
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Sasines - Abridgement

RefAbridgementIn BriefRegistered
1882.01662Disp by Trs Archibald Bell to daughter Mary Bell / Kydd of pce grnd 40.5 pol, : S by t/p to Ferryport, : N partly by the sea, : W by 25' road (half of which is included in the measurement) & used as an access to this pce grnd & to the adjoining lot, & as a shrubbery, with dw ho t/on, lot 1 in plan of feu 5 Sep 1860 ... power to use water & quarries ... under declaration that Mary Bell / Kydd shall be bound, for preservation of lights, not to build on that part of lot 1 which lies W of and opposite the cottage on lot 2 ... & right of access by said footpath to lot 3Trs A Bell to Mary Bell / Kydd31 Mar 1882
66 Craighead lots 1 & 2 96 pol between road to Ferryport & the sea 85-89 Tay St view plot details
122 Craighead lot 1 40.5 pol bounded S by turnpike; N partly by sea; W by 25' road 85 Tay St view plot details


1882.01662Bell, Archibald
1882.01662Bell, Mary
1882.01662Kydd, Mary

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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