
The Newport, Wormit & Forgan Archive

Plot 321:   Kilnburn Field  -  52.67 pol    (10 Cupar Rd)

Street View Image

This map is an indication of the plot location and size only, and should be used with caution.

Red shading is the plot concerned; yellow indicates a sub-plot created from this one - click the marker to follow the link; green indicates a plot added to this one, or a smaller plot contained within it; blue indicates a plot whose location and/or dimensions are uncertain.


This plot:

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
321Kilnburn Field52.67 polin SE [actually NE] corner of field(Brown, Dr Stewart)10 Cupar Rd


Larger plots from which this one is created :   

Plot IDAreaLot NumberSizeDescriptionNotesProperties
253Kilnburn Fieldwhole fieldCupar Rd, Kilnburn, Blyth St, Scott St


Properties on this whole plot:

10 Cupar Rd


Properties remaining on this plot outwith any sub-plots:

10 Cupar Road   


Sasine Abridgements (in reverse order):

RefIn BriefAbridgementRegisteredPlot IDs
1874.03252Kay / Campbell loan repaidDisch by Margaret Kay / Campbell, East Newport, consent of her husband Alexander Campbell merchant Dundee disburdening bond (& Nov 1870) £800 by John Stewart surgeon Newport over 52.67 pol grnd & dw ho etc t/on, : E & S by t/p Cupar - Newport being pt & in SE corner of field called Kilnburn field E of Tayfield Mansion House Park16 May 1874321
1870.00756loan by Margaret Kay / CampbellBond £800 & disp security by John Stewart surgeon Newport to Margaret Kay / Campbell of 52.67 pol grnd & bldgs t/on, : E & S by t/p Cupar - Newport being pt & in SE corner of field called Kilnburn field E of Tayfield Mansion House Park7 Nov 1870321
1870.00755James Brown to John Stewart; Tayfield to John StewartDisp containing clause of Resig by James Brown to John Stewart surgeon Newport of 52.67 pol grnd & bldgs t/on, : E & S by t/p Cupar - Newport being pt & in SE corner of field called Kilnburn field E of Tayfield Mansion House Park; & writ of resig by John Berry in favour of said John Stewart7 Nov 1870321
1870.00754Alexander Low loan repaidDisch by Alexander Low disburdening bond (16 May 1870) £1100 by James Brown of 52.67 pol grnd & bldgs t/on, : E & S by t/p Cupar - Newport being pt & in SE corner of field called Kilnburn field E of Tayfield Mansion House Park7 Nov 1870321
1870.00299loan by Alexander LowBond £1100 & disp security by James Brown to Alexander Low of 52.67 pol grnd & bldgs t/on, : E & S by t/p Cupar - Newport being pt & in SE corner of field called Kilnburn field E of Tayfield Mansion House Park16 May 1870321
1870.00259Tayfield to James BrownFeu ch by John Berry, Tayfield to James Brown builder Newport of 52.67 pol grnd, : E & S by t/p Cupar - Newport being pt & in SE corner of field called Kilnburn field E of Tayfield Mansion House Park30 Apr 1870253, 321

Abbreviations in the notes
t/on - thereon;   t/p - turnpike;   dw - dwelling;   ho - house;   pt - part;   pce - piece;   grnd - ground;   bldg - building;   Tr/Trs - Trustee/Trustees;   dec - deceased;   ... - words omitted;   pol - poles;   yd - square yards;   : - bounded;   rd - road;   ' - feet;   " - inches;

Basic Types of Sasine Abridgements     Worked example explaining the sasine transactions on the property pages     Sasine entries - background information and explanation


Names in Sasines:

1870.00259Berry, Tayfield
1870.00755Brown, James
1870.00754Brown, James
1870.00299Brown, James
1870.00259Brown, James
1874.03252Campbell, Alexander
1874.03252Campbell, Margaret
1870.00756Campbell, Margaret
1874.03252Kay, Margaret
1870.00756Kay, Margaret
1870.00754Low, Alexander
1870.00299Low, Alexander
1874.03252Stewart, John
1870.00756Stewart, John
1870.00755Stewart, John


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