
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1964    The Dundee Directory, pub. Burns & Harris,  held by: Dundee Central Library      There are 1044 records.

Howieson, R. A.; Councillor Rev. [under Magistrates And Town Councillors Of Newport-On-Tay]
Howieson, R. A.; Street Lighting, Rev. [under Magistrates And Town Councillors Of Newport-On-Tay]
Howieson, Rev. Robert A., M.A., Parish Church of St Thomas; h. The Manse, Blyth streetLocationLocation (2)
Huddleston, Charles, county engineer, Hermonhill, Cupar roadLocation
Hughes, R. F., bank teller, The Gables, Tay streetLocation
Hume, Alexander R., bank accountant, Ormiston, Woodmuir crescentLocation
Hunter, Miss Lilian F., 9 Linden avenueLocation
Husband, Miss M. D., Abertay, Cupar roadLocation
Hutchison, Charles, Woodfield, Bay road, WormitLocation
Hutchison, Edward E., proprietor, Seymour Hotel, Tay streetLocation
Hutton, Kenneth G., branch manager, Dundee Savings Bank, High street; h. 32 Beaumont terrace, Broughty FerryLocation
Hyne, Norman, fitter, 6 Seacraig courtLocation
Imlah, John R., bank accountant, 16 Tay terraceLocation
Inglis, Mrs Olive, 4 Albert crescentLocation
Ireland, Mrs H. G., Hazelwood, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
Irons, J. B., Whitehall villa, Robert streetLocation
Irons, W. D. G., Vandlebury, Birkhill avenue, WormitLocation
Irvine, Miss Frances, Coylum, Wellpark terraceLocation
Jack, A. S., bee appliance manufacturer, Honey Wood, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
Jack, James S., & Son, Union street : Plumber And Tinsmiths.Location
Jack, James S., & Sons, plumbers, Union street, East Newport, Tel. N. 3209; h. 8 KilnburnLocationLocation (2)
Jack, Misses, Harp cottage, Tay streetLocation
Jack, Mrs James O., 12 Robert streetLocation
Jackson, Miss Edna, Tayville, Beechwood terrace, Tel. 3303Location
Jannetta, Mrs A., confectioner, PierheadLocation
Jannetta, Mrs A., Pierhead : Confectioners.Location
Johnston, Mrs Agnes, 12 King streetLocation
Johnston, W. L. K., Pierhead : Newsagents And Tobacconists.Location
Johnston, W. L. K., postmaster, newsagent and tobacconist, Pierhead; h. 13 NorwoodLocationLocation (2)
Johnston, W. L. K., postmaster; [under Post Office - Pierhead.]Location
Johnston, William, 22 Queen streetLocation
Johnstone, Douglas, journalist, Linden, Newton park, WormitLocation
Johnstone, Miss E. D., Erichtbank, Tayport road[not in Forgan parish]
Jones, Stanley J., lecturer, Newstead, Kirk roadLocation
Jones, William C. D., Tighnreich, Mount Stewart road, WormitLocation
Kay, Alexander, Helenbank, Scroggieside, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
Kay, David, 10 Kerr streetLocation
Kay, M. W., 5 Struan placeLocation
Kay, Miss Y., 1 Station roadLocation
Kay, Mrs B. P., Esley, Beechwood terraceLocation
Kay, William B., engineer, 3 Kerr streetLocation
Keenan, Misses, 4 East Queen streetLocation
Keill, Archibald, Braeside. Braeside roadLocation
Keith, Lindsay S., Beechwood, Hillpark road, WormitLocation
Keith, W. S., butcher, High street; h. Cremona, Tay streetLocationLocation (2)
Keith, W. S., High street : Butchers.Location
Kelman, James, of the Scottish Sand & Gravel Co., Ltd., Whinfell, Hillside road, WormitLocation
Kelman, Mrs Nellie, 21 Woodhaven avenue, WormitLocation
Kerr, David M., chemist, Pierhead and Robertson place, Tel. N. 3179; h. 3 KilnburnLocationLocation (2)
Kerr, David M., Pierhead and Robertson place : Chemists.LocationLocation (2)

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