
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 173:   Broadhaugh    (4 West Rd)

Property Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
173Broadhaugh(Landale, Holden)4 West Rd


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
162Broadhaughwhole park or croft


Properties on this whole plot:

4 West Rd


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

4 West Road   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1872.00935Mary M Keiller / Holden & children to TrsDisp by Mary Martin Keiller / Holden spouse of Richard Gladhill Holden & daughters Mary, Catharine, Louisa & sons Rev Richard & James Keiller Holden to Trs of pce grnd & houses t/on, : S by road Newport - Woodhaven, : N by the sea flood, pt of croft of Broadhaugh with privilege of a well & right & interest in the Brae opposite the property of Arthur Baird as far E & W as his houses & gdn at Salmon Knowes … Aug / Sep 187112 Jan 1872173
1858.01484Richard Holden & Mary M Keiller to James Keiller sen, then to Mary M Keiller & childrenMary Martin Keiller, spouse of Richard Gleadhill Holden, and Richard, Mary, Catherine & Louisa Holden, their children, seised liferent & fee pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of Broadhaugh on disp by said Richard G Holden & Mary M Keiller to James Keiller sen (Dec 1840) & disp & assig by him (Feb 1841)19 Mar 1858173
1841.00342Richard Holden & Mary M Keiller to James Keiller sen, then to Mary M Keiller & childrenMary Martin Keiller, spouse of Richard Gleadhill Holden, & Richard, Mary, Catherine, Louisa & Jane Holden, their children, seised in liferent & fee pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of Broadhaugh - on disp by said Richard Holden & Mary Martin Keiller to James Keiller sen, 10 Dec 1840, & disp & assig by him, Feb 1841.13 Oct 1841173
1835.02374Trs Charles Landale to Richard Gleadhill Holden & Mary Martin KeillerRichard Gleadhill Holden & Mary Martin Keiller, spouse, seised in fee & liferent respectively, pce of ground measuring - falls & houses t/on pt of Broadhaugh - on disp by Trs of late Charles Landale of Woodmuir Cottage, Fife20 Nov 1835173
1835.02262Helen Landale, Jean Landale, John Beattie & Peter Scott to Trs Charles LandaleTrs Charles Landale seised a pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of land Broadhaugh, pt of lands of Inverdovat - on disp in impl by Commiss for Helen Landale, John Beattie, Jean Landale & Peter Scott14 Aug 1835173
1835.02261Charles Landale to Helen & Jean Landale, John Beattie & Peter ScottHelen Landale spouse of John Beattie, & Jean Landale spouse of Peter Scott, as heirs portioners to Charles Landale residing at Woodmuir Cottage their uncle seised a pce grnd & houses t/on pt of croft of land Broadhaugh, pt of lands of Inverdovat - on pr cl con by William Just, mason residing near Newport, 24 Jul 183514 Aug 1835173
1828.04270Thomas Just to Charles Landale (1809)Charles Landale, civil engineer, seised pce ground & houses t/on pt of Croft of Broadhaugh on feu disp by Thomas Just, feuar, Justfield, 12 Jun 180910 Jun 1828173, 162sasine extract

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1872.00935Baird, Arthur
1835.02262Beattie, Helen
1835.02261Beattie, Helen
1835.02262Beattie, John
1835.02261Beattie, John
1872.00935Holden, Catherine
1858.01484Holden, Catherine
1841.00342Holden, Catherine
1872.00935Holden, James Keiller
1841.00342Holden, Jane
1872.00935Holden, Louisa
1858.01484Holden, Louisa
1841.00342Holden, Louisa
1872.00935Holden, Mary
1858.01484Holden, Mary
1841.00342Holden, Mary
1872.00935Holden, Mary Martin
1858.01484Holden, Mary Martin
1841.00342Holden, Mary Martin
1835.02374Holden, Mary Martin
1872.00935Holden, Richard
1858.01484Holden, Richard
1841.00342Holden, Richard
1872.00935Holden, Richard Gladhill
1858.01484Holden, Richard Gleadhill
1841.00342Holden, Richard Gleadhill
1835.02374Holden, Richard Gleadhill
1828.04270Just, Thomas
1835.02261Just, William
1858.01484Keiller, James
1841.00342Keiller, James
1872.00935Keiller, Mary Martin
1858.01484Keiller, Mary Martin
1841.00342Keiller, Mary Martin
1835.02374Keiller, Mary Martin
1835.02374Landale, Charles
1835.02262Landale, Charles
1835.02261Landale, Charles
1828.04270Landale, Charles
1835.02262Landale, Helen
1835.02261Landale, Helen
1835.02262Landale, Jean
1835.02261Landale, Jean
1835.02262Scott, Jean
1835.02261Scott, Jean
1835.02262Scott, Peter
1835.02261Scott, Peter


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