
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Location : 16  Boat Brae

Historic Property ImageStreet View Image

= Property demolished or site redeveloped

Notes:      Property rebuilt and enlarged



More information in the blog November 2021


Location and Old Maps

Latitude, longitude:      56.437109,-2.944948

View location on the 1855 6-inch map, the 1895 25-inch map, the 1914 25-inch map, the 1966-73 25-inch map, or a 1944-50 aerial photograph at the National Library of Scotland website.

Nearby properties (demolished in red):   1 Boat Brae   2 Boat Brae   4 Boat Brae   5 Boat Brae   8 Boat Brae   10 Boat Brae   12 Boat Brae   14 Boat Brae   6 Boat Brae   part of 1, Boat Brae   part of 5, Boat Brae   3 Boat Brae   (house and shop on site of 1, Boat Brae)   (Boatshed, Boat Brae)   (Waiting Room & Bothy, Boat Brae)   (shop, Boat Brae)   (later Boatshed, Boat Brae)   5 High Road  


Old Addresses (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the address)

Boat Road1932



House Names (any dates are approximate and are usually the latest occurence of the name)

Taybrae Cottage



Directory entries (before 1975)      There are 145 entries

1974 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat Brae
1973 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat Brae
1972 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat Brae
1971 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat Brae
1970 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat Brae
1969 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat Brae
1968 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat Brae
1967 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat brae
1966 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat brae
1965 dirCampbell, George D., 16 Boat brae
1958-59 dirHayes, W. S., Taybrae, Boat brae
1958-59 dirFenton, R. B., Taybrae, Boat brae
1957-58 dirHayes, W. S., Taybrae, Boat brae
1957-58 dirFenton, R. B., Taybrae, Boat brae
1956-57 dirMorton, L. & M., general stores, Scroggieside, Newburgh road; h. Tay Brae, Boat roadlocation 2
1955-56 dirMorton, L. & M., general stores, Scroggieside, Newburgh road; h. Tay Brae, Boat road, Newportlocation 2
1954-55 dirHayes, William S., engineer, Tay brae, West Newport
1953-54 dirHayes, William S., engineer, Tay brae, West Newport
1952-53 dirHayes, William S., engineer, Tay brae, West Newport
1951-52 dirHayes, William S., engineer, Tay brae, West Newport
1950-51 dirHayes, William S., engineer, Tay brae, West Newport
1949-50 dirHayes, William, S., engineer, Tay brae, West Newport
1948-49 dirFenton, Robert, painter, Taybrae, Boat road
1947-48 dirFenton, Robert, painter, Taybrae, Boat road
1946-47 dirFenton, Robert, painter, Taybrae, Boat road
1942-43 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1941-42 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1940-41 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1939-40 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1938-39 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1937-38 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1936-37 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1935-36 dirFenton, Wm., painter, paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat roadlocation 2
1934-35 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h,. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1933-34 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1932-33 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1931-32 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1930-31 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1929-30 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1929-30 dirFenton, Miss, Taybrae, West Newport; Secretary, [under East Of Fife Unionist Association-Newport Branch]
1928-29 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1928 Kelly dirFarquharson William, Taybrae, Boat road
1927-28 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1926-27 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1925-26 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, Boat road, West Newportlocation 2
1925-26 dirFenton, Miss H., Taybrae, Boat road, West Newport
1923-24 dirFenton, Miss H., Taybrae, West Newport
1923-24 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, West Newportlocation 2
1922-23 dirFenton, Mrs William, Taybrae, West Newport
1922-23 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, West Newportlocation 2
1921 Slater dirFenton Mrs. Taybrae cottage, W
1920-21 dirFenton, Mrs William, Taybrae, West Newport
1920-21 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, West Newportlocation 2
1918-19 dirFenton, Mrs William, Taybrae, West Newport
1918-19 dirFenton, William, painter and paperhanger, Pierhead ; h. Taybrae, West Newportlocation 2
1915-16 MacDonald dirSmith, Miss, Taybrae Cottage, Wester Newport
1915-16 dirSmith, Robert (commission merchant, Dundee), Taybrae, W. Newport
1915-16 dirSmith, Miss M., Taybrae cottage, Woodhaven road, West Newport
1915 Slater dirSmith Robert, Taybrae cottage, W
1914-15 MacDonald dirSmith, Miss, Taybrae Cottage, Wester Newport
1914-15 dirSmith, Robert (commission merchant, Dundee), Taybrae, W. Newport
1914-15 dirSmith, Miss M., Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1913-14 MacDonald dirSmith, Miss, Taybrae Cottage, Wester Newport
1913-14 dirSmith, Robert (commission merchant, Dundee), Taybrae, W. Newport
1912-13 MacDonald dirSmith, Miss, Taybrae Cottage, Wester Newport
1912-13 dirSmith, Robert (commission merchant, Dundee), Taybrae, West Newport
1911-12 MacDonald dirSmith, Miss, Taybrae Cottage, Wester Newport
1911-12 dirSmith, Robert (commission merchant, Dundee), Taybrae, West Newport
1911 Slater dirSmith Robert, Taybrae cottage, W
1910-11 MacDonald dirSmith, Miss, Taybrae cottage, Wester Newport
1910-11 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1909-10 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1908-09 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1908 Tayside AnnualSmith, Mary, Wester Newport.
1907-08 dirSmith, Robert (com, mercht., Dundee), Taybrae cottage. West Newport
1907 Tayside AnnualSmith, Mary, Wester Newport.
1907 Slater dirSmith Robert, Taybrae cottage, W
1906-07 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1905-06 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee) Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1904-05 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee) Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1903-04 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee) Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1903 Slater dirSmith Robert, Taybrae cottage. W Newport
1902-03 dirSmith, Robert (com. mercht., Dundee) Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1901-02 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1900-01 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage. West Newport
1899-00 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1899 Slater dirSmith Robert, Taybrae cottage, W
1898-99 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1898-99 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1897-98 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage. West Newport
1897-98 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1896-97 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1896-97 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1896 Slater dirSmith, Allan, Taybrae cottage, W
1896 Slater dirSmith Robert, Taybrae cottage, W
1895-96 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1895-96 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1894-95 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1894-95 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1893-94 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1893-94 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1893-94 dirSmith, Robert, Taybrae cottage; Hon Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport West-End Club]
1893 Slater dirSmith Mr. Allan, Taybrae Cottage, W N
1893 Slater dirSmith Mr. Robert, Taybrae Cottage, W N
1892-93 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1892-93 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1892-93 dirSmith, Robert, Taybrae cottage; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, [under Newport West-End Club]
1891-92 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1891-92 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1890-91 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1890-91 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1889-90 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1889-90 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1889 Slater dirSmith Miss Mary, Taybrae Cottage, West Newport, Fife
1888-89 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1888-89 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1887-88 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1887-88 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1886-87 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1886-87 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1886 Slater dirSmith Robert, Tay Brae Cottage, W N
1886 Slater dirSmith Allan, Tay Brae Cottage, W N
1885-86 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage. West Newport
1885-86 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1884-85 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1884-85 dirSmith, Robert G. (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1882-83 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cot., W. Newport
1882-83 dirSmith, Robert (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1882 Slater dirSmith Mr. Allan S., Tay Brae Cottage, W N
1880-81 dirSmith, Allan S. (shipyard manager, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, W. Newport
1878-79 dirSmith, Robert (cabinetmaker, Dundee), Taybrae cottage
1878-79 dirSmith, Allan S. (manager, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, West Newport
1878 Slater dirSmith Mr. Allen S., Tay Brae Cottage
1878 Slater dirSmith Mr. Robert, Taybrae
1877 Worrall dirSmith Mr. Robert, Tay Brae Cott
1877 Worrall dirSmith Mr. Allan, Tay Brae Cottage
1877 Worrall dirSmith Miss Mary, Tay Brae Cottage
1876-77 dirSmith, Allan S. (manager, Dundee), Taybrae cottage, Newport
1876-77 dirSmith, Robert, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Taybrae, Newport
1874-75 dirSmith, Allan, Taybrae Cottage
1874-75 dirSmith, Miss Mary, Taybrae Cottage, Newport
1873 Slater dirSmith Mr. Robert, Tay brae Cottage, Newport
1869-70 dirSmith, Andrew (upholsterer, Dundee), Taybrae Cottage, West Newport
1866 Fife dirSmith, A, upholsterer (Dundee), W Newport
1862 Fife dirSmith, A, upholsterer (Dundee), W Newport



Entries in the Registers of Voters

SourceEnrol DateNameOccup.AddressQualificationPropertyatNotes
1900 Female Voters Smith, Miss Mary Taybrae Cottage, West Newport Life-rent Proprietor of House West Newport
1864-1865 Voters 6 September 1862 Smith, Andrew upholsterer, Dundee proprietor house and garden Newport
1862-1863 Voters 6 September 1862 Smith, Andrew upholsterer, Dundee proprietor house and garden Newport
1846-1862 Voters addition Smith, Andrew upholsterer Dundee proprietor house and garden in Newport


Census records

YearAddress Head NotesRooms
1921 Tay Brae Fenton Helen 7
1911 Pierhead, Taybrae Cottage Smith Mary 7
1901 Woodhaven Road Smith Robert 8View household
1891 Tay Brae Smith Mary 7View household
1881 Tay Brae Cottage Smith Mary 7View household
1871 Pier Road Mitchell George 7View household[out of sequence]
1861 Tay Brae Cottage Smith Andrew Watson 6View household
1851 Uninhabited View household



Valuation Roll entries      There are 52 entries

1974-75205500House George D Campbell proprietor 122View details
1973-74205500House George D Campbell proprietor 122View details
1972-73205500House George D Campbell proprietor 122View details
1971-72205500House George D Campbell proprietor 119View details
1969-702055House George D Campbell proprietor 84View details
1968-692055House George D Campbell proprietor 84View details
1967-68731House George D Campbell proprietor 84View details
1966-67731House George D Campbell proprietor 84View details
1964-65731House George D Campbell proprietor 73View details
1961-622207House William S & Helen F W Hayes, 46 Camden Place, Aberdeen proprietor 73View details
1958-59909House & Garden William S & Helen F W Hayes proprietor 38View details
1957-58886House & Garden William S & Helen F W Hayes proprietor 38View details
1952-53860House & Garden William S Hayes proprietor for occupier 45View details
1947-48834House & Garden Robert B Fenton proprietor 16View details
1942-43820House & Garden Helen Fenton proprietor 16View details
1940-41821House & Garden Helen Fenton proprietor 16View details
1937-38832House & Garden Helen Fenton proprietor 16View details
1935-36803House & Garden Helen Fenton proprietor 16View details
1932-33780House & Garden Helen Fenton proprietor 16View details
1930-31778House & Garden Helen Fenton proprietor 16View details
1927-28769House & Garden Helen Fenton proprietor 16View details
1925-26751Taybrae Cottage & Garden Jean R wife of David Scott, stevedore, Highbury, Wormit Helen Fenton same 16View details
1922-23721Taybrae Cottage & Garden Jane R wife of David Scott, stevedore, Highbury, Wormit Mrs Helen Fenton same 14-10-0View details
1920-21699Taybrae Cottage & Garden Jane R wife of David Scott, stevedore, Highbury, Wormit Mrs Helen Fenton same 14-10-0View details
1917-18697Taybrae Cottage & Garden Jane R wife of David Scott, stevedore, Highbury, Wormit Mrs Helen Fenton same 14-10-0View details
1915-16693Taybrae Cottage & Garden Trs of Andrew Smith per Robert Smith, upholsterer Robert Smith 20View details
1912-13928Taybrae Cottage & Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1907-08905Taybrae Cottage & Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1905-06884Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1903-04873Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1901-02685Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1900-01673Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1899-00643Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1897-98594Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1896-97571Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1895-96533Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1894-95491Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1893-94470Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1892-93459Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1891-92446Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1890-91418Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1889-90397Taybrae Cottage and Garden Miss Mary Smith, liferentrix proprietor 20View details
1885-86368House and Garden Miss Mary Smith proprietor 20View details
1881-82262House and Garden Miss Mary Smith Said Miss Smith 20View details
1878-79258House and Garden Miss Mary Smith Said Miss Smith 20View details
1875-76231House and Garden Miss Mary Smith Said Miss Smith 20View details
1871-72211House and Garden Andrew Smith, upholsterer Andrew Smith 14View details
1867-68194House and Garden Andrew Smith, upholsterer, Dundee Said Andrew Smith 14View details
1865-66181House and Garden Andrew Smith, upholsterer, Dundee Said Andrew Smith 12-10-0View details
1864-65171House and Garden Andrew Smith, upholsterer, Dundee Said Andrew Smith 12-10-0View details
1860-61154House and Garden Andrew Smith upholsterer, Dundee Andrew Smith 12-10-0View details
1855-56169House Andrew Smith, upholsterer, Dundee said Andrew Smith 10View details



Railway Map References:

PlanYearRefDescriptionOwner or reputed ownerOccupier[Comments]
RHP34382 (Caledonian)186912Coal house or outhouseAndrew SmithAndrew Smith
RHP34382 (Caledonian)186911Washing house or outhouseAndrew SmithAndrew Smith
RHP34382 (Caledonian)186910Dwelling houseAndrew SmithAndrew Smith
RHP34382 (Caledonian)18699Garden ground, dykes & hedgesAndrew SmithAndrew Smith
RHP85254 (G & D J)184541Dwelling house, outbuildings & gardenAndrew Smith (proprietor), William Berry (superior)Andrew Smith


Dean of Guild Plans:

AddressApplicantArchitectWorksDateNoteOld Ref
Tay-brae, Newport Miss Mary Smith Add lavatory 9 July 1895 DG/N/1/25 1 sheet 

Held at Fife Archives. See index page


Early Sasines:

Sasine Plots:

Plot: 208  view details Newport 7 falls on N side of road leading W from Newport Ferry Pier (Keay, Smith) 16 Boat Brae


Sasine Abridgements:

RefIn BriefAbridgementRecordedPlots
1889.05551change of TrsDeed of assump & convey by Trs dec Andrew Smith upholsterer containing disp to themselves & Trs of 7 falls grnd & dw ho etc t/on on N side of road leading west from Newport Ferry Pier23 Sep 1889208
1889.05528Andrew Watson Smith to Trs Andrew SmithDisp by Andrew Watson Smith cabinet maker Dundee to Trs dec Andrew Smith upholsterer Dundee of 7 falls grnd & dw ho etc t/on on N side of road leading west from Newport Ferry Pier18 Sep 1889208
1873.02145Tayfield to Andrew Watson Smith as heir of Andrew SmithWrit of cl con by John Berry, Tayfield to Andrew Watson Smith cabinet maker Dundee as heir of father Andrew Smith upholsterer there in 7 falls grnd & dw ho t/on on N side of road leading W from Newport Ferry Pier in tenandry of Tayfield9 Apr 1873208
1852.00825Tayfield to George Keay to Andrew Smith & Watson Allan / SmithAndrew Smith & spouse Watson Allan seised fee & liferent 7 falls grnd & dw ho etc t/on on N side of road leading west from Newport Ferry Pier on feu disp by William Berry, Tayfield to George Keay 1836, & disp & assig by him 1841.30 Jan 1852208sasine extract

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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