
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 145:   East Newport  -  17 pol 14 yd  -  lot 4b (IVb)    (opposite 72 Tay St)

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This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
145East Newportlot 4b (IVb)17 pol 14 yd(Martin / Kerr)opposite 72 Tay St


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
252East Newportwhole area


Properties on this whole plot:

opposite 72 Tay St


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1878.02611Catherine Kerr / Webster & James Webster to Isabella Blyth / KerrDisp by Catherine Kerr / Webster & spouse James Webster, Crail ... presently ... Torquay, consent Isabella Blyth / Kerr, Ashbank, Newport widow to said Isabella Blyth / Kerr of (1) 53 pol 18 yd grnd lot 7, : N by t/p to Ferryport, : S by 25' street, pt of park E of Marytown & (2) 17 pol 14 yd lot Ivb on N side of t/p; (3) 6 pol 20 yd grnd & coach house / stables & hay loft t/on, : E partly by (1), : S by Kerr St, : W by James St, pt of 54 pol 20 yd lot 6; (4) 6 pol 11 yd & dw ho t/on, : S by Nairne St, : W by James St, pt of 64 pol lot 21.12 Jan 1878223 (1), 145 (2), 454 (3), 455 (4)
1877.01980(1) Kerr loans transferred to Catherine Kerr / Webster; (2) Trs William Kerr to Catherine Kerr / Webster with liferent to Isabella Blyth / KerrDisp & assig containing (1) assig by Trs William Kerr, consent Isabella blyth / Kerr & Catherine Kerr / Webster, wife of James Webster, Crail ... of (i) bond (16 May 1872) £600 by William Comer to William Kerr & 37.5 pol & dw ho, : S & N by 25' roads, lot 24 of Craighead; (ii) bond (16 May 1866) £350 by James B Rodger to William Kerr & 35 falls lot 19 of Marytown & dw ho t/on; (2) disp by Trs William Kerr, consent of Isabella Blyth, to Catherine Kerr / Webster of (i) 35 pol on N of t/p to Ferryport, the W-most lot & lot 5 of Easter Newport; (ii) 54 pol 20 yd lot 6, : N by t/p to Ferryport, : W by street 30' wide, : S by road 25' wide; (iii) 53 pol 18 yd lot 7, : N by t/p to Ferryport, : W by lot 6; : S by 25' road; (iv) 17 pol lot IVb on N side of t/p, : W by lot 5; (v) 64 pol lot 21, : N by Kerr St, : S by Nairne St; ... under burden of liferents to Isabella Blyth / Kerr18 Jul 187752 (1.i), 165 (1.ii), 222 (2.i), 223 (2.ii), 144 (2.iii), 145 (2.iv), 336 (2.v)
1877.01890William Kerr to TrsNot instr Trs late William Kerr ... of (1) pce grnd 53 pol 18 yd no. 7 on feuing plan of park to E of Marytown and (2) lot 4B (IV/B) on said plan 17 pol 14 yd, with bldgs on said lands20 Jun 1877144, 145
1874.0380827 feus to Balmerino ChurchDisp by Berry, Tayfield to Trs Rev James Campbell, Minister of Balmerino and his successors of the following lands, pts of Tayfield (1) 17.75 pol Marytown; (2) 3 pieces lots 29, 30, 31 Marytown; (3) 2 roods Scots lot 26 Marytown; (4) 1 rood 23 falls 15 ells lots 27 & 28 Marytown; (5) 1 acre 34 falls grnd lot 20 S of Marytown; (6) 34 pol 20.5 yd of Gowrie Hill; (7) 32 pol 5 yd of Gowriehill; (8) 4 pol Gowrie Lane; (9) 72.25 pol lot 27 S of Marytown; (10) 37 pol Gardyne St lot 8; (11) 31 pol 20 yd Gardyne St lot 8; (12) 27.5 pol Gardyne St lot 7; (13) 34 pol 25 yd Gardyne St lot 7; (14) 45 pol 9 yd field of Seacraig; (15) 37 pol field of Seacraig; (16) 45 pol 25 yd field of Seacraig; (17) 36 pol 22 yd field of Seacraig; (18) 35 pol lot 5 E of Newport; (19) 54 pol lot 6 E of Newport; (20) 53 pol 18 yd lot 7 E of Newport; (21) 17 pol 14 yd lot 4b E of Newport; (22) 64 pol lot 21 E of Newport; (23) 52 pol 6 yd lot 8 E of Newport; (24) 53.5 pol lot 9 E of Newport; (25) 18 pol 22 yd lot 4a E of Newport; (26) 73 pol lot 28 S of Marytown; (27) 64 pol of Gowriehill; ... under burden of feu rights9 Nov 1874239, 167, 168, 169, 205, 261, 156, 3, 4, 333, 324, 331, 323, 330, 271, 274, 273, 272, 222, 223, 144, 145, 336, 322, 62, 228, 71, 342
1864.02507Ann Young / Martin to William KerrWilliam Kerr engineer reg disp to himself by Ann Young relict of James Martin, sometime manufacturer Dundee, of (1) pce grnd 53 pol 18 yd no. 7 on feuing plan of park to E of Marytown and (2) lot 4B (IV/B) on said plan 17 pol 14 yd2 May 1864144, 145
1860.03057Tayfield to Ann Young / MartinAnn Young, relict of James Martin registers feu ch to herself by John Berry, Tayfield of (1) lot of 53 pol 18 yd no. 7 of park to E of Maryton & (2) lot of ground no. 4B on plan, 17 pol 14 yd.22 Mar 1860144, 145

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1874.03808Balmerino parish minister
1874.03808Berry, Tayfield
1860.03057Berry, Tayfield
1878.02611Blyth, Isabella
1877.01980Blyth, Isabella
1874.03808Campbell, Rev James
1877.01980Comer, William
1878.02611Kerr, Catherine
1877.01980Kerr, Catherine
1878.02611Kerr, Isabella
1877.01980Kerr, Isabella
1877.01980Kerr, William
1877.01890Kerr, William
1864.02507Kerr, William
1864.02507Martin, Ann
1860.03057Martin, Ann
1864.02507Martin, James
1860.03057Martin, James
1877.01980Rodger, James B
1878.02611Webster, Catherine
1877.01980Webster, Catherine
1878.02611Webster, James
1877.01980Webster, James
1864.02507Young, Ann
1860.03057Young, Ann


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