
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Sasines - Extracts from Full Sasines

1888.03493Edinburgh 23 May 1888. David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee residing sometime at Hillbank, East Newport now in Murraygate, Dunee, sole surviving Tr of deceased Rev Thomas Just … to Joanna Tomima Just & Jane Eliza Just - pt of Broadhaugh bounded by King's high road on S, by mutual wall separating it from Archibald Stewart of St Fort called the Wellgate garden on the W, by High Water Mark on N, & by a mutual wall dividing it from Thomas Ritchie's property & the NW side of the common road down to the High Water Mark on the E … privilege of shipping … right of other feuars of Wellgate Park & Broadhaugh to use of the road & shipping … RS 101/356/3 +
1888.03495Edinburgh 23 May 1888. David Brand, accountant, British Linen Bank, Dundee residing sometime at Hillbank, East Newport now in Murraygate, Dunee, sole surviving Tr of deceased Rev Thomas Just … to George Just jun & his sister Catherine Rose Just, children of George Just, builder, on death of Mrs Rose Ann Bachelor / Just to convey to the above the Castle & garden connected at Wester Newport … George Just jun, merchant Kimberley, South Africa, Catherine Rose Just, Laura Place, Newport, equally … that square piece of ground with the houses sometime ago built thereon by George Just sen, mason at Tayside by Woodhaven, being part of Wellgate Park which was feued to Thomas Just father of said George Just Sen by deceased John Lyon, Kinnaird, which pce of grnd is marked off by a march stone at SE corner & is bounded by the grnd sometime belonging to said Thomas Just on E & S, the Kirk Road on the West, & the King's highway on North … RS 101/356/3 +
1897.01816Trs deceased William Fleming to Trs deceased Jessie Thomson / Muir. 15 Nov 1897 … Miss Jane Rattray / Tait … Rev Thomas Just … all & whole that dw ho & gdn sometime occupied by James Guthrie Davidson surrounded on all sides by a stone wall & bounded by King's High Road on S, by road leading down to the floodmark on W & N, & by mutual wall dividing these subjects from Thomas Ritchie's, then James Chapman's property on E being pt of Broadhaugh, said whole pce grnd bounded by King's High Road on S, by mutual wall separating grnd from property of Archibald Stewart, St Fort called Wellgate Garden on W, by sea flood on N, & by mutual wall dividing grnd from property of Thomas Ritchie / James Chapman & the NW side of the common road down to the floodmark on E … privilege of shipping / unloading … rights of other feuars of Wellgate & Broadhaugh to use of said road … [list of titles] … RS 101/649/54
1900.01434Reconveyance by Charles Gustave Louis Phillips, art master Dundee to Alexander Stewart in repayment of loan of £830 (4 May 1900) 6 Aug 1900 (1) all & whole (including 6' path running through the N part of the lot) 14 pol (lot 9), : N road 25' extending 27' 6" along it, : NW by lot 10 (Alexander Stewart) extending along it 146', : S by 25' road as an access to feuing ground of … Birkhill … along it 24' 6", : SE partly by lot 8 (Alexander Stewart) 146'; & (2) (including a 6' path through the N part of it) 14 pol lot 10 bounded N by 25' road - 27', : NW by lot 11 - 146', : S by 25' street - 25', : SE by lot 9 - 146' belonging to Alexander Stewart; which are pts of 318 pol 20 yd of Wormit, & bldgs on the 2 lots … RS 101/752/76
1901.0045525 March 1901. Alexander Stewart to Tayside Electric & Gas Light Co - £3182 (£1502 in cash, £998 in shares, £682 in shares) - all & whole area of ground pt of Wormit on the summit of the hill there 139 pol 18yd bounded as follows - : on N by unfenced ground belonging to [Birkhill] along which it extends 147'6", : on W by unfenced ground belonging to [Birkhill] along which it extends 257'6", : on S by unfenced ground belonging to [Birkhill] along which it extends 147'6", and on E by unfenced ground belonging to [Birkhill] along which it extends 257'6"; ish & entry to subjects by a roadway 10' wide on lower ground winding upwards as shown on plan … only temporary access … as in original 20 Oct 1899 feu, recorded 8 Jan 1900 … with whole buildings offices stables etc erected on said ground & whole fixed & moveable machinery, electric light installation, electric dynamos, cables, wires, accumulators, plant, tools, fittings, utensils & other equipmentin upon & about said subjects … entry 1 Jan 1901 … Thomas Swan clerk to Fairweather & Gilchrist, solicitors, Dundee … RS 101/774/79
1921.0067416 Apr 1921 Not Instr Jane Low / Just widow of the late Robert Thomas Just residing Rose Cottage, West Newport, liferentrix & Robert Just, son, 4 Hill Tce, Arbroath, fiar, … petition by Robert Thomas Just, clerk, The Terrace, West Newport to his father Robert Just, wright, then house proprietor, Newport 6 Feb 1894 by which Robert Thomas Just was infeft (1) all & whole W half of small park of land, pt of Broadhaugh, : S by High Road, : N by stone dyke, : subjects belonging to William Just, son of Thomas Just, feuar, Justfield on W, : on E by E half of small park disponed by said Thomas Just 1 Feb 1817 to son David Just …
(2) and also all & whole that 2-storey house built by said Thomas Just with yard belonging, pt of Wellgate, : by hedge on E, : by stone dyke on N, : by road of 5' on W, : by straight line from corner of quarry on S, pt of Wellgate feued by said Thomas Just from John Lyon of Kinnaird …
Instrument of sasine in favour of Mrs Barbara Mackie / Just widow of said Thomas Just liferent & Robert Just fee, 8 Nov 1852 … will Robert Thomas Just 10 Sep 1916 bequeathed to wife Jane Low / Just liferent of all he possessed & after the decease of his wife he bequeathed that property known as Woodend, West Newport & 2 cottages known as Rose Cottages & feu of Broadhaugh being the subjects hereinbefore more fully described … RS 101/1538/177
1921.0067516 Apr 1921 Not Instr Jane Low / Just widow of the late Robert Thomas Just residing Rose Cottage, West Newport, liferentrix & Mrs Christina Edie Just / Mackie wife of Robert Laird Mackie, lecturer, Violet Bank, Wormit as fiar … a disp granted by Rev Harcourt Jordan Just, Congregational minister formerly at Hyde, Cheshire, now residing 90 Arden Tce, Accrington, then Lee, London, & Alexander Reoch, Dundee the then trustees of deceased David Just mason under deed of assumption 16 Apr 1890 … [another assumption, same date] … 3rd assumption 26 May 1899 … 16 May 1907 … said Robert Thomas Just was infeft viz: (1) all & whole pce grnd 48 yds long N - S & 43' broad E - W set off from E & W by march stones with the house built by David Just, pt of all & whole croft of Broadhaugh, the pce of grnd herein disponed is bounded on N by stone dyke belonging to Rev Harcourt Just & Alexander Reoch as Trs, : on S by road dividing Broadhaugh from Wellgate Park, : on E & W by the rest of Broadhaugh belonging to successors of Thomas Just of Justfield, with the privilege along with Arthur Baird's successors & tenants of successors of said Thomas Just of well & bleaching green on E side of the house formerly possessed by Thomas Just, free ish & entry thereto; (2) all & whole pce grnd : N by River Tay, : W by subjects belonging to successors of David Just, : S partly by (1) & partly by subjects belonging to Robert Just, : on E by subjects belonging to Charles Landall or successors; which are pt of subjects 3rd described in trust disp … will of Robert Just … wife Jane Low / Just as liferentrix & Christina Edie Just / Mackie his daughter … that property known as River House formerly belonging to heirs of late David Just being the subjects herein described … RS 101/1538/179
1921.0067616 Apr 1921 Not Instr Jane Low / Just widow of the late Robert Thomas Just residing Rose Cottage, West Newport, liferentrix & Mrs Christina Edie Just / Mackie wife of Robert Laird Mackie, lecturer, Violet Bank, Wormit as fiar … decr sp service wherein Robert Thomas Just, clerk, The Terrace was infeft of subjects below in which his grandfather Thomas Just feuar at Justfield was last vested … 6 Feb 1894 … all & whole those 2 houses & yds pt of Broadhaugh, : W by property feued by Thomas Just to David Just, : by public road on S, : by bleaching green on E, : by stone dyke on N, privilege of said bleaching green & well in same, which pce grnd is pt of all & whole croft of land called Broadhaugh, : E by Robert Russel's land, : W by land feued by John Lyon of Kinnaird, : S by highway between it & Wellgate Park, : N by floodmark of River Tay … right of shipping … by a road the said Thomas Just was to make out of the said land leading from the King's high road - sasine of 19 Dec 1786 … will of Robert Thomas Just … Jane Low /Just as liferentrix & Christina edie Just / Mackie that property situated at The Terrace, West Newport being the subjects herinbefore more fully described … RS 101/1538/182
1941.00368Blench disp by Trs Jane E Just to Edith M Forbes & Constance Ann Forbes £100 & in consideration of the blench duty after specified all & whole pce of grnd, pt of Wellgate Park on S side of turnpike Newport - Woodhaven … delineated on plan … 18 pol 17 yd, : on N 44' along Newburgh Road; : E 91' 3" along centre line of Cuthbert's Brae; : S partly by Cuthbert's Brae (10') & partly by a wall separating them from Mrs Christina A Glass (39'); : W 72' 6" by subjects belonging to Mrs Glass … together with whole buildings etc … RS 101/2047/17 [sketch]
1950.00000We, Charles Edward Lambe, Ian MacGillivray, W.S. Mrs. Lesbia Rachel Corbet or Lambe and Victor Stiebel, as the remaining surviving trustees original & assumed acting under conveyance in trust by Mrs Lesbia Rachel Corbet or Mylius of St. Fort, now the said Mrs Lesbia Rachel Corbet or Mylius or Lambe dated 2 October 1939 … and as such trustees heritable proprietors of the subjects hereinafter disponed in consideration of the price of £280 paid to us as trustees foresaid by the Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of the Burgh of Newport, Fife, have sold and hereby dispone to said Provost, Magistrates & Councillors of the Burgh of Newport heritably and irredeemably all and whole that piece of ground and foreshore thereof part of the lands and estate of St. Fort known as Woodhaven in the Burgh of Newport and County of Fife lying between Newburgh Road on the south and the River Tay on the north and extending from Fishers Cottage on the east to the entrance to Woodhaven Pier from Newburgh Road on the west, together with the entrance roads to Woodhaven Pier from the east from Newburgh Road, and to Woodhaven Pier from the west from Newburgh Road, all as delineated end coloured pink & yellow on the plan annexed … together with the pier and all other buildings and erections thereon so far as belonging to us and our whole right title and interest present and future therein together also with the pertinents rights and privileges, the whole fittings and fixtures in and upon said subjects so far as belonging to us as trustees foresaid and our whole right title and interest present and future in and to the said subjects and others. But the said subjects and others above disponed are so disponed under (1) the burdens, conditions, reservations and others contained in the title deeds thereof or otherwise affecting the same in any manner of way all so far as valid subsisting and applicable, including without prejudice to the foregoing generality all obligations which may exist for the erection and maintenance of boundary walls and fences upon and around the said subjects and others; (2) the burden of erecting and maintaining all further walls and fences which may be necessary to enclose the said subjects and others; (3) reservation to us and our successors in the lands and estate of St. Fort or any part thereof and our and their assignees and those authorised by us and them of right of access along and across the access road from Newburgh Road on the west which burden and reservation hereby created are hereby declared to be real and preferable burdens affecting the said subjects and others hereby disponed and as such are appointed to be inserted in full in the infeftment to follow hereon and to be inserted or validly referred to in all future deeds of transmission, decrees, instruments and other writs of or relating to the said subjects and others hereby disponed or any part thereof, otherwise such infeftments, deeds, decrees, instruments and writs shall be null and void subject to Section 9 of the Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 19244 With entry and natural possession as at 2 February 1950 notwithstanding the dates hereof; ....... List of Feuduties referred to in the foregoing Disposition: 1. Feuar - Peter Rock, recorded 10 Feb 1930. Annual feu duty 1 penny. 2. Feuar - The Trustees for the 16th Dundee (Newport) Troop of Boy Scouts recorded 26 Feb 1932. Annual feu duty £6:10:0. ... RS 101/2276/166 [sketch]
1955.01552Disp by Robert Just to Annabella C Raitt & Jessie Smith Raitt 23 May 1955, £450 … the E-most dw ho on upper floor of that 2-storey ho known as Woodend … with (1) garden grnd, : N by access passageway hereinafter mentioned between garden grnd at rear of house, : on E by trellis fence, : on S by stone dyke backed by a wooden fence, : on W partly by E-most wall of wooden shed & partly by privet hedge running along the W-most boundary of the pathway leading S-wards from said access passageway; (2) that pt of said access passageway ex-adverso said dw ho; (3) coal cellar appropriated to said dw ho, the S-most of 2 cellars immediately to the N of the wash-house hereinafter mentioned; (4) right with other proprietors of (a) solum, roof, etc (b) mutual drying green at rear for drying & bleaching of clothes and nothing else (c) wash-house lying S or SW of said ho (d) path between drying green, wash-house & coal cellars (e) boundary walls at rear; (5) right in common with proprietors of W-most dw ho on upper storey to that portion of access passageway ex-adverso said W-most dw ho; (6) right in common with other proprietors to solum of passageway leading from the ... High Road now Newburgh Road to the point at SW corner of 2-storey ho where it branches E & S ... which form part of all & whole the subjects in (2) in Not Instr Mrs Jane Low / Just qua liferentrix & Robert Just qua fiar, 16 Apr 1921, under these burdens- (1) feu duty of 7/6d on whole of subjects is not approtioned to these subjects (2) half cost of maintenance of roof etc (3) half cost of passageway maintenance (4) quarter share of common wash-house maintenance ... entry 16 May 1955 ... RS 101/2481/174
1967.0000024th May 1967. 41/1000ths acre of ground, part of St. Fort Estate sold by Andrew Mylius to Miss Gwendoline Vera Geddes of 45 Riverside Road Wormit. £83.00 All & whole that piece of ground lying NE of Newburgh Road, Wormit, 41/1000 acre .... bounded: on the S by Riverside Road .... 32' 4" ; on the E by subjects presently let to Mr A Paton and belonging to me following the centre-line of a hedge and the W-most face of the gable wall of a cottage along which it extends in all 62' 9"; on the N or NW by subjects let to Mr Paton belonging to me extending along first, the S-most face of a gable wall of a cottage, and thereafter by the S-most face of a garden wall in all 27' 6"; on the W or SW by subjects belonging to Mr J K Noakes from which it is divided by the centre-line of a post & wire fence along which .. extends 59'; together with: the whole pertinents, rights & privileges, the whole heritable fittings, my whole right, title & interest, the subjects are so disponed always with and under the following burdens - a) reserved to me & my successors in the proprietorship of the adjoining ground, a servitude right of access over the said subjects ... for access for maintenance & repair of all soil, rainwater pipes, gas pipes & electricity cables passing through the subjects and serving the adjoining subjects under burden of making good any damage caused to the said subjects or the erections thereon in the exercise of said servitude right; b) the disponee shall within the period of one year from the date of entry be bound to erect on the subjects hereby disponed a garage or garages, the plans, specifications and elevations of such garage or garages will be submitted to me for my approval all which burdens are hereby created real burdens upon and affecting the said area of ground ... date of entry 1st August 1966. RS 101/3122/165 [sketch]
1975.0000016th October 1975. I, Andrew Mylius, of St. Fort in the County of Fife, heritable proprietor of the subjects hereinafter disponed, in consideration of the price of £450 paid to me by David McLugash, ... Ellerslie, Auckland, New Zealand, of which I acknowledge the receipt have sold and hereby dispone to the said David MacLugash and his executors and assignees whomsoever, heritably and irredeemably, All and Whole that area of ground part of the lands of St. Fort in the County of Fife, delineated and outlined in red on the plan (which is demonstrative only and not taxative) annexed and signed as relative hereto..........and bounded as follows, videlicet:- on or towards the north or north east by the River Tay, on or towards the east by other subjects belonging to me, the boundary being the westernmost edge of a gorge running from River Tay to the verge of the public road known as Newburgh Road leading from Wormit to Newport-on-Tay, on or towards the south partly By the said public road and partly by an access track leading from the said road to the shore of the River Tay along which it extends one hundred and eithty(sic)-six feet or thereby, and on or towards the west by other subjects belonging to me, the boundary being a line drawn at right angles to the said access track and extending to the River Tay; together with (1) buildings known as Fishers Cottage and whole other erections on said area of ground (2) a heritable and irredeemable right of wayleave over adjoining subjects belonging to me for all drains, water, gas, and electric pipes and cables required to serve said area of ground and buildings and erections thereon with right of access when required for maintenance, renewal and repair on payment of surface damage occasioned (3) whole heritable fittings and fixtures in and about the said subjects hereby disponed (4) the parts, privileges and pertinents of and (5) my whole right, title and interest, present and futute in and to the said subjects and others hereby disponed ... RS 101/3892/179 [sketch]

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Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

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