
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1933-34    The Dundee Directory, pub. Burns & Harris, published: Jun 1933,  original : Internet Archive      There are 1241 records.

Walker, Thomas M., Newton park, Newburgh road, Wormit; Hon. Secretary, [under Wormit Boating Club]LocationLocation (2)
Walker, Thomas, butcher, Newburgh road, WormitLocation
Walker, Thomas, Newburgh road, Wormit : Butchers.Location
Walker, W. G. N. (merchant, Dundee), Sandford, St Fort, Wormit[not in Forgan parish]
Walker, William, Meldrum square, Robert street, East NewportLocation
Wallace Brothers, electrical engineers, PierheadLocation
Wallace Brothers, Pierhead : Electrical Engineers. Location
Wallace, Frederick, of Wallace Brothers, Maryfield terrace, Gowriehill, East NewportLocation
Wallace, Gordon, farmer, Peacehill farm, Wormit[not in Forgan parish]
Wallace, J. L., Newburgh rd., Wormit : Bootmakers.Location
Wallace, James, of Wallace Brothers, Union street, East NewportLocation
Wallace, John L., bootmaker; Newburgh road ; h. Tilehurst, Newburgh road, WormitLocationLocation (2)
Wallace, John, 2 Youngsdale place, East NewportLocation
Wallace, Mrs, bootmaker, St Phillan's place; h. Maryfield terrace, Gowriehill, East NewportLocationLocation (2)
Wallace, Mrs, St Phillan's place, East Newport : Bootmakers.Location
Wallace, Thomas, 2 Struan street, East NewportLocation
Wannan, Andrew, joiner. 2 Mars gardens, Woodhaven, WormitLocation
Ware, Donald H., Wellpark terrace, West NewportLocation
Watkins, Mrs Mary, Sonelt, Bay road, WormitLocation
Watson, David, fish merchant, PierheadLocation
Watson, David, Pierhead : Fish Merchants.Location
Watson, J. C., railwayman, Meldrum square, Queen st., East NewportLocation
Watson, James Y. (importer, Dundee), 4 Linden avenue, East NewportLocation
Watson, Robert, railway inspector, Station house, West NewportLocation
Watt, Misses A. and H. M., Trafford cottage, Newburgh road, Wormit Location
Watt, Mrs Louisa H., Camperdown, Woodhaven, WormitLocation
Webster, John Rae (bank accountant, Dundee), 2 Alma terrace, West NewportLocation
Webster, Misses, Netherby, 8 Youngsdale place, East Newport Location
Webster, Mrs A., Scroggieside, Newburgh roam), WormitLocation
Webster, Mrs James F., Fairview cottage, Queen street, East Newport Location
Webster, Richard, South terrace, Newburgh road, Wormit; Secretary and Treasurer, [under Wormit Lawn Tennis Club]LocationLocation (2)
Wedderspoon, Misses, Auchindoune, Bay road, WormitLocation
Wedderspoon, Mrs J., Mackie house, Newburgh road, West Newport Location
West, R. D., garage manager, Ashbrook, Victoria street, East NewportLocation
Whalley, Mrs W. D., 23 Kilnburn, East NewportLocation
White, Miss A. Melville, Glintotay, Newtonpark, WormitLocation
White, Miss I. M., Garland villa, Wellgate street, West Newport Location
Whitley, L. V. (H.M. inspector of taxes, Dundee), Ashbank, Tayport road, East NewportLocation
Whyte, Jas. (tea merchant, Dundee), Westcroft, Newburgh rd., Wormit Location
Whyte, Mrs David T., 6 Norwood, East NewportLocation
Wight, James, M.A., teacher, Violetbank, Newburgh road, Wormit Location
Wight, James, M.A., Violetbank, Newburgh road, Wormit : Teachers.Location
Wighton, P. D., grocer and wine merchant, Newburgh road, West Newport (Telephone No. N. 60); h. Justfield, Shepherd's road, West NewportLocationLocation (2)
Wighton, P. D., Newburgh road, W. Newport : Grocers (Licensed). Location
Wighton, William, 14 High street, E. Newport : Hairdressers.Location
Wighton, William, hairdresser, 14 High street, East Newport ; h. Woodside, Queen street, East NewportLocationLocation (2)
Wilkie, John, Balgonie, Bay road, Wormit (Telephone No. W. 41) Location
Wilkie, John; Councillor [under Magistrates And Town Councillors Of Newport]
Wilkie, John; Recreation and Cemeteries, [under Magistrates And Town Councillors Of Newport]
Will, Geo. (coal merchant, Dundee), Marrbank, Cupar road, E. Newport Location

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