
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 388:   Kilnburn Field  -  E part of 80 pol 26 yd    (18 Cupar Rd)

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
388Kilnburn FieldE part of 80 pol 26 yd(Brown / Mann & Myles / Kyd)18 Cupar Rd


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
387Kilnburn Field80 pol 26 yd(Brown)18-24 Cupar Rd


Properties on this whole plot:

18 Cupar Rd


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

18 Cupar Road   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1905.00010James Berry to Anne Kidd / BerryNot Instr Anne Kidd / Berry residing Woodlands, Newport widow of James Berry ... liferent & trs in fee of pce grnd & dw ho t/on, : S by t/p to Cupar, the E porttion of 80 pol 26 yd in disp 16 May 1901 by Frederick Thomson, newspaper proprietor, Dundee to James Berry3 Jan 1905388
1901.00797Frederick Thomson to James BerryDisp by Frederick Thomson ... to James Berry, produce merchant Dundee of pce grnd & dw ho t/on, : S by t/p to Cupar, the E porttion of 80 pol 26 yd in feu to James Brown (1872.01721)16 May 1901388
1901.00500Dundee Soc Prevention Cruelty to Children loan repaidDisch by Dundee Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children disburd bond (29 May 1896) £850 by Frederick Thomson, newspaper proprietor Dundee, of Woodlands, formerly No. 2 Hillpark Tce, Cupar Rd, on N side of t/p being the E portion of 80 pol 26 yd in Newport4 Apr 1901388
1896.01000loan by Dundee Soc for Prevention of Cruelty to Children[not the correct abridgement number; abridgement not recorded by me] Bond £850 & disp security by Frederick Thomson, newspaper proprietor to Dundee Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children over Woodlands, formerly No. 2 Hillpark Tce, Cupar Rd, on N side of t/p being the E portion of 80 pol 26 yd in Newport [see 1901.00500]29 May 1896388
1879.03913Mann & Myles to John Proctor KydDisp by Mann & Myles to John Proctor Kyd solicitor of pce grnd & ho t/on on N of t/p to Cupar, the E pt of 80 pol 26 yd of pt of Kilnburn Field2 Jan 1879388
1877.02119loan by George WorrallBond & disp £1000 by Mann & Myles to George Worrall hacklemaker Dundee of pce grnd & dw ho t/on, : S by t/p to Cupar, the E porttion of 80 pol 26 yd in feu to James Brown (1872.01721)27 Aug 1877388
1877.01698John Wallace to Mann & MylesDisp by John Wallace iron merchant Dundee consent John Proctor Kyd solicitor to David Mann & Thomas Myles (Mann & Myles) of pce grnd & dw ho t/on on N side of t/p to Cupar, the E portion of 80 pol 26 yd of grnd in feu to James Brown 9 Nov 187216 May 1877388
1875.04411James Brown to John WallaceDisp by James Brown builder Newport, with consent, to John Wallace iron merchant Dundee of pce grnd & dw ho t/on on N side of t/p to Cupar, the E portion of 80 pol 26 yd grnd in feu ch 9 Nov 1872 (1872.01721)17 May 1875387, 388

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1905.00010Berry, Anne
1905.00010Berry, James
1901.00797Berry, James
1901.00797Brown, James
1877.02119Brown, James
1875.04411Brown, James
1901.00500Dundee SPCC
1896.01000Dundee SPCC
1905.00010Kidd, Anne
1879.03913Kyd, John Proctor
1879.03913Mann & Myles
1877.02119Mann & Myles
1877.01698Mann & Myles
1905.00010Thomson, Frederick
1901.00797Thomson, Frederick
1901.00500Thomson, Frederick
1896.01000Thomson, Frederick
1877.01698Wallace, John
1875.04411Wallace, John
1877.02119Worrall, George


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