
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Sasines - Abridgement

RefAbridgementIn BriefRegistered
1865.00073Trs Newport Gas Light Co regist feu disp to themselves by Berry, Tayfield of pce grnd near the Old Pier & harbour of NewportTayfield to Trs Newport Gas Light Co1 Feb 1865
297 East Newport miscellaneous plot locations Map for locations only - not an actual sasine plot. view plot details
301 Newport buildings on High Street gas office; (later 9-11 High St) view plot details


Extract from full sasine:
1 Feb 1865. I, John Berry proprietor of the subjects below dispone to myself, George Just builder, John Turnbull millwright, Alex. Rhind corn merchant, James Bogie Corn merchant, James Brown cabinet maker, Duncan Sidey banker, William Martin writer, & James Petrie coal merchant, all residing Newport, the present Directors of the Newport Gas Light Co … as partners of the said company … all & whole that pce grnd situated near the Old Pier & harbour of Newport bounded as follows - : on E partly by the stance feued to said George Just & presently occupied as a Lock Up or Police Office, partly by the foot road the access leading to the back thereof, & partly by the foot road access & stair between the W boundary wall of the Newport Gas Light Co's premises and the pce grnd hereby disponed; : on N partly by a pce irregular ground, presently part of the site of an old & now ruinous stable (the materials of which are to be valued & paid for by my said disponees, & so far as they occupy said irregular pce ground shall be removed by them) & partly by the road / access to the Old Pier & harbour; : on W by the stance feued to Andrew Young baker; : on S by t/p road Newport - Cupar along which t/p said stance has a frontage of 36' or thereby from said feu of George Just to that of said Andrew Young; and extends at extreme W portion 30' backwards all as shown on plan … the lines ABEOFGDC showing the boundaries … E being the NE corner of the feu of Andrew Young, O a rounded point 12' in a straight line W from 'N' the NW corner of the presently existing shed of the Newport Gas Light Co, point O being 44'6" from the t/p road and 39'6" from E, F being the NW corner of the ground hereby disponed & being situated in a straight line between 'N' & O, the distance from D to G being 9'6", from D to C the NW corner of feu of George Just 5'6", and the distance C to A on t/p road 14'6"; any building shall be rounded off at point O so as to prevent the obstruction which a sharp corner might occasion to harbour traffic … within 5 years to erect a building not more than 1 storey above the t/p road level, & not less than £250 value … may use the lower parts of the building (being the flat or flats below the t/p road and entering from the road to the old pier) for the use, accommodation & extension of the gaswork, including a dwelling house for the manager should it be necessary to provide one for him & a depot or shed for coal & other materials; but the upper flat of said buildings, entering from the t/p road, & the 2nd or middle flat in the event of it not being required for the gas work, they shall be entitled to rent or sell them for shops or dwelling houses or a public hall as they think fit; the wall between said premises & Andrew Young's shall be mutual; no ashes or other material to stand on road to Old Pier or on the irregular piece of land; no inn, brewery, distillery, house to sell spirituous liquors, steam engine, spinning mill etc on the premises … £3 feu duty. RS32/346/129


1865.00073Berry, Tayfield
1865.00073Newport Gas Light Co

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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