
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1966    The Dundee Directory, pub. Burns & Harris,  held by: Dundee Central Library      There are 1080 records.

Johnston, Miss Jean, 17 King streetLocation
Johnston, Mrs Agnes, 14 King street Location
Johnston, W. L. K., Pierhead : Newsagents And Tobacconists.Location
Johnston, W. L. K., postmaster, newsagent and tobacconist, Pierhead ; h. 26 NorwoodLocationLocation (2)
Johnston, W. L. K., postmaster; [under Post Office - Pierhead]Location
Johnstone, Miss E. D., Erichtbank, Tayport road [not in Forgan parish]
Jolly, Mrs L., 20 Union place, Union street Location
Jones, Mrs M. B., 10 Linden avenueLocation
Jones, Stanley J., lecturer, 41 Kirk roadLocation
Jones, William C. D., 9 Mount Stewart road, Wormit Location
Kay, Alexander, 4 North terrace, Scroggieside, Wormit Location
Kay, David, 10 Kerr streetLocation
Kay, M. W., 5 Struan placeLocation
Kay, Miss Y., 5 Station braeLocation
Kay, Mrs A., 12 Queen streetLocation
Kay, Mrs B. P., 1 Beechwood terrace west Location
Kay, William B., engineer, 3 Kerr street Location
Keenan, Miss Blanche, 4 East Queen streetLocation
Keill, Archibald 1 Braeside roadLocation
Keith, Lindsay S., Beechwood, Hillpark road, Wormit Location
Keith, M., 21 Bay road, WormitLocation
Keith, W. S., 52 High street : Butchers.Location
Keith, W. S., butcher, 52 High street ; h. 100 Tay street LocationLocation (2)
Kelly, J., journalist, 55 Cupar roadLocation
Kelman, James, of the Scottish Sand & Gravel Co., Ltd., Whinfell, Hillpark road, WormitLocation
Kelman, Mrs Nellie, 21 Woodhaven avenue, WormitLocation
Kerr, David M., 3 Cupar road : Chemists.Location
Kerr, David M., chemist, 3 Cupar road, Tel. N. 3179 ; h. 11 KilnburnLocationLocation (2)
Kerr, Mrs J. P., 24 Linden avenueLocation
Kerr, Mrs M., 53 Bay road, WormitLocation
Kidd, John W. (city architect, Dundee), Ravensby, 14 Norwood Location
Kidd, Mrs W., 51 Bay road, Wormit Location
Kilgour, D. M., 12 High streetLocation
Killean, Robert I., sheriff-officer, 24 St. Fort road, Wormit Location
King, John, electrician, 2 James streetLocation
King, Mrs J. C., 8 Hillpark road, Wormit Location
Kinnear, Mrs H., 9 Kinbrae park Location
Kinnear, T. M., 103 Tay streetLocation
Kirk, E. A., 7 Kirk roadLocation
Kirk, Miss, 37 Riverside road, WormitLocation
Kirkcaldy, James F., civil servant, 35 Riverside road, Wormit Location
Kirton, John, T.V. engineer, 2 Bridge streetLocation
Kitson, Charles R., 18 Naughton road, Wormit Location
Knight, D. H., 78 Tay streetLocation
Knox, James M. (lecturer, Dundee), 49 Kilnburn Location
Kojawski, Marian S., teacher, 2 Craighead roadLocation
Lacombe, Myer, art teacher, 28 Crosshill terrace, Wormit Location
Laing, Mrs M., 27 Queen streetLocation
Laing, William, engineer, 4 Elizabeth crescent Location
Latto, Herbert M., 4 Union street : Joiners And Funeral DirectorsLocation

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