 dirMartin, James, farmer, Craighead



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Male Voters Mathewson, Oliver Farmer Craighead, East Newport Tenant of House, &c. Craighead
1874 Voters Arthur, William farmer
1873 Voters Arthur, William farmer
1864-1865 Voters 6 September 1862 Scott, James farmer tenant farm of Craighead
1862-1863 Voters 6 September 1862 Scott, James farmer tenant farm of Craighead
1846-1862 Voters addition Scott, James farmer Craighead tenant farm of Craighead


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Craighead Farm Murray George 8
1911 Craighead Farm Stanford James D 8
1901 Craighead Mathewson Oliver 8View household
1891 Craighead Farm Arthur John 7View household
1881 Craighead Farm House Arthur John 8View household
1871 Craighead Farm Arthur William 6View household
1861 CraigheadFarm House Scott James 7View household
1851 Upper Craighead Farm Clark Jane View household
1841 Craighead Farm Inglis Peter View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 45 entries

1947-48513Craighead House, Garage & Steading Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of Burgh of Newport per S P Nicol, town chamberlain Marion G Arthur & another per proprietors 32View details
1942-43512Craighead House, Garage [sic], Steading & Land John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh Marion G Arthur & another 46-10-6View details
1940-41510Craighead House, Garage [sic], Steading & Land John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh Marion G Arthur & another 46-6-0View details
1937-38515Craighead House, Garage [sic], Steading & Land John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh Marion G Arthur & another 43-10-6View details
1935-36500Craighead House, Gar., Steading & Land John Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh Marion G Arthur & another 43-10-6View details
1932-33472Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh Marion G Arthur & another 43-10-6View details
1930-31466Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh Marion G Arthur & another 43-10-6View details
1927-28458Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh George Murray, butcher 43-10-6View details
1927-28459Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 10 Atholl Cresc., Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur & others, farmers 30-12-8View details
1925-26445Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur & others, farmers same 30-12-8View details a
1925-26444Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh George Murray, butcher same 43-10-6View details a
1922-23421Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur & others, farmers same 30-12-8View details a
1922-23420Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh George Murray, butcher same 43-10-6View details a
1920-21409Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh George Murray, butcher same 43-10-6View details a
1920-21410Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 25-12-8View details a
1917-18410Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 25-12-8View details a
1917-18409Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh George Murray, butcher same 43-10-6View details a
1915-16406Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 25-12-8View details a
1915-16405Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh George Murray, butcher same 43-10-6View details a
1912-13166Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh James D Stanford, dairyman same 43-11-0View details a
1912-13167Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 25-12-8View details a
1907-08159Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh James Stanford, dairyman same 43-11-0View details a
1907-08160Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry per Hagart & Burn Murdoch WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details a
1905-06148Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh James Stanford, dairyman same 43-11-0View details a
1905-06149Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details a
1903-04152Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details a
1903-04151Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Oliver Matthewson, farmer same 97-3-6View details a
1901-02415Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Oliver Matthewson, farmer same 97-3-6View details a
1901-02416Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details a
1900-01402Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Oliver Matthewson, farmer same 97-3-6View details a
1900-01403Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details a
1899-00373Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Oliver Matthewson, farmer same 100-7-0View details a
1899-00374Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details a
1897-98326Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details
1897-98325Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Oliver Matthewson, farmer same 101-15-6View details
1896-97303Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Oliver Matthewson, farmer same 100View details
1896-97304Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Mrs Esther C Arthur, farmer same 30View details
1895-96277Part of Lands of Craighead William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Robert Arthur, farmer same 30View details
1895-96276Craighead House, Garden, Steading & Land William Berry Esq. per Haggart & Burn Murdoch, WS, 140 Princes St, Edinburgh Oliver Matthewson, farmer same 100View details
1871-7242Farm of Craighead John Berry William Arthur, farmer 171-6-1View details
1867-6841Farm of Craighead John Berry William Arthur, farmer 179-4-0View details 94 acres
1865-6641Farm of Craighead John Berry of Tayfield said James Scott James Scott, farmer 320-13-1View details lease 19 - 57 years
1864-6537Farm of Craighead John Berry of Tayfield James Scott, farmer 234-0-10View details lease 19 years
1860-6151Craighead Farm John Berry of Tayfield James Scott, farmer 255-17-0View details
1855-5645Farm of Craighead John Berry of Tayfield James Scott, farmer, Craighead said James Scott 315-15-0View details



Railway Map References:

PlanYearRefDescriptionOwner or reputed ownerOccupier[Comments]
RHP24551 (TB & DU)1864195Farm dwelling house with coal house, privy and ashpit attached at south endJohn BerryJames Scott (lessee & occupier)


Early Sasines:



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