
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 265:   Broadhaugh  -  Middle of 5 front lots    (Harris Land)

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
265BroadhaughMiddle of 5 front lotspart of garden(William Harris)Harris Land
The area marked purple was included in the sasines for Fig Tree & Harris Land (from 1807), but also in the first sasine for the plot [ID 377] to the NW (1825/7).


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
181BroadhaughFig Tree / Harris Land2 houses with garden behind & on west side(A Baird / Ann Just)Fig Tree / Graham Place / Harris Land


Properties on this whole plot:

Harris Land


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

8a, West Road   8b, West Road   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1883.03630real burdens due to Christina Baird / Harris & John Harris paid offDisch. by Christian Baird / Harris, widow of John Harris, disburd.
(1) real burden of £25 (27 Oct 1868) to them by Alexander Harris over lot of ground on N of t/p to Woodhaven, the W-most of 5 lots;
(2) real burden of £50 (13 Apr 1868) to them by Elizabeth Colville / Harris, wife of Thomas Harris, over 31' frontage lot of grnd on N of public road, : N by the river, & dw ho, shop, wash house & gable wall, … rights of entry …;
(3) real burden of £25 (23 Dec 1868) to them by William Harris over … middle of 5 lots …;
(4) real burden of £25 (16 Mar 1874, originally dated 18 Apr 1868) to them by Jane Harris over subjects now belonging to Robert Haarris, Sydney, New South Wales over the 2nd lot from the E of 5 lots ;
(5) real burden of £25 (18 Apr 1868) to them by George Harris, now deceased, & writ in favour of his brother James (6 May 1874) over E-most of 5 lots …
which 5 lots form the garden ground of Broadheughs …
26 Oct 1883267, 266, 265, 264, 263, 181
1882.01968both Jannet Martin / Calman loans transferred to Trs for children of John ThomsonAssig by Trs Jannet Martin / Calman relict of David Calman, shipbuilder Dundee, consent of William Harris, mason Newport, and another, to Trs of children of deceased John Thomson, spirit dealer, King Street, Dundee, of (1) bond (14 Jan 1869) £150 by William Harris and another to David Low Mitchell and (2) bond (25 Apr 1874) £50 by William Harris to Andrew Watt Cumming over lot of ground & houses t/on … the middle of 5 front lots, pt of garden ground of Broadheughs30 May 1882265
1875.04696Andrew Watt Cumming loan transferred to Trs. Jannet Martin / CalmanAssig by Andrew Watt Cumming to Trs Jannet Martin / Calman of bond (Apr 1874) for £50 by William Harris over of lot of grnd & houses t/on on N of road to Woodhaven, the middle of 5 front lots of garden ground of Broadhaugh … (see 1874.03208) …7 Jul 1875265
1875.04695David Mitchell Low loan transferred to Trs. Jannet Martin / CalmanAssig by Trs David Low Mitchell to Trs Jannet Martin / Calman of bond 14 Jan 1869 for £150 by William Harris to David Low Mitchell over lot of ground & houses, the middle of 5 front lots of ground, pt of Broadhaugh … (see 1875.04351) …7 Jul 1875265
1875.04371David Low Mitchell loan transferred to TrsNot Instr Trs David Low Mitchell of bond (14 Jan 1869) for £150 by William Harris over lot of ground & houses, the middle of 5 front lots of ground, pt of Broadhaugh … (see 1875.04351) …6 May 1875265
1874.03208loan by Andrew Watt Cumming to William HarrisBond £50 & disp security by William Harris, mason, Newport, to Andrew Watt Cumming, solicitor Dundee, of lot of grnd & houses t/on on N of road to Woodhaven, the middle of 5 front lots of garden ground of Broadhaugh25 Apr 1874265
1869.00013loan by David Low Mitchell to William Harris & Arthur HarrisBond £150 & disp by William Harris & Arthur Harris to David Low Mitchell of ground & houses on N of public road Woodhaven - Newport, the middle of 5 front lots into which the subjects (part of garden ground at Broadhaughs) are divided & right to a well at the back for drawing water14 Jan 1869265
1868.03466Christina Baird & John Harris to William HarrisWilliam Harris, mason, registers disp to himself by Christina Baird & John Harris, mason, her spouse, of lot of grnd on N side of road from Newport - Woodhaven, part of garden ground at Broadhaughs under burden of £25, the purchase price23 Dec 1868181, 265sasine extract

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1883.03630Baird, Christina
1868.03466Baird, Christina
1882.01968Calman, David
1875.04696Calman, Janet
1875.04695Calman, Janet
1882.01968Calman, Jannet
1883.03630Colvile, Elizabeth
1882.01968Cumming, Andrew Watt
1875.04696Cumming, Andrew Watt
1874.03208Cumming, Andrew Watt
1883.03630Harris, Alexander
1869.00013Harris, Arthur
1883.03630Harris, Christina
1868.03466Harris, Christina
1883.03630Harris, Elizabeth
1883.03630Harris, George
1883.03630Harris, James
1883.03630Harris, Jane
1883.03630Harris, John
1868.03466Harris, John
1883.03630Harris, Robert
1883.03630Harris, Thomas
1883.03630Harris, William
1882.01968Harris, William
1875.04696Harris, William
1875.04695Harris, William
1875.04371Harris, William
1874.03208Harris, William
1869.00013Harris, William
1868.03466Harris, William
1875.04696Martin, Janet
1875.04695Martin, Janet
1882.01968Martin, Jannet
1882.01968Mitchell, David Low
1875.04695Mitchell, David Low
1875.04371Mitchell, David Low
1869.00013Mitchell, David Low
1882.01968Thomson, John


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