
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 192:   Maryton  -  25 falls 4 ells (31 pol 20yd)  -  lot 27    (James Square (1-27 Gowrie St, 2 King St, 1-13 Queen St); former bakery in King St)

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
192Marytonlot 2725 falls 4 ells (31 pol 20yd)(Duncan, Rhind, Brown)James Square (1-27 Gowrie St, 2 King St, 1-13 Queen St); former bakery in King St


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
250Marytonwhole area


Properties on this whole plot:

James Square (1-27 Gowrie St, 2 King St, 1-13 Queen St); former bakery in King St


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

1 Gowrie Street   3 Gowrie Street   5 Gowrie Street   7 Gowrie Street   9 Gowrie Street   11 Gowrie Street   13 Gowrie Street   15 Gowrie Street   17 Gowrie Street   19 Gowrie Street   21 Gowrie Street   23 Gowrie Street   25 Gowrie Street   27 Gowrie Street   former builder's yard, Gowrie Street   2 King Street   Bakery, King Street   1 Queen Street   3 Queen Street   5 Queen Street   7 Queen Street   9 Queen Street   11 Queen Street   13 Queen Street   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1887.02688part of James Anderson loan transferred to John B Kyd & James A KydAssig by Trs deceased James Anderson, Millfield, Inverkeillor to John Butchart Kyd, 1 Duntrune Tce, West Ferry £500, and James Anderson Kyd, residing there £200 of bond (7 Oct 1879) £1700 by James Brown builder over (1) 13 pol 2 yd grnd & bldgs t/on at Newport, : N by t/p, : S by Prinlaws Place; (2) 25 falls 4 ells grnd lot 27 of Maryton, : S & E by 20' roads, : W by 24' road16 Nov 1887432, 192
1879.04978loan by Trs James AndersonBond £1700 & disp by James Brown to Trs James Anderson of (1) 13 pol 2 yd grnd & bldgs t/on at Newport, : N by t/p, : S by Prinlaws Place; (2) 25 falls 4 ells grnd lot 27 of Maryton, : S & E by 20' roads, : W by 24' road7 Oct 1879432, 192
1877.01767David Anderson loan transferred to James Fairweather LowAssig by Barbara Anderson, Inverkeillor, consent Trs David Anderson, farmer ... to James Fairweather Low, machine maker, Monifieth of bond £1000 (8 Aug 1868) by James Brown builder to David Anderson over 25 falls 4 ells lot 27 of Marytown, : S & E by 20' roads, : W by 25' road, pt of Seacraig19 May 1877192
1875.04365David Anderson loan transferred to Barbara AndersonAssig by Trs deceased David Anderson farmer to Barbara Anderson residing Mountboy of bond (8 Aug 1868 £1000 by James Brown & 25 falls 4 ells lot 27 of Marytown5 May 1875192
1875.04352David Anderson loan transferred to TrsNot Inst Trs deceased David Anderson sen, farmer, North Mains of Ethie, Inverkeillor of bond (8 Aug 1868) £1000 by James Brown builder Newport over 25 falls 4 ells lot 27 of Marytown, : S & E by 20' streets, : W by 24' street, pt of Seacraig30 Apr 1875192
1868.03145loan by David Anderson senDavid Anderson sen gets bond & disp £1000 by James Brown, builder over 25 falls 4 ells (31 poles 20 yds) lot 27 of Maryton & bldgs etc t/onAug 1868192
1868.03144Trs seq est Alexander Rhind to James BrownJames Brown reg disp to himself by Trs of sequest est Alexander Rhind of 25 falls 4 ells (31 poles 20 yds) lot 27 of Maryton & bldgs etc t/on6 Aug 1868192
1868.03143Robert Brown loan repaidRobert Brown grants disch of bond & disp £650 by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind (Aug 1867) & declares 25 falls 4 ells lot 27 Maryton & lots 22-26 Maryton disburdened6 Aug 1868192, 149, 316, 317
1868.02745part of Robert Brown loan repaid; [plot ID 317] cleared of loan; remainder of loan now only over remaining ground [plot IDs 316, 192, 149]Robert Brown grants disch & restriction of bond & disp £650 extent of £50 to Tr sequest est Alexander Rhind (Aug 1867) declaring 25 falls 4 ells or 31 pol 20 yd grnd lot 27 on plan & 5 pieces grnd (4 x 40 falls 4 ells + 1 x 49 falls 14 ells) lots 22-26 on plan & ho etc t/on in Maryton disburdened thereof; & disburd. to the full extent of said bond & disp a pce grnd 79.36 pol with bldgs etc t/on, pt of said 5 pieces of grnd; & restricting the security for the balance of £600 to the remaining subjects (see 1867.02212)19 Mar 1868149, 317, 316, 192
1867.02411second Borrie loan repaidJohn Borrie grants disch of bond & disp (Feb 1826) £150 to extent of £50 being balance remaining due by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind & James Rhind consent … Alexander Russell… & declares 5 pces grnd & houses lots 22-26 and 25 falls 4 ells grnd in Maryton disburdened (see 1856.00079)14 Nov 1867192, 149
1867.02217Russell loan repaidThomas Russell grants disch of bond & disp £550 by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind (Oct 1851) & declares 25 falls 4 ells in Maryton & 5 pces grnd lots 22-26 in Maryton disburdened [no reference to 25 falls 4 ells plot in abridgement, but assumed here]10 Sep 1867149, 192
1867.02216both Chiene loans repaidJames Fleming grants disch bond & disp £600 by Alexander Rhind to George Chiene (Mar 1847); bond & disp £1100 to extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie (Oct 1847); & bond corrob & disp £1250 to John Borrie (May 1866) & declares 25 falls 4 ells in Maryton & 5 pces grnd lots 22-26 in Maryton disburdened10 Sep 1867149, 192
1867.02212loan by Robert BrownRobert Brown gets bond & disp £650 by Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind over 25 falls 4 ells (or 31 pol 20 yd) lot 27; and 5 pces grnd extending to 40 falls 4 ells (four times) and 49 falls 14 ells (lots 22-26 on plan) ith houses etc t/on in Maryton (under excep)7 Sep 1867149, 192
1867.02028Alexander Russell loan transferred to Thomas RussellThomas Russell gets not instr as heir of Alexander Russell declaring his right to bond & disp £550 by James Rhind & William Rhind as Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind … to James Russell (Oct 1851) over 5 pieces grnd & houses lots 22-26 in Maryton (see vol 6, 589) [no reference to 25 falls 4 ells plot in abridgement, but assumed here]21 Jun 1867149, 192
1866.01139James Fleming is surviving TrJames Fleming gets bond corrob & disp £1250 including £600 & £600 (as in 01137 & 01138) by William Rhind as surviving Tr under disp sequest est Alexander Rhind over 25 falls 4 ells or 31 pol 20 yd grnd & bldgs t/on in Maryton & 5 pces grnd & houses etc in Maryton25 May 1866192, 147
1866.01138Chiene (Oct 1847) loan transferred to James FlemingJames Fleming gets assig by Elizabeth & Helen Chiene, children of George Chiene, consent Trs Mar Con Alexander Thomson Buchan & spouse Sarah Ann Chiene, to bond & disp £1100 to extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie (Oct 1847) over 25 falls 4 ells grnd & bldgs t/on in Maryton25 May 1866192, 147
1866.00960Sarah Ann Chiene's share divided among other 2 children, shares now 1/2 each of each loanElizabeth & Helen Chiene all residing Newport reg disp to themselves by Sarah Ann Chiene & Alexander Thomson Buchan her husband of … 1/3 part pro indiviso … assig to 1/3th part pro indiviso of bonds & disps for £1100 to extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie, 13 Oct 1847, secured over 25 falls 4 ells & bldgs t/on & 5 pces grnd & houses, and £600 by Alexander Rhind corn merchant Newport to George Chiene 6 Mar 1847 secured over 5 pces grnd & houses, pt of Seacraig in Marytown etc29 Mar 1866192, 149
1864.02783William Chiene's share divided among other 3 children, shares now 1/3 each of each loanElizabeth, Helen & Mary Ann Chiene all residing Newport reg disp to themselves by Commiss for William Chiene of … 1/4 part pro indiviso … assig to 1/4th part pro indiviso of bonds & disps for £1100 to extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie, 13 Oct 1847, secured over 25 falls 4 ells & bldgs t/on & 5 pces grnd & houses, and £600 by Alexander Rhind corn merchant Newport to George Chiene 6 Mar 1847 secured over 5 pces grnd & houses, pt of Seacraig in Marytown etc3 Sep 1864149, 192
1864.02572Margaret Chiene's share divided among other 4 children, shares now 1/4 each of each loanWilliam, Elizabeth, Helen & Mary Ann Chiene reg disp to themselves by Margaret Chiene, consent of David Berwick, of … 1/5 part pro indiviso … assig to 1/5th part pro indiviso of bonds & disps for £1100 to extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie, 13 Oct 1847, secured over 25 falls 4 ells & bldgs t/on & 5 pces grnd & houses, and £600 by Alexander Rhind corn merchant Newport to George Chiene 6 Mar 1847 secured over 5 pces grnd & houses, pt of Seacraig in Marytown etc18 May 1864192, 149
1864.02404remainder of Borrie / Chiene loan (Oct 1847) transferred to 5 Chiene children (1/5 each)William Chiene mariner, Margaret Chiene (spouse of David Berwick), Elizabeth, Helen, & Sarah Anne Chiene all presently residing Newport, children of George Chiene St Andrews, get not instrument declaring their right by gen disp & settl by said George Chiene, 7 Jan 1862, to bond & disp for £1100 to extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie, 13 Oct 1847, secured over 25 falls 4 ells & bldgs t/on, [and 5 pces grnd & houses] pt of Seacraig in Marytown etc (see v.7, 00053)14 Mar 1864192, 149
1856.00079loan 2 by John BorrieJohn Borrie gets bond & disp £150 by James Rhind & William Rhind (Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind) consent … Alexander Russell … over 5 pces ground lots 22 - 26 Maryton & 25 falls 4 ells (31 pol 20 yd) lot 27 of Maryton26 Feb 1856149, 192
1856.00053remainder of Borrie loan transferred to George ChieneGeorge Chiene gets assig by John Borrie to bond & disp (13 Oct 1847) £1100 to the extent of £600 by Alexander Rhind secured over 25 falls 4 ells & bldgs t/on pt of Maryton; & 5 pces grnd & houses t/on in Maryton (see 52)14 Feb 1856149, 192
1856.00052part of Borrie loan repaidJohn Borrie grants disch of bond & disp (13 Oct 1847) £1100 to extent of £150 by Alexander Rhind & declares 25 falls 4 ells & bldgs t/on pt of Maryton; & 5 pces grnd & houses t/on in Maryton disburdened (see v5, 1888)13 Feb 1856149, 192
1851.00589loan by Alexander RussellAlexander Russell gets bond & disp £550 by James Rhind & William Rhind as Trs sequest est Alexander Rhind over 5 pces grnd & dw houses etc t/on lots 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 on plan of Maryton, Seacraig, and 25 falls 4 ells (31 poles 20 yds) of grnd no 27 on said plan.1 Oct 1851149 , 192
1849.01888Tr seq. estate of Alexander Rhind to James Rhind & William RhindJames Rhind corn merchant Newport & William Rhind surgeon Edinburgh in Trust seised 5 pces grnd & houses etc in Maryton, & 25 falls 4 ells grnd in Maryton under burden of £600 in bond & disp by Alexander Rhind to George Chiene 6 Mar 1847, & £750, balance of £1100, in bond & disp by Alexander Rhind to John Borrie Oct 1847 - on disp by Tr on sequest est Alexander Rhind consent commiss on said sequest estate & George Chiene & John Borrie (see 605 & 1688)3 Mar 1849149, 192
1848.01688part of Borrie loan repaidJohn Borrie grants disch of bond & disp £1100 to extent of £350 by Alexander Rhind 13 Oct 1847 & declares 25 falls 4 ells grnd & bldgs. pt of Seacraig in Maryton & 5 pces grnd & houses t/on in Marytown disburdened thereof13 Nov 1848192, 149
1847.01001loan by John BorrieJohn Borrie gets bond & disp £1100 by Alexander Rhind over 25 falls 4 ells grnd & bldgs t/on pt of Seacraig in Marytown & 5 pieces grnd & houses t/on in Marytown22 Oct 1847192, 149
1846.00308Tayfield to John Duncan to Alexander RhindAlexander Rhind, corn merchant, Woodhaven, seised 25 falls 4 ells of Seacraig in Maryton lot 27 on plan, on feu ch by William Berry, Tayfield to John Duncan, boatman, Newport 2 Nov 1838, & disp & assig by him, 1846.27 Aug 1846192, 250sasine extract

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1877.01767Anderson, Barbara
1875.04365Anderson, Barbara
1877.01767Anderson, David
1875.04365Anderson, David
1875.04352Anderson, David
1868.03145Anderson, David
1887.02688Anderson, James
1879.04978Anderson, James
1846.00308Berry, Tayfield
1864.02572Berwick, David
1864.02404Berwick, David
1864.02404Berwick, Margaret
1867.02411Borrie, John
1867.02216Borrie, John
1866.01138Borrie, John
1866.00960Borrie, John
1864.02404Borrie, John
1856.00079Borrie, John
1856.00053Borrie, John
1856.00052Borrie, John
1849.01888Borrie, John
1848.01688Borrie, John
1847.01001Borrie, John
1887.02688Brown, James
1879.04978Brown, James
1877.01767Brown, James
1875.04365Brown, James
1875.04352Brown, James
1868.03145Brown, James
1868.03144Brown, James
1868.03143Brown, Robert
1868.02745Brown, Robert
1867.02212Brown, Robert
1866.00960Buchan, Alexander Thomson
1866.01138Chiene family
1866.00960Chiene, Elizabeth
1864.02783Chiene, Elizabeth
1864.02572Chiene, Elizabeth
1864.02404Chiene, Elizabeth
1867.02216Chiene, George
1866.00960Chiene, George
1864.02404Chiene, George
1856.00053Chiene, George
1849.01888Chiene, George
1866.00960Chiene, Helen
1864.02783Chiene, Helen
1864.02572Chiene, Helen
1864.02404Chiene, Helen
1864.02572Chiene, Margaret
1864.02404Chiene, Margaret
1866.00960Chiene, Sarah Ann
1864.02783Chiene, Sarah Ann
1864.02572Chiene, Sarah Ann
1864.02404Chiene, Sarah Ann
1864.02783Chiene, William
1864.02572Chiene, William
1864.02404Chiene, William
1846.00308Duncan, John
1867.02216Fleming, James
1866.01139Fleming, James
1866.01138Fleming, James
1887.02688Kyd, James Anderson
1887.02688Kyd, John Butchart
1877.01767Low, James Fairweather
1868.03144Rhind, Alexander
1868.03143Rhind, Alexander
1868.02745Rhind, Alexander
1867.02411Rhind, Alexander
1867.02217Rhind, Alexander
1867.02216Rhind, Alexander
1867.02212Rhind, Alexander
1867.02028Rhind, Alexander
1866.01139Rhind, Alexander
1866.01138Rhind, Alexander
1866.00960Rhind, Alexander
1864.02404Rhind, Alexander
1856.00079Rhind, Alexander
1856.00053Rhind, Alexander
1856.00052Rhind, Alexander
1851.00589Rhind, Alexander
1849.01888Rhind, Alexander
1848.01688Rhind, Alexander
1847.01001Rhind, Alexander
1846.00308Rhind, Alexander
1867.02411Rhind, James
1867.02028Rhind, James
1856.00079Rhind, James
1851.00589Rhind, James
1849.01888Rhind, James
1867.02028Rhind, William
1866.01139Rhind, William
1856.00079Rhind, William
1851.00589Rhind, William
1849.01888Rhind, William
1867.02411Russell, Alexander
1867.02028Russell, Alexander
1851.00589Russell, Alexander
1867.02217Russell, Thomas
1867.02028Russell, Thomas


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