
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Sasines - Abridgement

RefAbridgementIn BriefRegistered
1895.00628Disch & deed of restriction by Anne Smith / Mills & Frank J R Mills discharging to the extent of £300 the bond (24 Jul 1894) £700 by William Prophet disburdening absolutely 33 pol 27 yd (the E-most portion ... pt of 345 pol 18 yd ...) & restricting the bond for £400 to the remainder of the landpart of Mills loan repaid; loan removed from plot ID 584 and remains only on plot ID 58316 May 1895
582 Wormit 69 pol 6.5 yd with 2 semi-detached cottages 11-13 Northview Tce view plot details
583 Wormit 35 pol 9.75 yd 11 Northview Tce view plot details
584 Wormit 33 pol 27 yd 13 Northview Tce view plot details


1895.00628Mills, Anne
1895.00628Mills, Frank J R
1895.00628Prophet, William
1895.00628Smith, Anne

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


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