
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Directory Entries

1908-09    The Dundee Directory, pub. Mathew, published: Jun 1908,  original : National Library of Scotland      There are 1272 records.

Morrison, Matthew, butcher, 2 High street (Telephone No. N. 65), and Wormit ; h. 4: Myrtle terrace. East NewportLocationLocation (2)
Morrison, Miss, Garland villa. West NewportLocation
Morrison, Robert B. (merchant, Dundee), Broombank, WormitLocation
Morrison, W. B. (merchant, Dundee), 1 Kilnburn terraceLocation
Morrison, W.; Committee [under Wormit Literary Society]
Morton, James (clothier, Dundee), Darvel lodge. East NewportLocation
Morton, James, jun. (clothier, Dundee), Norwood, East NewportLocation
Morton, John Patterson, postman, WormitLocation[?]
Motion, George; Committee [under Newport Quoiting Club; Grounds, Cupar Road.] Location (2)
Motion, George; Executive Committee [under Forgan Liberal Association]
Muir, Allan (manufacturing chemist, Dundee), Saxon, WormitLocation
Muir, Thos., Son, & Patton, Ltd., coal merchants. East Station, Newport, and WormitLocationLocation (2)
Munn, Rev. Thomas, Forgan Established Church ; h. Forgan manseLocationLocation (2)
Munn, T.; Chaplain, Rev. [under Newport Curling Club] Location (2)
Munn, Thomas, Chairman; Rev. [under School Board Of Forgan]
Munn, Thomas; Forgan Established Church, Rev. [under Places Of Worship]Location
Murdoch, David, blacksmith, Gauldry[not in Forgan parish]
Murdoch, George, assistant registrar. Park house. West NewportLocation
Murdoch, George; Assistant Librarian, [under Newport Public Library, Blyth Hall Buildings.]
Murdoch, George; Assistant Registrar, [under Registration Of Births, Deaths, And Marriages; Office, Blyth Hall Buildings]
Murdoch, James (stationer, Dundee), Rosendaal, West NewportLocation
Murdoch, James; Committee [under Newport Bowling Club] Location (2)
Murdoch, Mrs James, WoodhavenLocation
Murray, George, butcher, 5 High street (Telephone No. N. 3x); h. Osborne place. East NewportLocationLocation (2)
Murray, James, clerk, Violetbank, WormitLocation
Murray, James, clerk. King streetLocation
Murray, Miss, dressmaker, King streetLocation
Myles, John; Committee [under Newport Quoiting Club; Grounds, Cupar Road.] Location (2)
Myles, John; Executive Committee [under Forgan Liberal Association]
Nagel, Mrs Henry, 2 Alma terrace. West NewportLocation
Nairn, William C. (shipbroker, Dundee), The Willows, Linden avenue, East NewportLocation
Napier, Edward Y. (merchant, Dundee), Glenorchy, WormitLocation
Napier, George, gardener, Tayfield ; h. South lodgeLocation
Napier, Mrs G., Glenorchy, WormitLocation
National Telephone Co., Union street, East NewportLocation
Neilson, Mrs, Woodend, West NewportLocation
Ness, Walter (tobacconist, Dundee), 2 Daisy bank. East NewportLocation
Nicolaysen, Herbert, clerk, St Phillan's place. East NewportLocation
Nicoll & Smibert, Ltd., bakers and confectioners, PierheadLocation
Nicoll, Alexander, merchant, Leahurst, East NewportLocation
Nicoll, James (stockbroker, Dundee), Leahurst, East NewportLocation
Nicoll, Mrs J. P., Violetbank, WormitLocation
Nicoll, Mrs William, Vinebank, Tayport roadLocation
Nicoll, Robert P., clerk, Violetbank, WormitLocation
Nimmo, Miss, 4 Thornbank, Cupar road, East NewportLocation
Niven, Alexander Kelt, Maybank, Tay terraceLocation
Niven, Fred A. (butcher, Dundee), Justfield, West NewportLocation
Niven, Mrs A., butcher. PierheadLocationLocation (2)
Niven, Mrs David, 1 Linden avenue. East NewportLocation
Niven, Mrs John C. (butcher, Dundee), Justfield, West NewportLocation

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