
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Valuation Roll Entries

1974-75 VR, original at National Records of Scotland, ref. VR101/120 (Valuation Rolls, Forgan parish, Fife)

There are 1777 records.

No.PropertyWdAddressProprietorTenantOccupierFeu DutyValue £sd
184000 House 1 Beverley House, 2 Woodbine Terrace John W Thomson proprietor 145 View detailsLocation
184100 House & Garage 1 4 Woodbine Terrace George M Ogilvie proprietor 143 View detailsLocation
184200 House 1 6 Woodbine Terrace J McHardy proprietor 150 View detailsLocation
184300 House 1 8 Woodbine Terrace John W Edwards proprietor 135 View detailsLocation
184400 House & Garage 1 The Sheiling, 10 Woodbine Terrace James Mair & Mrs Josephine M Mair proprietor 154 View detailsLocation
184500 House 1 Sylvan House, 12 Woodbine Terrace Mrs Frieda L Dodson proprietor 155 View detailsLocation
185000 House & Garage 1 Netherby, 1 Youngsdale Place John Kirton proprietor 191 View detailsLocation
185100 House 1 3 Youngsdale Place Marie Matheson proprietor 159 View detailsLocation
185200 House & Garage 1 5 Youngsdale Place Robert F McKenzie proprietor 101 View detailsLocation
185250 House 1 6 Youngsdale Place Michael L Ball proprietor 99 View detailsLocation
185300 House 1 7 Youngsdale Place David M C Campsie proprietor 155 View detailsLocation
185400 House & Garage 1 9 Youngsdale Place John Storrier proprietor 172 View detailsLocation
185500 House 1 11 Youngsdale Place Charles Downie proprietor 149 View detailsLocation
185600 House 1 13 Youngsdale Place Elizabeth W Wallace proprietor 149 View detailsLocation
185700 House & Garage 1 Fairlea, 15 Youngsdale Place Dr Ferdinand Lokko proprietor 205 View detailsLocation
185800 Garage 1 Youngsdale Place Mrs Jean P Kerr, 24 Linden Avenue proprietor 22 View details
186000 House 1 Earwig Cottage, 12 Youngsdale Place Mrs J Geddes Brown proprietor 109 View detailsLocation
201000 House 2 1 Alma Terrace Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee Mrs Mary J Plenderleith 140 View detailsLocation
201100 House 2 3 Alma Terrace Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee John Bennet 136 View detailsLocation
201200 House 2 5 Alma Terrace Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee David R Milne 138 View detailsLocation
201300 House 2 7 Alma Terrace Margaret Thomson per D & J Thomson & Currie, 38 Whitehall St, Dundee James F Anderson 142 View detailsLocation
201400 House 2 9 Alma Terrace Harry B Glass proprietor 134 View detailsLocation
201500 House 2 11 Alma Terrace John R Gordon proprietor 136 View detailsLocation
201600 House 2 13 Alma Terrace Mrs Sheila Muirhead proprietor 131 View detailsLocation
201700 House 2 15 Alma Terrace Mrs Margaret M Brown proprietor 139 View detailsLocation
201800 House & Garage 2 Craigcleuch, 17 Alma Terrace Flora Scrymgeour proprietor 120 View detailsLocation
202200 House & Garage 2 The Knoll, 1 Beechwood Terrace East Jean M Stewart proprietor 194 View detailsLocation
202300 House 2 2 Beechwood Terrace East Ian A Bouchier proprietor 175 View detailsLocation
202400 House 2 Rockville, 3 Beechwood Terrace East Alfred Dow proprietor 159 View detailsLocation
202500 House 2 Tayville, 4 Beechwood Terrace East Annie E J Jackson proprietor 110 View detailsLocation
202600 House (upper flat) 2 Tayville, 5 Beechwood Terrace East Lilian F Mitchell proprietor 125 View detailsLocation
202700 House & Garage 2 The Elms, 6 Beechwood Terrace East Michael A Gillespie proprietor 222 View detailsLocation
203000 House 2 Esley, 1 Beechwood Terrace West Telford Morrison proprietor 74 View detailsLocation
203100 House 2 Esley, 2 Beechwood Terrace West Margaret A Miln proprietor 91 View detailsLocation
203200 House & Garage 2 Ascot, 3 Beechwood Terrace West Mrs Mary Fleming proprietor 174 View detailsLocation
203300 House 2 Beechwood, 4 Beechwood Terrace West Graham Cuthbert proprietor 77 View detailsLocation
203400 House 2 Beechwood, 5 Beechwood Terrace West Mrs Jean Muirhead proprietor 86 View detailsLocation
203500 House 2 6 Beechwood Terrace West John A Allison proprietor 150 View detailsLocation
203600 Home 2 Robertson Rest Home, 7 Beechwood Terrace West Trs for Rattray Street Dundee Baptist Church per Soutar Reid & Mill, solicitors, 13 Ward Rd, Dundee proprietor 500 View detailsLocation
203700 House & Garage 2 Woodmuir, 9 Beechwood Terrace West John P Topliss proprietor 172 View detailsLocation
203800 House 2 Lower Denburn, 10 Beechwood Terrace West Mrs Anne Cairns proprietor 99 View detailsLocation
203900 House & Garage 2 Upper Denburn, 11 Beechwood Terrace West Mr & Mrs Albert L Robson proprietor 115 View detailsLocation
204000 House 2 Rosendaal, 12 Beechwood Terrace West Margaret K Macquoid proprietor 97 View detailsLocation
204100 House & Garage 2 Rosendaal, 13 Beechwood Terrace West Mr & Mrs James R Yates proprietor 97 View detailsLocation
204200 House & Garage 2 Carlonan, 14 Beechwood Terrace West Ronald J Blatchford proprietor 176 View detailsLocation
204500 Church, St Thomas's 2 1 Blyth Street Church of Scotland General Trustees per Secretary, 121 George St, Edinburgh St Thomas's Kirk Session 300 View detailsLocation
204600 House & Garage 2 Manse, 3 Blyth Street Trs for Newport Church per Catherine K Scrimgeour, Bay House, 14 Tay Street Rev Robert A Howieson MA, O 206 View detailsLocation
204700 School 2 5 Blyth Street Fife County Council (Education) per County Clerk, Cupar proprietor 1800 View detailsLocation
205000 House & Shop 2 Pierhead Restaurant, 1 Boat Brae Trs of late Benedetto Jannetta per Mrs Angela Jannetta Mrs Angela Jannetta 180 View detailsLocation
205100 House & Shed 2 Runnelstone, 5 Boat Brae Dorothy M & Agnes D Cunningham proprietor 58 View detailsLocation

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