Plot 173: Broadhaugh  (4 West Rd)
This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.
Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.
This plot:
Plot ID | Area | Lot Number | Size | Description | Notes | Properties |
173 | Broadhaugh | (Landale, Holden) | 4 West Rd | |||
Larger plots from which this one is created :
Plot ID | Area | Lot Number | Size | Description | Notes | Properties |
162 | Broadhaugh | whole park or croft |
Properties on this whole plot:
4 West Rd
Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:
Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):
Ref | In Brief | Abridgement | Registered | Plot IDs | |
1872.00935 | Mary M Keiller / Holden & children to Trs | Disp by Mary Martin Keiller / Holden spouse of Richard Gladhill Holden & daughters Mary, Catharine, Louisa & sons Rev Richard & James Keiller Holden to Trs of pce grnd & houses t/on, : S by road Newport - Woodhaven, : N by the sea flood, pt of croft of Broadhaugh with privilege of a well & right & interest in the Brae opposite the property of Arthur Baird as far E & W as his houses & gdn at Salmon Knowes … Aug / Sep 1871 | 12 Jan 1872 | 173 | |
1858.01484 | Richard Holden & Mary M Keiller to James Keiller sen, then to Mary M Keiller & children | Mary Martin Keiller, spouse of Richard Gleadhill Holden, and Richard, Mary, Catherine & Louisa Holden, their children, seised liferent & fee pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of Broadhaugh on disp by said Richard G Holden & Mary M Keiller to James Keiller sen (Dec 1840) & disp & assig by him (Feb 1841) | 19 Mar 1858 | 173 | |
1841.00342 | Richard Holden & Mary M Keiller to James Keiller sen, then to Mary M Keiller & children | Mary Martin Keiller, spouse of Richard Gleadhill Holden, & Richard, Mary, Catherine, Louisa & Jane Holden, their children, seised in liferent & fee pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of Broadhaugh - on disp by said Richard Holden & Mary Martin Keiller to James Keiller sen, 10 Dec 1840, & disp & assig by him, Feb 1841. | 13 Oct 1841 | 173 | |
1835.02374 | Trs Charles Landale to Richard Gleadhill Holden & Mary Martin Keiller | Richard Gleadhill Holden & Mary Martin Keiller, spouse, seised in fee & liferent respectively, pce of ground measuring - falls & houses t/on pt of Broadhaugh - on disp by Trs of late Charles Landale of Woodmuir Cottage, Fife | 20 Nov 1835 | 173 | |
1835.02262 | Helen Landale, Jean Landale, John Beattie & Peter Scott to Trs Charles Landale | Trs Charles Landale seised a pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of land Broadhaugh, pt of lands of Inverdovat - on disp in impl by Commiss for Helen Landale, John Beattie, Jean Landale & Peter Scott | 14 Aug 1835 | 173 | |
1835.02261 | Charles Landale to Helen & Jean Landale, John Beattie & Peter Scott | Helen Landale spouse of John Beattie, & Jean Landale spouse of Peter Scott, as heirs portioners to Charles Landale residing at Woodmuir Cottage their uncle seised a pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of land Broadhaugh, pt of lands of Inverdovat - on pr cl con by William Just, mason residing near Newport, 24 Jul 1835 | 14 Aug 1835 | 173 | |
1828.04270 | Thomas Just to Charles Landale (1809) | Charles Landale, civil engineer, seised pce ground & houses t/on pt of Croft of Broadhaugh on feu disp by Thomas Just, feuar, Justfield, 12 Jun 1809 | 10 Jun 1828 | 173, 162 | sasine extract |
Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon; t/p - turnpike; dw - dwelling; ho - house; pt - part; pce - piece; grnd - ground; bldg - building; Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees; dec - deceased; ... - words omitted; pol - poles; yd - square yards; : - bounded; rd - road; ' - feet; " - inches;
Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages Sasine entries - background information and explanation
Names in Sasines:
1872.00935 | Baird, Arthur |
1835.02262 | Beattie, Helen |
1835.02261 | Beattie, Helen |
1835.02262 | Beattie, John |
1835.02261 | Beattie, John |
1872.00935 | Holden, Catherine |
1858.01484 | Holden, Catherine |
1841.00342 | Holden, Catherine |
1872.00935 | Holden, James Keiller |
1841.00342 | Holden, Jane |
1872.00935 | Holden, Louisa |
1858.01484 | Holden, Louisa |
1841.00342 | Holden, Louisa |
1872.00935 | Holden, Mary |
1858.01484 | Holden, Mary |
1841.00342 | Holden, Mary |
1872.00935 | Holden, Mary Martin |
1858.01484 | Holden, Mary Martin |
1841.00342 | Holden, Mary Martin |
1835.02374 | Holden, Mary Martin |
1872.00935 | Holden, Richard |
1858.01484 | Holden, Richard |
1841.00342 | Holden, Richard |
1872.00935 | Holden, Richard Gladhill |
1858.01484 | Holden, Richard Gleadhill |
1841.00342 | Holden, Richard Gleadhill |
1835.02374 | Holden, Richard Gleadhill |
1828.04270 | Just, Thomas |
1835.02261 | Just, William |
1858.01484 | Keiller, James |
1841.00342 | Keiller, James |
1872.00935 | Keiller, Mary Martin |
1858.01484 | Keiller, Mary Martin |
1841.00342 | Keiller, Mary Martin |
1835.02374 | Keiller, Mary Martin |
1835.02374 | Landale, Charles |
1835.02262 | Landale, Charles |
1835.02261 | Landale, Charles |
1828.04270 | Landale, Charles |
1835.02262 | Landale, Helen |
1835.02261 | Landale, Helen |
1835.02262 | Landale, Jean |
1835.02261 | Landale, Jean |
1835.02262 | Scott, Jean |
1835.02261 | Scott, Jean |
1835.02262 | Scott, Peter |
1835.02261 | Scott, Peter |
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