
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : shop, 9,  High Street

Street View Image

= Property still standing


Part of a previously divided property. Other parts: downstairs property at 9 High St     



In 1904 the gas office buildings were demolished and the building footprint extended slightly northwards. These shops (9 & 11) were built on the site.

There were two floors below the Clydesdale Bank, one used as a clubroom or hall, later a house; and one used as a van shed and storage for Young, grocer, in what is now 7 High St. All floors incorporated into one shop + stores c. 1934.



'Building work is going on at the site recently purchased from the Town Council by Mr David Young … 2 commodious shops with workshops and cellarage below … architect - Thomas Cappon; builder - David Mackie; joiner - James Latto; plumbers - Betsworth & Barlow; plasterer - [William] Lawson.' [Source: Courier, Dundee, 2 July 1904, © the British Newspaper Archive, The British Library Board & D.C.Thomson & Co. Ltd.]


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.439648,-2.942045

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   (formerly garages & workshop, 9, Boat Road)   (former house [1], Granary Lane)   (former house [2], Granary Lane)   (formerly 5, Granary Lane)   (Smithy, formerly 9, Granary Lane)   (Burgh Yard, formerly 11, Granary Lane)   (Slaughter House, Granary Lane)   (part of Gas Works Lane Granary [1], Granary Lane)   (part of Gas Works Lane Granary [2], Granary Lane)   (part of Gas Works Lane Granary [3], Granary Lane)   (part of Gas Works Lane Granary [4], Granary Lane)   (part of Gas Works Lane Granary [5], Granary Lane)   (part of Gas Works Lane Granary [6], Granary Lane)   (former house [3], Granary Lane)   (former house [4], Granary Lane)   (former house [5], Granary Lane)   (former house [6], Granary Lane)   (Newport harbour pack house, Granary Lane)   (Caldwell, Granary Lane)   (Old Granary [1], High Street)   (Old Granary [2], High Street)   (Old Granary [3], High Street)   (Old Granary [4], High Street)   (Old Granary [5], High Street)   (Old Granary [6], High Street)   (Old Granary [7], High Street)   (Old Granary [8], High Street)   (Old Granary [9], High Street)   (Old Granary [10], High Street)   (Old Granary [11], High Street)   Newport Hotel, 1, High Street   3 High Street   5 High Street   7 High Street   8 High Street   10 High Street   St Mary's Church, High Street   shop, 11, High Street   12 High Street   shop, 13, High Street   14 High Street   shop, 15, High Street   shop, 16, High Street   18 High Street   20 High Street   22 High Street   shop, 24, High Street   26 High Street   28a, High Street   shop, 28, High Street   shop, 30, High Street   shop, 32, High Street   34 High Street   36 High Street   shop, 38, High Street   shop, 40, High Street   (house at gasworks, High Street)   (Gas Office, High Street)   downstairs property, 9, High Street   (Bowling Green, High Street)   (old house [south 1], High Street)   (old house [south 2], High Street)   (old house [south 3], High Street)   (old house [south 4], High Street)   (the Waterside (East Water), Old Places)  

Earlier use of the site :   (gas office on High Street)     


Information and Photographs on Other Sites (open in a new window)

Duff     source: Newport History Group


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

High Street (ward 2)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 136 entries

1974 dirDuff, David S., 9 High Street : Drapers
1974 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High Street h. 13 Northview Terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1973 dirDuff, David S., 9 High Street : Drapers
1973 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High Street; h. 13 Northview Terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1972 dirDuff, David S., 9 High Street : Drapers
1972 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High Street; h. 13 Northview Terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1971 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High Street; h. 13 Northview Terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1971 dirDuff, David S., 9 High Street : Drapers
1970 MacDonald dirDuff, D., 9 High street : Drapers
1970 dirDuff, David S., 9 High Street : Drapers
1970 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High Street; h. 13 Northview Terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1969 MacDonald dirDuff, D., 9 High street : Drapers
1969 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High Street; h. 13 Northview Terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1969 dirDuff, David S., 9 High Street : Drapers
1968 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High Street; h. 13 Northview Terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1968 dirDuff, David S., 9 High Street : Hardware Merchants
1967 dirDuff, David S., 9 High street : Hardware Merchants.
1967 dirDuff, David S. drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High street ; h. 13 Northview terrace, Wormitlocation 2
1966 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High street: h. 13 Northview terrace, Wormit location 2
1966 dirDuff, David S., 9 High street : Hardware Merchants.
1965 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, 9 High street ; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1965 dirDuff, David S., 9 High street : Hardware Merchants.
1964 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1964 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1963-64 MacDonald dirDuff D., High street : Drapers
1963 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1963 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1962 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants
1962 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1961 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1961 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1960 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1960 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1958-59 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1958-59 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1957-58 MacDonald dirDuff, David S., High Street. Phone 3235 : Drapers
1957-58 MacDonald dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Dealers
1957-58 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1957-58 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1956-57 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1956-57 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street, Tel. No. N. 3235; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1955-56 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1955-56 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street, Tel. No. N. 3235; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1954-55 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street, Tel. No. N. 3235; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1954-55 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1953-54 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1953-54 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street, Tel. No. N. 3235; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1952-53 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1952-53 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street, Tel. No. N. 3235; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormit location 2
1951-52 dirDuff, David S., drapery and hardware merchant, High street, Tel. No. N. 3235; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1951-52 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1950-51 dirDuff, David S., hardware merchant, High street, Tel. No. N. 3235 ; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1950-51 dirDuff, David S, High street : Hardware Merchants.
1949-50 MacDonald dirDuff, David S. High street, Phone 3235 : Drapers
1949-50 MacDonald dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Dealers
1949-50 dirDuff, David S., High street : Hardware Merchants.
1949-50 dirDuff, David S., hardware merchant, High street (Tel. No. N. 3235) ; h. Holmbrae, Hillpark road, Wormitlocation 2
1948-49 dirDuff, David S, High street : Hardware Merchants
1948-49 dirDuff, David S., hardware merchant, High street (Tel. No. N. 3235); h. Holmbrae, Hillpark roadlocation 2
1947-48 dirLambert, Arthur C., High street : Joiners And Funeral Directors.
1947-48 dirLambert, Arthur C., joiners and funeral undertakers, High street ; workshops, Union street; h. Thymbra lodge, Tay streetlocation 2
1938-39 dirGreig, D., baker, High street, East Newport
1938-39 dirGreig, D., High street : Bakers.
1933-34 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1933-34 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, East Newport; William Reid, agent ; A. M. Robertson, sub-agent
1933-34 dirRobertson, A. M., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1932-33 dirScott, A. B., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1932-33 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, East Newport ; William Reid, agent ; A. B. Scott, sub-agent
1931-32 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1931-32 dirScott, A. B., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1931-32 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, Newport; William Reid, agent; A. B. Scott, sub-agent
1930-31 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1930-31 dirScott, A. E., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1930-31 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, Newport; William Reid, agent ; A. B. Scott, sub-agent
1929-30 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1929-30 dirScott, A. B., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1929-30 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, Newport; William Reid, agent; A. B. Scott, sub-agent
1928-29 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1928-29 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, Newport; William Reid, agent; A. B. Scott, sub-agent
1928-29 dirScott, A. B., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1928 Kelly dirClydesdale Bank Ltd. (sub-branch) (Wm. Reid, agt.), High st.; London office, 30 Lombard st E C 3 [under Commercial]
1927-28 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1927-28 dirScott, A. B., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1927-28 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, Newport; William Reid, agent; A. B. Scott, sub-agent
1926-27 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. Wm. Reid, agent; A, B. Scott, sub-agent. Phone No. 69 : Banks
1926-27 dirScott, A. B., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1926-27 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, Newport; William Reid, agent ; A. B. Scott, sub-agent
1925-26 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. Wm. Reid, agent; W. J. Pae, sub-agent. Phone No. 69 : Banks
1925-26 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street, Newport; Wm. Reid, agent ; W. J. Pae, sub-agent
1925-26 dirPae, W. J., sub-agent, Clydesdale Bank, 3 Linden avenue, E. Newportlocation 2
1925-26 dirPae, W. J., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1924-25 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. Wm. Reid, agent; W. J. Pae, sub-agent. Phone No. 69 : Banks
1923-24 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. Wm. Reid, agent; W. J. Poe, [sic, should be Pae] sub-agent. Phone No. 69 : Banks
1923-24 dirPae, W. J., sub-agent, Clydesdale Bank, 3 Linden avenue, E. Newport location 2
1923-24 dirPae, W. J., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1923-24 dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street; Wm. Reid, agent.; W. J. Pae, sub-agent
1923-24 dirReid, Wm., Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., High street : Bankers.
1922-23 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Reid, agent
1921-22 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High st. Wm. Reid, agent : Banks
1921 Slater dirClydesdale Bank Limited (sub-branch) (Wm. Reid, agent), High street; draw on London office, 30 Lombard street EC3 [under Commercial]
1920-21 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Reid, agent
1919-20 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank. Ltd : Banks
1918-19 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1918-19 dirClydesdale Bank Limited, High street ; William Reid, agent
1917-18 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1916-17 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank. Ltd. : Banks
1915-16 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd : Banks
1915-16 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Reid, agent
1915 Slater dirClydesdale Bank Limited (sub-branch) (Wm. Reid, agent), High street; draw on London office. 30 Lombard street E C [under Commercial]
1914-15 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bunk. Ltd. : Banks
1914-15 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Reid, agent
1913-14 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank Ltd. : Banks
1913-14 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Reid, agent
1912-13 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1912-13 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1911-12 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1911-12 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1911 Slater dirClydesdale Bank Limited (sub-branch) (William Bremner, agent), High street ; draw on London office, 30 Lombard st. E C [under Commercial]
1910-11 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1910-11 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1909-10 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1909-10 MacDonald dirBremner, Wm., banker, High st.
1909-10 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1908-09 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1908-09 MacDonald dirBremner, Wm., banker, High st.
1908-09 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1908 Tayside AnnualClydesdale Bank, Ltd., High Street. : Bank.
1907-08 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1907-08 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1907 Slater dirClydesdale Bank Limited, sub-branch (William Bremner, agent), High street; draw on London office, 30 Lombard st, E C [under Commercial]
1906-07 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1906-07 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1905-06 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1905-06 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent
1904-05 MacDonald dirClydesdale Bank, Ltd. : Banks
1904-05 dirClydesdale Bank, Limited, High street ; William Bremner, agent



Census records



Valuation Roll entries      There are 29 entries

1974-75215400Shop etc David S Duff proprietor 160View details
1973-74215400Shop etc David S Duff proprietor 160View details
1972-73215400Shop etc David S Duff proprietor 160View details
1971-72215400Shop etc David S Duff proprietor 160View details
1969-702154Shop & Store David S Duff proprietor 95View details
1968-692154Shop & Store David S Duff proprietor 95View details
1967-68804Shop & Stores David S Duff proprietor 95View details
1966-67804Shop & Store David S Duff proprietor 95View details
1964-65804Shop & Stores David S Duff proprietor 95View details
1961-622501Shop & Stores David S Duff proprietor 95View details
1958-591011Shop & Stores David S Duff proprietor 38View details
1957-58992Shop & Stores David S Duff proprietor 38View details
1952-53968Shop & Stores David S Duff proprietor 38View details
1947-48936Shop & Stores Arthur C Lambert, Thymbra Lodge, Tay Street, E Newport proprietor 50View details
1942-43917Shop, Stores & House Clydesdale Bank Ltd per John G Sibbald & Son, 25 Commercial St, Dundee War Department per Treasury Valuer 50View details
1940-41917Shop, Stores & House Clydesdale Bank Ltd per John G Sibbald & Son, 25 Commercial St, Dundee unlet 30View details
1937-38929Shop, Stores & House Clydesdale Bank Ltd per John G Sibbald & Son, 25 Commercial St, Dundee David Greig, baker & confectioner 50View details
1935-36898Shop, Stores & House Clydesdale Bank Ltd per John G Sibbald & Son, 25 Commercial St, Dundee Carolina & Maria Brattesani 50View details
1932-33873Office Reps of late James Young per Clydesdale Bank, Dundee said Clydesdale Bank Ltd 26View details
1930-31871Office James Young, baker & grocer Clydesdale Bank Ltd 26View details
1927-28864Office James Young, baker & grocer Clydesdale Bank Ltd 26View details
1925-26846Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank ltd same 26View details
1922-23825Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank ltd same 23View details
1920-21805Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank ltd same 23View details
1917-18803Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank ltd same 23View details
1915-16796Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank ltd same 23View details
1912-13945Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank ltd same 25View details
1907-08922Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank ltd same 25View details
1905-06901Office David Innes Young, High Street, Newport Clydesdale Bank Ltd same 10View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 302  view details Newport 2.13 pol shop etc on High Street (Clydesdale Bank) 9 High St


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1947.00632Barbara McC Paterson & Arthur C Lambert to Halifax Building SocDisp by Barbara McCready Paterson consent of & by Arthur Campbell Lambert, Thymbra Lodge to Halifax Building Soc of 2.13 pol of shop & backshop, flat underneath, & basement in High Street, Newport as described in disp to Barbara McC Paterson 24 May 1946 (see 1946.01044)31 Mar 1947302
1946.01044Clydesdale Bank to Barbara McCready PatersonDisp by Clydesdale Bank to Barbara McCready Paterson of 2.13 pol consisting of shop, backshop, flat beneath & basement : High St & road to Old Pier at Newport, pt of subjects described in feu ch to Trs Newport Gas Light Co, 1 Feb 1865 (see 1865.00073)24 May 1946302

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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