
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1915    Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory and Topography of Scotland, published: Nov 1915,  original : Internet Archive      There are 711 records.

Macdonald Miss, Hillside cottage, E Location
Macdonald Miss, Thornbank, ELocation
Macdonald Mrs. Invermay [under Woodhaven]Location
Macdonald William, Bellfield, ELocation
Macdougald George D. Dunollie [under Wormit]Location
Macgregor Mrs. Alpine cottage, W Location
Mackay Alexander, Ashcliffe, WLocation
Mackay Hector, Newport hotel, E [under Commercial]Location
Mackay James H. Hermon hill, ELocation
Mackay Jas. & Son, painters, Robertson pl. E [under Commercial]Location
Mackay Mary (Mrs.), shopkpr. Robert st. E [under Commercial]Location
Mackay Wm. Lorne villa, Tayport rd. E Location
Mackay, Alexander, sec; [under Industrial Training. Ship 'Mars' (Off Woodhaven)]Location
Mackie Charles (Mrs.), dairy keeper [under Forgan Commercial]LocationLocation (2)
Mackie David, 15 High street, ELocation
Mackie David, factor (for the Tayfield estate), High street, E [under Commercial]Location
Mackie Wm. Ingleton Victoria street, E Location
MacLeod Miss, 3 Norwood terrace, ELocation
Macmillan John. 2 Hill view [under Wormit]Location
MacNab John, Dennery, Hillpark terrace [under Wormit]Location
Macpherson David Davidson, Seacraig, Tayport road, ELocation
Macpherson David Simon, 2 Alma ter. W Location
Mair William L. Westfield terrace, W Location
Mair William. Rotherwood. WLocation
Maitland-Dougall, Commander William; President [under Industrial Training. Ship 'Mars' (Off Woodhaven)]Location
Maitland-Dougall, William, R.N., D.L., J.P; Commander [under Principal Land Owners][not in Forgan parish]
Malcolm George, Woodmuir cottage, W [?]
Marquis Cecil John, Harcourt villa, W Location
Marquis Sydney, Hellenbank [under Wormit]Location[? Possibly this house]
Marshall Prof. Chas. Robertson, Arnsheen, W Location
Martin James R. Wellgate park, W Location
Massarella Girardo, confectnr. Pierhead, E [under Commercial]Location
Mathers James A. 2 Norwood terrace, E Location
Matthew Miss, 9 Kilnburn place, E Location
Maxwell David C. Westmount [under Wormit]Location
Maxwell Mrs. Bloomfield, ELocation
Maxwell Mrs. D. Lebanon villa [under Wormit]Location
McAndrew Wm. Jas. Derby ho. Tay ter. E Location
McBeth, John, teacher; [under Industrial Training. Ship 'Mars' (Off Woodhaven)]Location
McFarlane Duncan, Hilbrae [under Woodhaven]Location
McGarry David, Sinclair cottage [under Wormit]Location
McGavin Robert E. 13 Linden avenue Location
McGlashan David, fish salesman. Pierhead, E [under Commercial]Location
McGregor Miss. Whinfell [under Wormit]Location
McKean John, Woodmuir terrace, W Location
McKechnie William. Kinnoull [under Wormit]Location
McKecknie James, Tay bank [under Wormit]Location
McKenzie David. Tighnavon [under Wormit]Location
McKenzie Frederick J. Sylvan house, E Location
McKinnon Daniel, Beach villa [under Wormit]Location

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