
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : house in Woodmuir Terrace,  Woodmuir Terrace

Street View Image

= Property still standing



Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.434382,-2.948207

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   6 Bridge Street   2 Shepherds Road   4 Shepherds Road   6 Shepherds Road   1 Woodmuir Crescent   3 Woodmuir Crescent   5 Woodmuir Crescent   9 Woodmuir Terrace   11 Woodmuir Terrace   13 Woodmuir Terrace   15 Woodmuir Terrace   19 Woodmuir Terrace   23 Woodmuir Terrace   25 Woodmuir Terrace   27 Woodmuir Terrace   29 Woodmuir Terrace  


1854 Ordnance Survey Name Book Entry    (originals at ScotlandsPlaces)     (more information on the O.S. Name Books page)

List of names to be corrected if necessaryOrthography, as recommended to be used in the new plansOther modes of spelling the nameAuthorities for these other modes of spelling when knownSituationDescriptive remarks or other general observations which may be considered of interestSource
Laura Place [cancelled entry]Laura PlaceGeorge Just, Proprietor; John Just, ClarvilleLaura Place is the name of a villa of two storeys, with garden occupied by the proprietor Mr. George Just, builder.OS1/13/34/10


1909-10 Finance Act - Valuation Office: Field Surveys

Reference no.      457 (no transcripts on this site)      S5      S6


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

The Haven
Laura Place 1907
Belgrano 1940s



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 122 entries

1962 dirPhilp, J. H., The Haven, Woodmuir terrace
1961 dirPhilp, J. H., The Haven, Woodmuir terrace
1960 dirPhilp, J. H., mason, The Haven, Woodmuir terrace
1958-59 dirPhilp, J. H., mason, The Haven, Woodmuir terrace
1957-58 dirPhilp, J. H., mason, The Haven, Woodmuir terrace
1956-57 dirPhilp, J. H., mason, The Haven, Woodmuir terrace
1955-56 dirPhilp, J. H., mason, The Haven, Woodmuir terrace, W. Newport
1948-49 dirM'Kie, Mrs L. R., Belgrano, Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1947-48 dirM'Kie, Mrs L. R., Belgrano, Woodmuir terrace
1946-47 dirM'Kie, Mrs L. R., Belgrano, Woodmuir terrace
1942-43 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., teacher, Woodmuir terrace, W. N.
1942-43 dirM'Kie, Mrs L. R., Belgrano, Woodmuir terrace
1941-42 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L. teacher, Woodmuir terrace, W. N.
1940-41 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L. teacher, Woodmuir terrace, W. N.
1940-41 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1939-40 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., teacher, Woodmuir terrace, W. N.
1939-40 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1938-39 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L. teacher, Woodmuir terrace, W. N.
1938-39 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1937-38 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1937-38 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1936-37 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1936-37 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1935-36 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1935-36 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1934-35 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1934-35 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1933-34 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1933-34 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1932-33 dirSwinton, Andrew L. sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1931-32 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1931-32 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace, West Newport
1930-31 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1930-31 dirSwinton, Andrew L. sen. (headmaster, Dundee), Woodmuir terrace, W. Newport
1930-31 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace. : Teachers
1929-30 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N
1929-30 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen. (headmaster, Dundee), Woodmuir terrace, W. Newport
1929-30 dirSwinton, Andrew L., sen., Woodmuir terrace. : Teachers.
1928-29 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N
1928-29 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (headmaster, Dundee), Woodmuir ter., W. Newport
1928-29 dirSwinton, Andrew L., Woodmuir ter. : Teachers.
1928 Kelly dirSwinton Andrew L. Laura place, W
1927-28 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1927-28 dirSwinton, Andrew L., Woodmuir ter. : Teachers.
1927-28 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (headmaster, Dundee), Woodmuir ter., W. Newport
1926-27 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N
1926-27 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (headmaster, Dundee), Woodmuir ter., W. Newport
1926-27 dirSwinton, Andrew L., Woodmuir ter. : Teachers.
1925-26 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1925-26 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (headmaster, Dundee), Woodmuir ter., W. Newport
1924-25 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1923-24 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Woodmuir ter., W. N.
1923-24 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (headmaster, Dundee), Woodmuir ter., W. Newport
1922-23 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Woodmuir ter., W. Newport
1921-22 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., Laura place. W. N.
1921 Slater dirSwinton Andrew L. Laura place, W
1920-21 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Laura place, W. Newport
1919-20 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., teacher, W. N.
1918-19 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., teacher, W. N.
1918-19 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Laura place, W. Newport
1917-18 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., teacher, W. N.
1916-17 MacDonald dirSwinton, A. L., teacher, W. N.
1915-16 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Laura place, W. Newport
1915 Slater dirSwinton Andrew L. Laura place, W
1914-15 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Laura place, W. Newport
1913-14 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Laura place, W. Newport
1912-13 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Laura place, W. Newport
1911-12 dirSwinton, Andrew L. (head teacher, Dundee), Laura place, W. Newport
1911 Slater dirJust Miss, Laura place, W
1910-11 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1909-10 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1908-09 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualJust, Mrs Geo., Laura Place, W.
1907-08 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1907 Tayside AnnualJust, Mrs Geo., Laura Place, W.
1907 Slater dirJust Mrs. Laura place, W
1906-07 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1905-06 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1904-05 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1903-04 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1903 Slater dirJust Mrs. Laura place, W Newport
1902-03 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1901-02 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1900-01 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1899-00 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1899 Slater dirJust Mrs. Laura place, W
1898-99 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1897-98 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1896-97 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1896 Slater dirJust Mrs. Laura place, W
1895-96 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1894-95 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1893-94 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1893 Slater dirJust Mrs. Laura, Laura pl. W N
1892-93 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1891-92 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1890-91 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1889-90 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1889 Slater dirJust Mrs Laura, Laura pl. West Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1887-88 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1886-87 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1886 Slater dirJust Mrs Laura, Laura Pl, W N
1885-86 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place, West Newport
1885 MacDonald dirJust, George, West Newport : Builders
1884-85 dirJust, Mrs George, Laura place. West Newport
1884 MacDonald dirJust, George, West Newport : Builders
1882-83 dirJust, George, builder, Laura place, West Newport
1882 Slater dirJust George, Laura pl. West Newport : Builders.
1880-81 dirJust, George, builder, Laura place. West Newport
1878-79 dirJust, George, builder, Laura place, West Newport
1878 Slater dirJust Mr. George, Laura place, W N
1878 Slater dirJust George, West Newport : Builders.
1877 Worrall dirJust Mr. George, Laura place, W.
1876-77 dirJust, George, builder, Laura place. West Newport
1874-75 dirJust, George, builder, Laura place, West Newport
1871-72 dirJust, George, builder, Laura Place, West Newport
1869-70 dirJust, George, builder, Laura Place, Woodmuir Park, West Newport
1867-68 dirJust, George, builder, Lara Place, West Newport
1866 Fife dirJust, George, builder, W Newport
1862 Fife dirJust, George, builder, W Newport
1853-54 dirJust, George, builder, Woodmuir Feus.



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Female Voters Just, Mrs Laura Begg or Laura Place, West Newport Proprietor of House Laura Place
1879-1880 Voters Just, George builder Wester Newport
1878-1879 Voters Just, George builder Wester Newport
1874 Voters Just, George builder
1873 Voters Just, George builder


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Laura Place Swinton Andrew L 6
1911 Uninhabited
1901 Woodmuir Park Just Laura 7View household
1891 Uninhabited View household
1881 Laura Place Just George 8View household
1871 Woodmuir ParkLaura Place Just George 9View household
1861 24 east from CastleLaura Place Just George 8View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 54 entries

1974-75254800House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 153View details
1973-74254800House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 153View details
1972-73254800House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 153View details
1971-72254800House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 153View details
1969-702548House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 100View details
1968-692548House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 100View details
1967-681108House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 100View details
1966-671108House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 100View details
1964-651108House & Garage Douglas S Forbes proprietor 79View details
1961-623301House & Garage John H Philp proprietor 79View details
1958-591260House, Garden, etc John H Philp proprietor 35View details
1957-581237House, Garden, etc John H Philp proprietor 35View details
1952-531202House, Garden, etc John H Philp proprietor 35View details
1947-481164House, Garden, etc Mrs Louise R McKie per Ritchie Doig & Gilchrist, solicitors, St Andrews proprietor 35View details
1942-431140House, Garden, etc Mrs Louise R McKie per Ritchie Doig & Gilchrist, solicitors, St Andrews proprietor 35View details
1940-411139House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 35View details
1937-381160House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 35View details
1935-361122House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 35View details
1932-331077House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 35View details
1930-311074House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 35View details
1927-281064House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 35View details
1925-261043House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 35View details
1922-231017House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 26-13-4View details
1920-21996House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 20View details
1917-18994House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 20View details
1915-16988House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 15View details
1912-13780House, Garden, etc Andrew L Swinton, teacher proprietor 15View details
1910-11769House, Garden, etc Mrs Laura Begg or Just per John Rattray, 50 Barrack St, Dundee proprietor 20View details
1909-10764House, Garden, etc Mrs Laura Begg or Just per John Rattray, 50 Barrack St, Dundee proprietor 20View details
1907-08760House, Garden, etc Mrs Laura Begg or Just per John Rattray, 50 Barrack St, Dundee proprietor 20View details
1905-06740House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just per John Rattray, 50 Barrack St, Dundee proprietor 20View details
1903-04728House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1901-02528House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1900-01516House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1899-00486House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1897-98436House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1896-97413House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1895-96382House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1894-95349House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1893-94332House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1892-93321House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1891-92311House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1890-91284House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1889-90264House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 20View details
1885-86240House, Garden, &c Mrs Laura Begg or Just proprietor 19-10-0View details
1881-82147House, Garden, &c George Just, builder Said George Just 19-10-0View details
1878-79151House, Garden, &c George Just, builder Said George Just 22-10-0View details
1875-76151House, Garden, &c George Just, builder Said George Just 20View details
1871-72146House, garden etc George Just, builder George Just 20View details
1867-68149House, Garden, Stable, etc. George Just, builder Said George Just 20View details
1865-66145House, Garden, Stable, etc. George Just, builder Said George Just 20View details
1864-65136House, Garden, Stable, etc. George Just, builder Said George Just 20View details
1860-61125House and Garden George Just, builder George Just 20View details
1855-56187House and Garden George Just, builder said George Just 16View details



Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 277  view details Woodmuir lot 18 57.5 pol (George Just) 17 Woodmuir Tce Minor changes to boundary on S when plot ID 484 was created.


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1892.01296Francis Halley's share to TrsNot instr Trs dec Francis Halley hacklemaker Dundee sometime designed resid Woodmuir Villas West Newport of (1) (i) one half pro indiviso of 50 poles grnd lot 17 Woodmuir Park & bldgs t/on (see 1876.413) (ii) one quarter pro indiviso small area of ground forming the solum of a well the mutual property of James MacLaren & George Just in NE corner & forming part of lot 18 (2) one half pro indiviso of 67 poles 13.25 yds grnd : N partly by 25' road : S 24' cart road of Woodmuir Park1 Sep 1892426(1,i), 277 (1,ii), 485 (2)
1891.01597George Just to TrsNot Instr Trs dec George Just builder Newport of 57.5 pol grnd & dw ho t/on lot 18 of Woodmoor Park1 Dec 1891277
1885.06120D G Stewart loan repaidDisch by David Gordon Stewart solicitor disburd bond (21 Jan 1882) £100 by deceased George Just builder over 57.5 pol & dw ho t/on, lot 18 of Woodmoor Park16 Jul 1885277
1882.01474loan by David Gordon StewartBond £100 & disp by George Just, builder to David Gordon Stewart, solicitor Dundee of 57.5 pol & dw ho t/on, lot 18 of Woodmoor Park21 Jan 1882277
1881.00376St Fort to George Just (1); minor changes to boundary with lot to N (2 & 3)(1) Feu ch by Trs Jane Stewart, St Fort to George Just builder of 33 pol 27 yd including the S half of what was intended to be a road running along the S boundary of grnd already feued to him but which road is to be abandoned, : S by cart / carriage road or street, pt of Woodmuir Park; (2) feu disp to George Just of small triangular pce grnd, 2 pol 1 yd, including half the breadth of the street on N, which is to be held as pt of the adjoining feu (see 15 Feb 1858); (3) disp by George Just to St Fort of small triangular pce grnd, 11 yd, said disps being to adjust the W boundary of the grnd in the previously mentioned feu ch19 Apr 1881196, 484, 277
1879.04430Bell loan repaidDisch by Trs Agnes Bell spouse of Charles Bell ... disburd bond (8 Nov 1876) £800 by James McLaren architect over (1) 50 pol lot 17 of Woodmuir Park, (2) half ... of the solum of well on lot 18 ...19 May 1879426, 277
1878.03023James McLaren to Francis & David HalleyDisp by James McLaren architect Dundee to Francis & David Halley hacklemakers Dundee jointly of (1) 50 pol lot 17 of Woodmuir Park and (2) half solum of well in lot 18 Woodmuir Park17 May 1878426, 277
1876.01006loan by Agnes BellBond £800 & disp by James Maclaren architect Dundee to Agnes Bell spouse of Charles Bell, farmer ... Tealing of (1) 50 pol lot 17 of Woodmuir Park & bldgs t/on (see 1876.00413) and (2) half of small area of ground ... the solum of well in NE corner of lot 188 Nov 1876426, 277
1876.01001Robert Cowan Macgregor to James MaclarenDisp by Robert Cowan Macgregor linen merchant to James Maclaren architect Dundee of (1) 50 pol lot 17 of Woodmuir Park & bldgs t/on (see 1876.00413) and (2) half of small area of ground ... the solum of well in NE corner of lot 187 Nov 1876426, 277
1876.00459George Just to Robert Cowan MacgregorDisp by George Just builder to Robert Cowan Macgregor linen merchant Newport of (1) 50 pol lot 17 of Woodmuir Park, (2) half pro indiviso of small area of grnd forming the solum of a well, the mutual property of granter and grantee in NE corner of lot 1817 May 1876426, 277
1874.03814Banks loan repaidDisch, in consideration of £100, by Alexander Mills Banks, shipbroker Dundee disburd bond (5 May 1871) £100 by George Just builder over 57.5 pol & dw ho t/on, lot 18 of Woodmuir Park11 Nov 1874277
1873.01956Heron / Pirie loan repaidDisch by mar con Trs George Heron writer Dundee & Eliza Pirie disburd bond (3 Aug 1871) £50 by George Just mason or builder over (1) 57.5 pol & ho t/on no. 18 on feuing plan of Woodmoor Park [and (2) 18.5 falls grnd & dw ho … in Scotscraig]20 Jan 1873277
1871.00522loan by marriage contract Trs of George Heron & Eliza PirieBond £50 & disp security by George Just to Mar. contract Trs of George Heron & Eliza Pirie of (1) 57.5 pol & ho t/on no. 18 on feuing plan of Woodmoor Park and (2) … land at Tayport …3 Aug 1871277
1871.00298loan by Alexander Mills BanksBond £100 & disp security by George Just builder Newport to Alexander Mills Banks of 57.5 pol & ho t/on, lot 18 on feuingplan of Woodmoor Park5 May 1871277
1869.00396McLeish loan repaidDisch by Peter McLeish disburd. bond (9 Aug 1859) £200 by George Just of lot of grnd lot 18 on feuing plan of Woodmoor Park25 May 1869277
1869.00137(1) St Fort to William Robertson (lots 6, 7, 21, 22); (2) consent to enclosure of street given by feuars of other lotsFeu ch & novod by Henry Stewart, St Fort consent George Just builder, disp in feu farm to William Robertson of 2 lots grnd 21 & 22 on feuing plan of Woodmoor Park total 80 pol (including half of streets); and 2 lots total 90.5 pol lots 6 & 7 on plan : S by lots 21 & 22. (2) Also consent of George Just, John Anderson Stewart, William Scrymgeour, Robert Nicoll, Commiss. of George Jos. Scott & John Scott, Arthur Begg, Barbara Doll / Just relict of John Just, Keturah Patrick, Helen Whittet, James Shepherd, all feuars / proprietors of grnd in Woodmoor Park, that the portion of street originally intended to bound lots 6 & 7 on the S shall be enclosed & occupied by said William Robertson as his own property.6 Mar 1869337, 368, 196, 277, 125, 332, 369, 110, 310, 219, 119, 325, 212
1859.02610loan by Peter McLeishPeter McLeish gets bond & disp by George Just, builder & contractor Newport £200 over lot of grnd 57 pol & ho etc t/on no. 18 of Woodmoor Park; [& also pce grnd in Ferryport-on-Craig]9 Aug 1859277
1858.01407St Fort to George JustGeorge Just seised lot of 57.5 pol, lot 18 Woodmoor Park with ho etc t/on on feu ch by Henry Stewart, St Fort15 Feb 1858196, 277sasine extract

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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