
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Sasines - Abridgement

RefAbridgementIn BriefRegistered
1867.02501Margaret Fowler, relict of Alexander Brown, joiner Crail, & Robert Forrester mason reg disp to themselves in liferent & fee by James Brown of an area of grnd & ho etc t/on in NewportJames Brown to Margaret Fowler / Brown & Robert Forrester30 Nov 1867
339 south of Maryton 64 pol pt of 1 ac 34 falls; partly on E side of Manse Road & houses (1867) 2-4 Queen St, 31-37 Gowrie St view plot details
356 south of Maryton an area of ground & house 2 Queen St view plot details


Extract from full sasine:
Cupar 30 Nov 1867 … I, James Brown … £130 sterling instantly paid to me by Robert Forrester mason Newport, disp to Margaret Fowler or Brown residing Newport widow of late Alexander Brown joiner Crail in liferent & Robert Forrester in fee all & whole grnd & dw ho. etc thereon … pt of subjects by Mathewson 25 Jan 1867 … bounded W partly by property of Mrs Ann Forrest / Gibson & partly by a road leading along the S boundary of Gibson'd property to these subjects from Manse Road, bounded S by subjects still belonging to me & separated from them by a mutual stone dyke, bounded E by subjects disp to Peter Scott mason Newport marked by boundary stones, bounded N by a road from Manse Road eastwards … E gable wall & washing house behind .. mutual with P Scott … £2-8-10 feu duty … within 2 years to erect a stone dyke on the N boundary similar in all respects to that now erected on the N boundary of David Cooper's … not competent for [Fowler / Brown / Forrester] to erect houses or offices at any time upon the ground lying on the N side of the dwelling house hereby disponed but it shall be kept as garden ground now and in all time coming … not competent for [Fowler / Brown / Forrester] to erect any building greater in height that the dwelling house already on the ground nor to erect any house or offices greater than 8' in height … [Fowler / Brown / Forrester] has free access & liberty to take water from the pump well presently situated on these subjects … [and to meet half costs of repairs each] … [Fowler / Brown / Forrester] has free access to these subjects from the Manse Road along a road lying immediately S of the property belonging to Mrs Ann Forrest / Gibson and a passage at least 4' wide in a continuation thereof which [Fowler / Brown / Forrester] are bound to leave out to the S of their dwelling house … RS 32/361/40


1867.02501Brown, Alexander
1867.02501Brown, James
1867.02501Brown, Margaret
1867.02501Forrester, Robert
1867.02501Fowler, Margaret

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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