
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Notes from Newport Town Council Minutes

These are not full transcripts of the Minutes. They are my own notes.

1947-49       (November 1947 - May 1949)       Source: Newport-on-Tay Council Minutes, B79-1-47

Retiring: West, Reid, Dunn, Fyfe Smith.
Resignation of Mr James Allison as Burgh Prosecutor, a position he has held since 1895 (54 years).
Refuse dump: now full. Ask Mr Berry for Laverock Law Quarry. Mr Berry agrees.
30 April 1949. Gas undertaking taken over from Council - nationalisation. Thanks to Mr Mitchell, gas manager.
Mr W R Scott appointed Burgh Prosecutor.
Insanitary house at Harris Buildings: owner Miss Honeyman, Cremona Villa, occupier William Kay. Section 16, Housing Act 1930.
Condition of Railway Cottages, Wormit: write to Railway Co.
8 houses recently erected at Flass Road [Woodhaven Avenue]: total cost £13177-16-5.
Woodhaven: Robertson Fruit Products want to use the scout shed as a store & garage. No reply from St Fort's agents.
Gas statistics.

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