
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 348:   Kilnburn Field    (47 Kilnburn)

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
348Kilnburn Field3rd from the South(Lawson)47 Kilnburn


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
259Kilnburn Field1.993 acresnewer feu, on W side of Kilnburn PlaceKilnburn, odd numbers; 32-34 Cupar Rd


Properties on this whole plot:

47 Kilnburn


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

47 Kilnburn   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1901.00248James Lawson to William, Archibald, Daniel, Robert & David LawsonNot Instr William Lawson, ... Brighton, Archibald Lawson, Daniel Lawson, Robert Lawson, warehouseman Dundee & David Lawson, MD Banchory, equally of pce grnd & ho t/on & back area / garden on W side of Kilnburn Place, 3rd N from t/p, pt of 1.993 acres ... on settl James Lawson ... warehouseman, tailor, clothier, draper14 Feb 1901348
1891.00576Mitchell loan repaidDisch by Ann Mitchell / Hendry spouse of Andrew Hendry solicitor Dundee, consent John Rattray & spouse Helen Nicoll / Rattray, disburd bond (6 Mar 1885) £800 by James Lawson ... to curator bonis John Mitchell over pce grnd & ho t/on & back area / garden on W side of Kilnburn Place, 3rd N from t/p, pt of 1.993 acres16 May 1891348
1888.02874loan by Hendry & PollockBond for cash credit £1000 & disp security by James Lawson, clothier, Union St, Dundee to Andrew Hendry & James Pollock, solicitors as Hendry & Pollock of pce grnd on W side of Kilnburn Place & dw ho t/on & back area / garden, the 3rd N from the t/p to Cupar, pt of 1.993 acres ... entry roads front & back3 Jan 1888348
1885.06529Mitchell loan transferred to Ann Mitchell / HendryAssig by Trs deceased John Mitchell, Arngask to Ann Mitchell / Hendry spouse of Andrew Hendry, solicitor Dundee of bond (6 Mar 1885) £800 by James Lawson, tailor & clothier, over pce grnd & ho t/on & back area / garden on W side of Kilnburn Place, 3rd N from t/p, pt of 1.993 acres16 Nov 1885348
1885.06351Mitchell loan transferred to other TrsAssig by curator bonis deceased John Mitchell, Arngask to Trs John Mitchell of bond (6 Mar 1885) £800 by James Lawson, tailor & clothier Dundee over pce grnd & ho t/on & back area / garden on W side of Kilnburn Place, 3rd N from t/p, pt of 1.993 acres2 Oct 1885348
1885.05556loan by Tr John MitchellBond £800 & disp by James Lawson tailor & clothier ... to curator bonis to John Mitchell of Arngask of pce grnd & ho t/on & back area / garden on W side of Kilnburn Place, 3rd N from t/p, pt of 1.993 acres6 Mar 1885348
1884.05143Heron loan repaidDisch by Margaret Lind Heron, Broughty Ferry disburd bond (5 Feb 1877) £800 by James Lawson ... Union St, Dundee over pce grnd & ho t/on & back area / garden on W side of Kilnburn Place, 3rd N from t/p, pt of 1.993 acres12 Nov 1884348
1877.01368loan by Margaret Lind HeronBond £800 & disp security by James Lawson … to Margaret Lind Heron, Home House, Broughty Ferry of pce grnd & dw ho t/on and back area or garden pertaining thereto, on W side of Kilnburn Place, Newport, said ho being 3rd Northwards from the Cupar t/p road, pt of 1.993 acres … feued … 12 May 18745 Feb 1877348
1877.01366James Brown to James LawsonFeu con & feu disp by James Brown builder Newport to James Lawson, tailor clothier & draper South Union St, Dundee of pce grnd & dw ho t/on and back area or garden pertaining thereto, on W side of Kilnburn Place, Newport, said ho being 3rd Northwards from the Cupar t/p road, pt of 1.993 acres … feued … 12 May 18743 Feb 1877348, 259

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1877.01366Brown, James
1888.02874Hendry & Pollock
1891.00576Hendry, Andrew
1885.06529Hendry, Andrew
1891.00576Hendry, Ann
1885.06529Hendry, Ann
1884.05143Heron, Margaret Lind
1877.01368Heron, Margaret Lind
1901.00248Lawson, Archibald
1901.00248Lawson, Daniel
1901.00248Lawson, David
1901.00248Lawson, James
1891.00576Lawson, James
1888.02874Lawson, James
1885.06529Lawson, James
1885.06351Lawson, James
1885.05556Lawson, James
1884.05143Lawson, James
1877.01368Lawson, James
1877.01366Lawson, James
1901.00248Lawson, Robert
1901.00248Lawson, William
1891.00576Mitchell, Ann
1885.06529Mitchell, Ann
1891.00576Mitchell, John
1885.06529Mitchell, John
1885.06351Mitchell, John
1885.05556Mitchell, John
1891.00576Nicoll, Helen
1891.00576Rattray, Helen
1891.00576Rattray, John


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